Unlike the beetles on the earth, under this thing, there are actually eight thick thighs covered with pitch-black carapace!

And its abdomen is the same as its back, with a hard carapace. The overall shape is like a spaceship with legs, and it even looks a little cute.

Just seeing its huge and hideous head, everyone felt a chill in their hearts!

The head of this thing is the size of an eight-seater dining table in a hotel, with eight compound eyes that protrude side by side, and on both sides of the compound eyes, there are dense holes that are enough to be disgusting and densely phobic!

Below is the beetle's mouth. The upper and outer sides of the mouth are two large jaws that look like giant scythes, and in the middle are sharp teeth that are even more terrifying than the walled beast!

The name of this thing is also very simple, the giant beetle.

For this thing, the speed is a flaw, so every time the walled beasts come out to hunt, the giant beetles will follow them to beat the autumn wind.

That is to say, once the walled beast has got its prey, it will come up to grab it!

And the horror of this thing can be imagined when it dares to grab the sturdy wall beasts in groups!

However, Arthur had just killed a few walled beasts, and now was the time of his murderousness. Seeing the beetle rush out, he immediately sneered and slashed out with a backhand sword!


The sword light and the carapace intersected, and a loud sound of gold and iron mingled suddenly burst out!

Arthur's casual sword failed to injure the giant beetle in the slightest!

But the giant beetle seemed to be provoked, and suddenly roared, and then, it stood up unexpectedly, and then smashed to the ground with the two huge legs in front of it!

Just when the giant beetle's legs were still in the air, everyone including Merlin was full of disdain.

But the moment the giant beetle's legs hit the ground, everyone's expressions changed!

At that moment, the position where the giant beetle was in contact with the ground actually bloomed with a large khaki luster!

That's actually a reaction of energy!


Galahad's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly blasted out with a grudge!

But after all, it was half a beat too late!


Two loud bangs sounded almost at the same time!

The giant beetle suddenly burst into pieces.

However, the entire ground nearby was also pulled by its energy and burst into pieces!

The two subordinates who were closer to Arthur, but whose strength was not very strong, screamed miserably, and were torn to pieces by the energy bursting from the ground!

And this energy is still spreading farther away!


Galahad suddenly growled!

next moment!


The ripples flashed, and the power drawn by the scarab was actually wiped out by Galahad in an instant!

After doing all this, Galahad didn't give up, he took a deep breath, and then suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly shot a golden grudge to the sky!

As soon as this Dou Qi flew into the sky, it suddenly exploded into countless tiny needles of light. The needles of light were densely packed, like raindrops, and instantly ploughed all of them within a radius of dozens of miles!

Any creature that emits aura will be smashed into pieces by the light needle. For a time, within this area, it has become a dead place!

After doing all this, Galahad gave Jiang Fan a cold look.

Jiang Fan is very clear that Galahad's shot this time is not only to clear the surrounding threats, but also to deter him.

Shocking yourself, shocking mercenaries, and even shocking the world, those eyes are always like a shadow!


After the blow, although others didn't feel it, Jiang Fan could clearly feel that the vitality of Galahad had lost a little bit.

A master like him was originally included in the Leaf of Kabbalah because his lifespan was about to expire, and used it as the trump card of the Arthur family. It even used the power of the domain!

To know that in his current state, using the realm is burning life!

It seemed that the longer they entered this world, the more disturbed even Galahad and the others became.

Jiang Fan faced Galahad with a respectful smile.

Although two subordinates were killed just now, Galahad's shot made everyone angry, and Galahad took the lead next time, so the speed of the team's march has increased a lot again.

Merlin suddenly came to Arthur's side:

"My king, you saw it just now, this guy Jiang Fan..."

Arthur's face was gloomy, but he still said coldly:

"Can't kill! The sword in the stone is about to become one, I must not let him die in the hands of others!"

Merlin sighed helplessly.

I don't know if Galahad's shock and deterrence played a role, and there was no danger along the way. After half an hour, everyone suddenly heard the sound of running water.

After another four or five miles, the sound of the water was deafening.

As Galahad smashed through the jungle in front of him with one punch, finally, a turbulent river that was extremely wide and rushing suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

The river - if it could be called a river at all - is huge!

Its width has exceeded a dozen kilometers, the water is surging, and it is completely empty. The rocks on both sides of the river are washed by the water, showing a smooth luster that is only polished by a machine.

The key is that the color of the river is actually a strange light blue, and under the slightly turbid water surface, you can vaguely see a few shadows passing by leisurely!

Galahad's brows furrowed tightly.

In the theory of breath induction, there is a saying that as long as the creature has energy, it can be measured by induction, so as to estimate the strength of the other party.

In reality, this is also a common method for all practitioners.

But this world is different, they can't accurately sense the strength of the creatures in this world, which is also the reason why the whole group seems to be passive from beginning to end.

However, Jiang Fan happened to know the reason why he couldn't sense it.

This was the case when the Eternal God was killed in Goryeo before.

In fact, at the beginning, Jiang Fan did not feel the exact strength of the Eternal God, but just instinctively felt that the Eternal God was not at all threatening.

He was also a little strange at the time, until the eternal **** brought up the landmark theory.

When a creature of a complete world comes to another complete world, it needs the landmark of that world. If there is no landmark and it wants to come forcibly, then it must be rejected by the whole world, and even in the end, it will be rejected by that world. The power of a whole world is crushed alive!

The landmark, also known as the Kaitian Stone, may or may not be a real object.

The previous glacier may be a form of existence of Kaitian Stone.

This is also the reason why Jiang Fan and others were able to enter this world calmly.

However, although it is not rejected by the power of the world, it takes time to establish a relationship with this world.

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