Among the crew!

Jiang Fan's scene was just finished filming, and he was sitting on a rock, staring at the bamboo forest in the distance!

Su Lingyu suddenly came over!

"Mr. Water, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing! Are you going to start filming?"

"No, I have to wait a while!"

Su Lingyu hesitated, and suddenly sat down beside Jiang Fan!

The stone was not big. After Su Lingyu sat down, even a needle could not be inserted between the two!

Moreover, not only that, Su Lingyu actually got closer and closer!

A very good smell of sweet fragrance continued to penetrate Jiang Fan's nostrils!

What's more terrible is that Su Lingyu actually put her small mouth close to Jiang Fan's ear, and for a moment, half of Jiang Fan's body was numb!

"Well, Miss Su, I, I think, we can start with being friends first, the progress is too fast, I'm a little bit, I can't accept it!"

On Jiang Fan's forehead, sweat came out!

Su Lingyu gave Jiang Fan a fierce look! Suddenly, his eyes were full of aggressiveness!

"Don't make trouble! Actually, you are Jiang Fan, right?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

Then, reacted instantly!

So smart Su Lingyu!

"Thousands of wise men, I actually forgot the ornament on Xiao Ru's neck!"

The ornament on Yun Xiaoru's neck, but it was given by Su Lingyu!

And she did it herself! There are only ten in the world!

With Su Lingyu's cleverness, he casually put a few words on Yun Xiaoru, naturally, it is not difficult to guess Jiang Fan's identity!

Damn it!

Isn't there a silly woman beside her?

How come they are all such ruthless characters?

"Miss Su is so smart!"

Jiang Fan stared at Su Lingyu for a long time, and suddenly smiled!

Unexpectedly, not retreating but advancing, and Su Lingyu, the tip of the nose is almost aligned with the tip of the nose!

"You, what are you going to do?"

Su Lingyu suddenly panicked!

The whole body is stiff!

Is it, Jiang Fan, want to confess to me?

This, this is too hasty, right? If you agree too easily, will it appear that I am too unreserved?

"Miss Su, can you keep me secret?"

Su Lingyu felt disappointed!

"Confidentiality is fine! But you have to promise me one thing!"

"Yes! But first say yes, I have no money!"

"You bastard!"

Su Lingyu gritted his teeth!

"I'm not short of money!"

"Then tell it!"

"I haven't thought about it right now, but you can definitely do it!"



"Miss! What are you doing?"

Yu Rui's horrified cry suddenly sounded!

In an instant, everyone in the crew watched it!


"Madam, it's too exaggerated, right?"

"Su Lingyu and Takeaway Star, are they together?"

"Nima! That idiot Yu Rui! What's your name! I'm going to kiss it!"


The whole crew, a piece of jokes!

Su Lingyu was even more embarrassed, her neck was red!

Yu Rui glared with embarrassment!

Then, looking at Jiang Fan bitterly!

"Remember! You promised me!"

It's okay if she doesn't say this! As soon as I said it, the whole crew was quiet!


What did you promise?

Could it be that Su Lingyu is now showing the true qualities of a shrew and is not allowed to hook up with takeaway stars?

In almost ten seconds, all people’s minds instantly made up more than a hundred thousand words of dog-blood romance dramas!

"Ahem! Uh, filming! Filming! Miss Su, Mr. Jiang, I have to trouble you to reapply your makeup!"

Zhang Wentao finally shot in time!

"Bamboo Forest, the third act..."

This is the last scene of Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu's cooperation in Qi Yunshan!

The main story is that Chang Jin is about to face the three great masters of foreign races, and with the company of Hongling, he returns to the bamboo forest to cultivate his heart. The two are here to kiss!

That's right!

This scene is a kiss scene!


The setting sun!

Quiet in the bamboo forest!

In front of the hut, Jiang Fan sat quietly on a piece of bluestone, looking far away!

Suddenly, behind him, a gentle footstep sounded!

"Grandmaster, the decisive battle is coming tomorrow, Hongling has something to say to you!"

Jiang Fan turned his head slowly!

At this moment, Su Lingyu was wearing a suit of long-sleeved and fringed women's clothing.

Cooperate with her shy and shy look at the moment, really, all over the country!

"Grandmaster, what are you looking at?"

"The wild has vines, and there is no dew and beauty! There is a beautiful person, clear and graceful! Encounter, meet my wish! Wild, there is vine, linger and clear! There is a beautiful person, graceful as clear and young! Encounter, and child Come on!"

Jiang Fan stood up slowly, and directly recited a passage from the Book of Songs!

"Director Zhang, this word is wrong!"

Screenwriter, look dumbfounded!

"You know what a fart! You deserve to be a master! This word is good!"

Zhang Wentao looked excited!

As expected of Mr. Jiang! This kind of acting is super-skilled, with a face value hanging on three streets, and a talented actor, throughout China, there is no second one!

And Su Lingyu only felt that his heart was beating!

This is one of the poems, courtship poems!

"Grandmaster, Hongling has a set of Puliu, how honored it is to be praised by the master! I only wish the master..."


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Tomorrow, I will drink blood from my sword, and I will return to the mountains and forests with me?"


Su Lingyu, involuntarily walked towards Jiang Fan!

In a daze, she actually clung to Jiang Fan's chest!

Look at Jiang Fan with affection!

"The mountains have no edges, the rivers are exhausted, the thunderstorms in winter, the rain and snow in summer!"

Another love poem!

The editor broke down!

"Director Zhang! There is no such phrase!"

"Shut up! That's a good word! It's a great addition!"

Blue veins burst out on Zhang Wentao's excited neck!


This is simply the golden girl of the showbiz!

Su Lingyu slowly stretched out his hand, unexpectedly, took off Jiang Fan's mask!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

And Su Lingyu is already obsessed!

It really is him! so hot!

I have never seen such a perfect man who combines handsome and masculine!

Almost, involuntarily, Su Lingyu, with his toes lightly and deeply, kissed Jiang Fan!

Everyone was shocked!

its not right!

Shouldn’t this paragraph be borrowed?

Why, really kissed?

"Director Zhang..."

"I know there is no paragraph!"

"No, I mean, it's perfect!"

The screenwriter was shocked!

So beautiful!

In the sunset, this kiss is destined to become a classic!

Unfortunately, Su Lingyu didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The angle of the mask in his hand happened to block everyone's sight!

After a long time, the two finally separated!


Zhang Wentao finally reluctantly called to stop!

Su Lingyu looked shy!

Jiang Fan immediately put on the mask again!

"Perfect! It's perfect!"

Zhang Wentao waved his arms excitedly!

Not much! This scene is enough for him to return to the pinnacle of a world-class director!

All the crew members are even more excited!

Kiss scene, real kiss scene!

This is the first kiss on Su Lingyu's screen!

Moreover, Su Lingyu obviously took the initiative!

Could it be that the true appearance of the takeaway star, even Su Lingyu, could not resist?

"Hua Xia Bao? Shocking!"

"I want to break the news! Takeaway Star and Su Lingyu definitely have a relationship!"

"Editor-in-chief Wang? Su Lingyu kissed the takeaway star!"

"Su Lingyu's first screen kiss! I have photos!"

Only Yu Rui has a dull look!

Ruined! Miss, I absolutely fell in love with that bastard!

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