Lancelot's face changed greatly!

This beast hit him, although it was just a casual blow that was not even a master-level power, but was he still alive?

The point is, the scales are not broken?

Doesn't that mean that the defensive power of this thing is almost comparable to that of a grandmaster?

The others obviously thought of this too, and their expressions all changed.

But at this moment, the beast took two steps back, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground again, the breath completely disappeared.

Lancelot heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that this thing is just scaly strong, other than that, there is nothing surprising.

Arthur's expression softened slightly, and he could see the whole leopard at a glance. On earth, the territory of a South China tiger is generally about 100 square kilometers, and everyone has walked out of the place where Kai found the beast's territory. km, but has not yet reached the hunting edge of this beast, which means that his hunting range is larger than that of the South China tiger.

In other words, with such a large territory, this animal is likely to be the world's top hunter.

And if this idea is true, then the world is actually not as dangerous as previously imagined.

He was about to tell everyone to continue on their way, but suddenly he saw Jiang Fan squatting beside the beast, as if he was researching whether this thing could be eaten.

Arthur frowned:

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing? Hurry up!"

Jiang Fan did not lift his head:

"I'll do my research first."

"What's so good about this thing?"

"Of course there are research uses, such as..."

Jiang Fan turned his head to look at Arthur, and suddenly laughed, pointing to the crotch of the beast:

"This thing is a pup."

Jiang Fan's voice just fell, and Arthur's face suddenly froze!

What a joke!

A monster whose defense is comparable to that of a grandmaster, turned out to be a cub?

Merlin arrived at Jiang Fan's side almost instantly, and then looked directly at the beast.

The next moment, he was also stunned.

The gender of the monster is obvious, but the thing is obviously not fully developed. Jiang Fan is right, this is just a cub!

The key is that the scales of a cub have the defense power of a grandmaster, and the strength of an adult body...

His thought had just arisen, but Jiang Fan dropped another heavy bomb:

"It's very likely that this thing is gregarious."

"What did you say?!"

Merlin's face changed:

"How did you know?"

Jiang Fan laughed:


Of course, I didn't guess. In order to explore this place, the Druid suffered heavy losses.

This kind of beast is called a walled beast by the druids. Its adult combat power is almost no longer below that of an ordinary master, and its scales are more than enough to resist the bombardment of a master below the sixteenth level. It can only be killed by skillful strength.

And their tails are extremely poisonous. Even if a little bit of venom gets on their skin, they will be paralyzed under the action of neurotoxins!

The key is that this walled beast is a gregarious creature, and the number of a group is often not less than fifteen!

Since the Druids introduced King Arthur here, they naturally believed that the creatures here were enough to threaten King Arthur, so this kind of walled beast was just an appetizer!

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Fan has not started.

With those two mercenary teams, there are always times when they are not well taken care of, and now they still need the strength of the Arthur family.

And another reason is that the sword in the stone can only be induced to find the other half in the hands of Arthur!

When Arthur finds the sword in the stone, that's the best time to do it!

Of course Merlin didn't believe Jiang Fan was guessing, but now was not the time to ask questions.

No matter how terrifying this beast is, powerhouses above level nineteen like them are not afraid, but the Arthur family still has a large number of subordinates to follow.

These people are not very strong, but many of them are experts in ancient writing and archaeology. Compared with ordinary strong people, these people are more valuable!

Merlin made an immediate decision:

"Let's go now! All those above level 10, take your companions and go quickly!"

In his screams, the speed of everyone obviously skyrocketed!

Among them, the fastest rushing was a group of mercenaries led by Jiang Fan!

These guys are among the two mercenary groups, the elite of the elite, all of them are above the tenth level, and there is no burden, the one who runs is called a fast!

And the Arthur family dragged their family and their mouths, and gradually fell behind!

Merlin was not surprised by the reactions of the two mercenary groups.

As long as they are not stupid, they should all know that once the sword in the stone is found, these guys are likely to be silenced.

So it's normal for them to be in a group with Jiang Fan.

But if you want to run, how can it be that simple?

Merlin's eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly he took out his staff!

However, before he could do anything, Jiang Fan at the front suddenly screamed, turned his head and ran to the side!

A group of mercenaries also followed suit, and they all jumped like rabbits!

Arthur was still in a daze when he heard a deafening roar in the jungle ahead!


This roar was like thunder, and at the moment when the roar just fell, the dense forest in front shook for a while, and then, a full five walled beasts, which were a circle bigger than the Siberian tiger, rushed out!


Arthur couldn't help but scolded, and the sword in the stone in his hand suddenly slashed!


The hard wall beast at the front was immediately smashed by the blast of fighting qi blast!

However, the other four dashed forward without fear of death!

At the same time, the woods behind the team shook for a while, and three walled beasts rushed out!

Gaheris stayed behind the team, and when he saw these walled beasts rushing out, he smiled grimly, and the chain hammer in his hand suddenly slammed out!


With a sound of explosion, these three walled beasts were directly blasted into scum!

However, one of them sprayed a large amount of venom from the tail before dying.

Gaharis waved the venom to fly, but there was still a little bit of venom, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, and fell on the back of a subordinate of the Arthur family behind.

Almost in an instant, the subordinate was stiff and fell to the ground.

A subordinate who should be a medical officer walked over quickly, checked it a little, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief:

"It's just a strong paralyzing toxin, it won't endanger life, but in a short time, I'm afraid it will have to be carried by people."

And Arthur and others in the front also finished the battle.

This battle came suddenly, and it came and went quickly, but the battle was clearly over, but Jiang Fan still led a group of mercenaries to the side, and each of them even locked the breath of the whole body!

Arthur looked at Jiang Fan's appearance, and suddenly felt a sense of revenge, he sneered:

"Jiang Fan, you are too timid, don't you feel ashamed of your ancestors by being so timid as a mouse?"


Return the original words!

So cool!

Jiang Fan smiled, his hands beside his mouth, and his voice was lower than a mosquito:

"You~ you're wrong~ I'm not hiding from this!"

Arthur was stunned for a moment, and the next moment!


The trees on Arthur's side burst into pieces, and then!


In the roar of the beast, a strange beetle, which was bigger than an Asian elephant, and whose carapace was covered with patterns, suddenly came out!

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