God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 240: I want you to be slaves forever

Guice is now crying without tears!

Seeing that the assassination is about to succeed, but, unfortunately, a group of gangsters are staring at it!

Damn Chinese woman!

Damn Chinese gangsters!

You guys, wait for me!

Seeing that Guice was taken away by a group of gangsters, after a while, there was a sound of punching and kicking outside the barbecue restaurant!

The scream of Guice, even more so, was louder than once!

"Well, don't you care?"

Jiang Fan looked at Wang Xinxin with surprise!

"After get off work hours, it's not in my control, he can choose to call the police!"

Wang Xinxin smiled softly, and then she was happy!

"By the way, Jiang Fan, do you know? The pervert who caught last time is the **** that Luo Da circulated!"

"It's so good that you kicked it!"

"I don't know how many girls this guy has harmed! Really, he deserves it!"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"I knew how to kick that bastard!"

"Hee hee, it's almost done. He has been abandoned. The doctor said that in his life, he has no hope of even having **** reassignment surgery!"

"However, there is one more thing!"

Wang Xinxin's expression suddenly became serious!

"Do you remember the one named Zhao Qing?"


"He was chopped off all his limbs! He finally died of excessive bleeding!"

"Hahaha! That's it!"

Jiang Fan smiled a little embarrassed! Zhao Qing was killed by him!

"However, you must never have imagined why this person killed so many children in the first place!"

"Isn't it a pervert?"

Jiang Fan became curious!


Wang Xinxin looked serious! Keep your voice down!

"I read the files and found out that this person is actually not a Chinese! And the heart of the kid killed by him is gone!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Also, according to his previous killing style, we judge that when he came to Los Angeles, he must have wanted to do something with a certain kid again!"

"This person, very likely, is a member of an organ trafficking organization, that is to say, he may have other accomplices!"

Wang Xinxin said with a mysterious face, and looked at Jiang Fan expectantly!

The book says that it is important to be honest between husband and wife!

I have said such an important secret, Jiang Fan must be very touched, right?

Jiang Fan only felt a horror!

Wang Xinxin's expression matched what she was telling, it was almost the same as Zhang Zhen who was telling ghost stories!

However, if Zhao Qing really had that kind of conscience gang behind him, he would definitely not let it go!

After dinner was over, Jiang Fan rode his bicycle straight home!

However, as soon as I arrived on Da'an Street, I saw an imported Chevrolet Suburban, steadily parked at the end of the street!

Behind the Suburban, there are four or five Range Rover Range Rover!

Seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, among the several Range Rovers, about twenty men in suits emerged immediately!

Then, the Chevrolet door opened, and a man on crutches, surrounded by a group of big men, slowly got out of the car!

At first sight of this man, Jiang Fan was startled!

This person is actually, Yang Qi!

He had his five senses sealed by himself with a needle, and he had become a vegetative person. How could he be okay now?

"Jiang! Fan!"

Yang Qi squeezed these two words from the gap between his teeth! A pair of spiteful eyes, even more stubbornly, staring at Jiang Fan!

His hatred for Jiang Fan is simply beyond description!

"Hehehe! Didn't you expect it? Lao Tzu, actually sober!"

"I was indeed a little surprised, but your mind is still as stupid as before!"

Jiang Fan, sneered!

Yang Qi's face was ruthless, but then, there was a slight sneer!

"Huh! Anyway, you are about to become a dead person! I won't care about you!"

"I came today just to see you for the last time!"

"Jiang Fan! Treasure it, your remaining time!"

Yang Qi said, ready to leave!

"Young Master Yang, since you are here, don't leave!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled coldly!

The body shook, avoiding a group of big men, and suddenly appeared beside Yang Qi! One, pinched Yang Qi's neck!

Now that Yang Qi has awakened, the killer of the Holy Light's ruling must be the Yang family hired!


"Let go of Young Master!"

"Asshole! Do you want to die?"

A group of big men glared at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and his right hand was about to clenched!

"You, you can't kill me!"

Yang Qi saw that Jiang Fan was about to do something, and suddenly screamed!

"Kill me! I'm tantamount to having a vengeance with my Yang family!"

"You hired the Holy Light to rule that those mad dogs deal with me, you are already feuding me!"

"Yes! But, your current opponent is only the judgment of the Holy Light! Kill me, my father will eliminate you at all costs! If you kill my father too, the Yang family will be destroyed, and the Zhou family will get the news, you , It will only be worse!"

Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Hey hey! Jiang Fan, if I can't think of this, do you think I dare to come out to see you?"

"I, Yang Qi, is not what it used to be! Physically, I am not your opponent, but intellectually, it is enough to suppress you!"

Yang Qi laughed!

Full of madness!

Jiang Fan, silent!

Yang Qi was even more proud!

"Jiang Fan! You have entered a dead end! You are destined to die!"

for a long time!

"Haha, Yang Qi, what a pity! You are still not smart enough!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled strangely!

Yang Qi only felt his hair stood up!

A very bad hunch is getting stronger and stronger!

"I really can't kill you, and I don't have to kill you at all!"

"You are right, killing you, so much trouble, how can it torture you, come, be happy!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, he suddenly punched twice in a row!

"Do not--"


Yang Qi suddenly screamed! Both arms were actually shattered by Jiang Fan!

Yang Qi rolled all over the floor in pain, so painful!

A group of big guys were stunned!

Yes, take it!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly got cold eyes!

A burst of murderous aura, gushing out!

A group of big guys only feel that they have seen a terrifying picture of a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood!

There was a "gudong"!

Kneel down together!

"Yang Qi, your brain is really stupid and surprised me, don't you think that I really can't help you, right?"

Jiang Fan stepped on Yang Qi's chest and looked at him mockingly!

Yang Qi was covered in blood at the moment, and his eyes were full of fear!

This demon!

How dare he!

"Do you really think that a third-rate killer organization can kill me?"

Jiang Fan slowly bent down and looked at Yang Qi with a playful expression!

"To tell you the truth, the existences you look up to, in my opinion, **** is not!"

"Do you know why I didn't take action against your Yang family? Because now, it's not the time!"

"I want you traitors to live without knowing anything, one day when my Jiang family re-emerges!"

"I want you to see it with your own eyes and experience it with your own eyes, the kind of despair, the kind of helplessness!"

"I want you to become the running dogs of my Jiang family again, sitting on my nose! Be slaves forever!"

Yang Qi was stunned!

Even, the pain in the body has been forgotten!

"You, you are crazy! This, this is simply impossible!"

Yang Qi, yelling crazy!

Jiang Fan just smiled meaningfully, turned and left!

"No, this is impossible! This, absolutely impossible!"

Yang Qi's face was extremely pale, and his whole body trembled in fear!

He seems to have faintly seen that the future of Los Angeles will re-emerge a banner in the blood and blood!

There is only one word on it!


And at this moment, another conversation about Jiang Fan is also going on!

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