God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 239: Dare to seduce my horse

With the finale of this scene, the entire crew fell into a carnival!

The next scene is near an ancient city wall on the outskirts of Los Angeles!

That is also the last scene of Jiang Fan in "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!

"Mr. Jiang, the crew has dinner tonight, will you come too?"

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

She hasn't recovered from the kiss scene just now!

hate! Just now, how come I was so obsessed?

Does he feel that I am too frivolous?

"Don't go, my identity is not very convenient!"

"That, that's good..."

Su Lingyu's heart was lost for a while!

"Miss Su, see you next week!"


Saying goodbye to a group of crew members, Jiang Fan immediately returned to the city!

At this moment, the First People's Hospital of Los Angeles!

In the morgue, the lights are dim!

Suddenly, the door was gently pushed open!

A blond Gith, wearing a mask, walked in slowly!


Keith opened a freezer, and then pulled out a corpse!

This corpse is exactly, Zhao Qing!

"Break off all limbs, bleeding and die!"

"What a sharp weapon! So fast!"

A gleam of shock flashed in Guice's eyes!

"It seems that before the Jackal died, he did meet a remarkable person!"

"Could it be that the little policeman named Wang Xinxin?"

Gith hesitated for a moment, and finally closed the freezer again!

"It's a pity that the dead body of a poisonous snake cannot be located at all. It's really strange!"

"Forget it! Go and test the little policewoman first! As for the target character, hum! Level 3 goods, let me deal with it! It's hilarious!"


"Ding Ding Ding!"

As soon as he arrived in the city, Jiang Fan's cell phone rang!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan!"

"Xinxin? Is something wrong?"

It was actually from Wang Xinxin!

"Then, that, there is a commendation meeting today, I, I was raised, I want to treat you to dinner!"

Wang Xinxin's voice was both excited and a bit nervous!

After all, this is hers, the second date!

"This is a good thing! I invite you!"

Jiang Fan agreed very happy!


"How about going to the'Fatty BBQ' on Haihe Road?"

"Okay, okay! I'll pass now!"

"Okay, you order first, I have an order here, I'll go when you send it out!"


Hanging up, Wang Xinxin immediately went straight to Haihe Road!

In less than twenty minutes, rushed to the place!

Finding an empty seat to sit down, Wang Xinxin immediately waited with a happy expression on her face!

At this moment!

At the door, a few exclamations suddenly sounded!

I saw a handsome blond white guy, striding into the hotel!

"Oh my God! So handsome!"

"It's as dazzling as the sun!"

"Is it a star? Is it a model?"

A group of girls, their saliva is almost flowing down!

Guise looked smug!

Simply, took a girl's hand and kissed it!

The girl's face flushed with excitement, watching Guice affectionately!

Humph! A group of superficial Chinese women!

In Guise's heart, he disdainfully smiled!

However, when he saw Wang Xinxin, Ji Si immediately brightened his eyes!

He let go of the girl and walked over!

"Miss, is there a seat next to you?"

Wang Xinxin looked up and saw that he was a handsome blond guy!

However, handsome is handsome, but compared with Jiang Fan, it's simply too damn!


Wang Xinxin agreed without annoyance!

Is this white man a fool? When have you seen a barbecue and a table with strangers?

Guise was stunned!

Is this woman a lesbian? Otherwise, how can you ignore your own looks so much!

Do not! It must be that the restraint of a Chinese woman is at odds with it!

I am in Europe, but I can take those women to bed with just a look!

"Miss, you are so beautiful, why don't you make friends?"


"Hehe, don't be so shy! Don't worry, I am not malicious!"

Wang Xinxin took a deep breath and suddenly grinned!

"Mr., pick up girls and go to the bar! Pretend to be a gentleman in the grill shop, are you thinking about it?"

"Miss, what are you talking about, but I..."


"You, what did you say?"

Guice is dumbfounded!

"Are you deaf? I'll let you go!"

Wang Xinxin was furious!

I was dreaming about how to hook up Jiang Fan for a while! This idiot is babbling endlessly!

Had it not been for fear that Jiang Fan would come in suddenly, he would have picked up the wine bottle and smashed this idiot!

Guice looked incredible!

Damn it!

This woman, why, is so ignorant!

Didn't she see her prosperous beauty?

Forget it, just try her skills!

A cold light flashed in Guice's eyes! Yes, take it!

At this moment!

An exclamation suddenly came from the door!

"My God! So handsome!"

"A real handsome guy!"

"So charming!"

"Compared with him, the white man just now was as ugly as a gorilla!"

"The most important thing is, so manly!"

Even Wang Xinxin was surprised and hurriedly stood up and waved!

"Jiang Fan! Here!"

Guise's face was extremely gloomy!

Actually, the voice is even higher than myself! It's almost dead! But wait!

Jiang Fan? !

Gith suddenly looked back, and suddenly, his pupils shrank!

That's right! It is indeed his own, the target person!

"Xinxin, who is this?"

Jiang Fan looked at Guise with a look of surprise!

"A second force, I don't know either, don't worry about it! Jiang Fan, what do you want to eat?"

Wang Xinxin didn't even look at Guice, so he passed the menu to Jiang Fan!

damn it! This, this stupid woman!

Guise is almost fuming!

"Well, this gentleman, please give me a favor!"

Jiang Fan said, ready to enter the seat!


As Ji Si said, he took a step back, but a long needle suddenly popped out of his finger, piercing directly toward Jiang Fan's lumbar spine!

Well, anyway, this woman is damn, and the target person is damned! Solving them directly here will save trouble!

Seeing that the long needle was about to pierce Jiang Fan, Guise even showed the winner's smile in advance!




A beer bottle hit the back of Guise's head directly!

Guice is dumbfounded!

Looking back, I saw that a big guy with tattoos on his arms was staring at him with a fierce face!

"You, what are you doing?"

"Little white face, how dare you seduce my horse!"

The big man said, pointing to the side!

I saw a girl looking at Guise pitifully!

That girl is the one who kissed the hand when Guice entered the door!

"Yes, I'm sorry, handsome guy. Just now, my husband saw what happened to us. I can't persuade him..."

Guise is about to collapse!


What kind of temper are the Chinese people?

This is a public place! There is no such thing as a gentleman!

He looked at Jiang Fan again, only to find that Jiang Fan was looking at himself with contempt!

Okay! Didn't find that I was a killer!

Now, he has attracted everyone's attention. As a killer, he must not expose himself to the public!

Guise held back his anger and had to apologize!

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know China's rules, but in the restaurant, you beat people like this, you are too unmannered, right?"

"Demeanor? You soak my horse and let me talk about demeanor!"

When the big man went up, he drew a big mouth from Guise! Then, pointed at Guise!

"Brothers, give it to me! Teach this grandson what is demeanor!"

In an instant, seven or eight gangsters rushed up like wolves and tigers, dragging Guice and walking out!

"Bastard, bastard! You guys, what are you doing?"

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