Lucas laughed:

"Margaret, don't be angry, half of the credit is yours this time. After the fight, I will divide you into two upper-ranking councillors!"

Margaret's eyes suddenly lit up!

"That's a deal!"

As soon as the words fell, she suddenly raised her hand and pointed at the space crack on Lucas's side:



The space crack that was open to the extreme suddenly expanded by three points again!

Immediately afterwards, the army of the Dark Council led by Lucas has completely descended on this world!

This time, Lucas brought not only the masters of the dark council, but also a large number of dark summoned creatures!

Almost in an instant, countless big demons, **** three-headed dogs, dark bone snakes, lava giants, abyss flying lizards, Boers vampire demons... have shrouded the whole world like a blanket!

The densely packed number is more than a hundred times more than the Bright Council!

What's even more terrifying is that the dark aura brought by these powerhouses actually caused the creatures near the glacier to mutate!

There was even a seal that was being hunted by a polar bear. It roared suddenly, its sharp teeth became sharp, and its forelimbs turned into ferocious iron claws. The backhand clasped the polar bear's neck and took a bite!

The corners of Buckley and Gustav's eyes twitched, and they didn't dare to delay any longer, and suddenly screamed:

"Withdraw!! Quickly withdraw!!!"

All the powerhouses of the dark council all retreated madly!

But Lucas laughed wildly:

"I want to run now, it's too late!"

He suddenly pointed at the angel's skull floating in the sky!


The skull trembled suddenly, and then it suddenly opened its big mouth, and a silent roar burst out!

The roar was silent, but there were countless ripples in the air!

Those ripples spread to the ten-mile range in an instant, and then!


Countless bright council masters all exclaimed, and the divine power of light in the body was scattered!

Even Jiang Fan, who was on the edge of the battlefield, was surprised to find that his divine power of light had dropped by more than 80% in an instant!

This angel skull is simply the nemesis of the Bright Council!

The camp of the Guangming Council was in chaos, and the weaker masters were unable to support even flying, and they fell into the sea one after another.

And those who can still fly are desperately pulling their companions!

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Lucas and others laughed wildly:

"Kill! Kill! Kill these crazy believers!!"

"Hahaha! Kill!!"

"The taste of human beings!"

"Chewing the hearts of the masters of the Bright Council is as enjoyable as eating chili peppers!"

"I'm going to make them into living specimens to enjoy every day in hell!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

Countless dark council masters, as well as a large number of summoned monsters, rushed towards the light council frantically!


Barkley roared:

"Escape if you can still fly! Leave your companions alone!"

While roaring, the phantom of the mallet appeared in his hand again!

"I judge—"

"Dark Prison!!"

Before Barkley's rule trial could be used, Margaret suddenly let out a sharp laugh!

The dark prison of shackles and curses was actually opened again!

"Barkley! You are indeed powerful, but if you want to make the Angel Skull ineffective, the power you expended is absolutely amazing. Will you still be able to break through my dark prison?"

Margaret laughed so happily!

Barkley has blue veins on his forehead!

Margaret is right, the angel is a high-ranking angel, and its skull is powerful. Although she has the ability of the Ten Calamities, no matter how powerful the ability is, it still needs energy to drive!

Once the cost is too great to break the shackles of the dark prison, these people will still be unable to escape!

at this time!

"And I!!"

Gustav roared, and he rose into the sky at the same time, and on his right hand, a splendid giant axe composed of holy light suddenly appeared!

Aiming at the dark prison under him, Gustav suddenly roared:


Seeing that the giant axe is about to slash into the dark prison, but at this moment!

"Hehe! Gustav, your opponent is me!!"

Lucas laughed wildly and suddenly appeared in front of Gustav. Facing the terrifying giant axe, he swung his arms and put it up!


The moment the giant axe touched his arms, the bizarre pictures and texts on Lucas' arms suddenly burst out with countless flashes of strange colors, which directly threw Gustav's giant axe to life. Crash out!

"Hahaha! Gustav, your strength has plummeted by 60%, and the Holy Land has been abolished again. You are not my opponent at all!"

In the wild laughter of Lucas, he punched Gustav heavily!

On the other side, seeing that the dark prison was about to take shape, Barkley finally roared:

"I judge! Prison is invalid!"


The dark prison was blown up, but Margaret had completely stopped him, and Buckley had no chance to abolish the angel skull!

At the same time, the dark army has completely entered the middle of the light council!

For a time, countless screams resounded through the sky!

After losing the divine power of light, these warriors are no match for the army of darkness at all!

Blood rushed to the sky in an instant!

There are beheaded warriors of light everywhere!



"Praise my lord! Death is not... ah!!"

"I fought with you!!"

And Jiang Fan, who was on the edge of the battlefield, was also targeted by the overwhelming dark army.

Dozens of summoned monsters laughed wildly and rushed towards him!

Jiang Fan turned a blind eye to these monsters, but the smile on his face gradually faded.

Of course it wasn't because of the tragic situation at hand.

In fact, since the fire in the Jiang family, there has been no scene that can shake his heart.

Jiang Fan was just surprised.

It went so well.

The anti-encirclement of the Dark Council was too smooth.

Just relying on an angel skull, even the army led by the second of the three giants, was powerless to fight back.

Is this reasonable?

The Guangming Council has been laid out for a long time, and the two sides are old rivals. It makes no sense to know the details of the two sides.

And this is a battle about the future, and any unexpected situation should be considered carefully.

The bureau was set up by the Guangming Council, but now it seems that they don't really pay attention to this bureau at all!

Is this... reasonable?

But since it is unreasonable, how can it happen?


Jiang Fan suddenly shrank his pupils!

At this moment, he suddenly roared:

"Damn!! You dare to slaughter my parliamentary soldiers, you heretics, all be damned!!"

Along with Jiang Fan's roar, he actually aroused all the divine power of light and suddenly raised his hand:

"Holy Light!!!"


A dazzling holy light slammed down!

The dozens of monsters rushing towards him, along with the monsters that were attacking several warriors of light nearby, were blasted into ashes in an instant!

Immediately after Jiang Fan moved his right hand, the Gan Jiang sword suddenly appeared!


Jiang Fan roared and suddenly rushed into the battlefield!

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