As early as on the cruise ship, Jiang Fan analyzed the situation and concluded that from the appearance of the Avalon map in the strange object auction, to the entry of the Arthur family into Avalon, the whole is a game!

It is a game in which the Light Council uses the Arthur family as bait to draw out the high-end powerhouses of the Dark Council and kill them!

Now it seems that Jiang Fan's judgment is incomparably accurate, even more so in one sentence!

But does it end there?

Jiang Fan once said to Theodore that this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy that the dark council had to fall for.

But the question is, since it is a conspiracy, is it true that the Dark Council will plunge in without any preparation?

Jiang Fan was also thinking about this issue before. His initial thought at the time was that the Dark Council would definitely gather a lot of troops. Even if there was an accident, it would have enough strength to guard against it.

But after talking to Harold, he was surprised to find that not only Heinrich, one of the vice-speakers, had withdrawn from the sniping against the Arthur family, but even Lucas was out!

And the one who undertook this sniping was actually Margaret, who had the smallest sphere of influence and now ranks second among the three deputy speakers!

It's just that although it ranks second now, Margaret is still the weakest.

If she alone presides over this sniping, if there is an accident, I am afraid it will be the end of the entire army!

Jiang Fan was immediately puzzled when he heard the news, just as he said to Harold at the beginning—

"Heinrich took the initiative to withdraw from this battle, which means that he should be very clear that this time is likely to be a trap."

"And now in the dark council, his sphere of influence is the weakest. Once Margaret has an accident, Lucas will be the dominant one, which will not benefit him at all!"

"For him, the most correct way should be to join forces with Margaret and let Lucas do it."

"And the two of them divided up Lucas' power after Lucas' accident."

"But now, don't you think it's strange that Margaret came to attack the Arthur family?"

After Harold asked, Jiang Fan suddenly said:

"I was thinking, could it be anti..." I forgot to read chapter 2341 and 2327, 2328

He didn't finish this sentence, but in fact, the second half of the sentence that he couldn't finish was—

"I'm thinking, will it be an anti-encirclement!"

This is another possibility Jiang Fan thought of.


The Bright Council used the Arthur family as bait to let the Dark Council enter the urn, while the Dark Council was based on the layout of the Bright Council, with Margaret as the bait and the most powerful Lucas as the oriole. A counter-encirclement for this bureau!

Only this deduction can explain why it was Margaret who attacked the Arthur family this time!

It's not that Lucas can't compete with her, but uses her as bait!

Fight against the Council of Light!

It is even very possible that Heinrich would withdraw so simply because Lucas had already reached some kind of agreement behind his back!

To put it bluntly, the woman Margaret was played by the two vice-speakers!

It's just that since Heinrich is out of the way, Lucas wants to swallow the ambush of the Bright Council, no matter how big the grasp, the risk is also amazing!

That's why Jiang Fan finally told Harold that once Lucas was summoned, he immediately found a reason to avoid him!

And this also explains why he was retreating when everyone else was rushing forward!

As expected, nothing more than that!

Jiang Fan was away from the battlefield at the moment, with a relaxed smile on his face.

As early as when Margaret was sniped, they couldn't take care of those evil **** corpses. If it was before, these things were trophies, but now, it is a burden to escape!

Therefore, Margaret's subordinates have long abandoned these corpses.

And the people of the Bright Council do not care about these things, and let them fall into the sea.


But heh, Jiang Fan himself came out of the sea, but he was wrapped in a black cloak, and there was no breath, let alone Musa Ling'e, who would not be noticed by anyone, but he was still in the sea!

So these corpses, huh, huh.

Now for Jiang Fan, the harvest is over, and the next thing to think about is how to get away, it's that simple!

With this pleasant smile, Jiang Fan just regarded it as a spectator and looked at the battlefield with ease.

On the battlefield, with the appearance of Lucas, Buckley and Gustav's eyes suddenly changed!

No matter how strong Lucas is, he is only on par with them, and Margaret has been seriously injured. Two to two, Lucas and the others are completely at a disadvantage!

But the eyes of the two did not fall on Lucas and the powerhouses of the Dark Council behind him, but at the same time, they looked at the sky, the **** skull thrown by Lucas!

The skull was actually as white as jade as a whole. Not only was it not terrifying, but it was filled with an indescribable holiness.

However, its appearance is full of a rich blood-colored luster. This blood-colored color reveals a strange energy fluctuation. Although it is not triggered, it still makes every Bright Council expert present give birth to an unspeakable feeling of suffocation and anxiety. repressed.

When they saw this skull, the eyes of Buckley and Gustav were almost gloomy!

The two of them almost gritted their teeth and roared:

"Angel Skull!"

"Hahaha! You two are very knowledgeable! That's right, this is the angel skull! And it's the one that was refined by the dark power, the angel skull!"

Lucas burst into laughter!

Just as Jiang Fan expected, Margaret was the bait he threw!

The purpose, of course, is to wipe out the ambush of the Guangming Council!

And for this anti-outflanking, he even used the treasure of an angel skull!

This skull was obtained by the Dark Council killing a descending angel during the battle between Solomon's Key and the Light Council!

After that, it was continuously refined by the dark council using the power of darkness, which made this skull have an unusually terrifying ability—

Can block all nearby light forces!

Below the Heaven and Human Realm, the divine power of light will be completely banned!

Above the Heaven and Human Realm, according to different strengths, even characters like Barkley and Gustav will be banned from the light and divine power of more than 60%!

It can be said that this skull is one of the reasons why the Bright Council has not used troops against the Dark Council on a large scale!

At this moment, seeing Lucas appearing with reinforcements, and even bringing out the treasure of an angel skull, Margaret understood what was going on in an instant!

She suddenly roared at Lucas:

"Fuck XXX Lucas! You **** took my mother as bait!"

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