God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2397: I admire your courage

"Ding! Detected..."

With the sound of the system prompt, a large piece of data fell down in front of Jiang Fan as if swiping the screen!

Looking at those numbers, Jiang Fan suddenly showed an extremely excited look!

He casually threw the Sacred Blood God Burial into his backpack, and Jiang Fan roared in his heart:

"For sale! All for sale!"

"Ding! The sale is successful! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining 47190000!"

More than 47 million!



And the reason why they can earn so much is not only because of the group of evil gods brought out in the later period of the Holy Blood God's funeral, but also because of the subordinates of King Hong who were bewitched by Jiang Fan and killed by him!

That is what Jiang Fan said, the second wave of rewards!

Musa Ling'e told Jiang Fan about the burial of the Holy Blood God, one of which is that this guy likes to devour gods, and since this is the case, of course he has no reason to throw away these corpses, but will definitely bring them with him!

Jiang Fan's face flushed with excitement.

The more than 47 million earned now, plus the previous 75 million, has exceeded the "100 million" mark!

It reached an astonishing 122 million!

The most amazing profit ever!

In fact, there is a fraction of 270,000 behind this, but Jiang Fan, who has become a household of 100 million yuan, ignores the fraction arrogantly!

One hundred and twenty million!

Who else!

The point is, with so much money, what a waste!

Jiang Fan smirked like a mental retardation.

"Jiang Fan? Jiang Fan?"

Musa Ling'e hurriedly called him a few times.

"it's okay no problem."

Jiang Fan wiped his mouth and immediately jumped up:

"Let's go, I have to pick up my people!"

Without the pursuit of the Holy Blood God Burial, Musa Ling'e could instantly teleport with confidence, and soon brought Jiang Fan to the location of the Three-eyed Fox and the others.

Seeing Jiang Fan appear, a group of mercenaries were overjoyed.

They stayed here for a long time, and they encountered several attacks by native creatures in the middle, and they were all worried.

After all, in this world, if there is no strong protection, this only has no team in the realm of heaven and earth, it is just a pile of moving food.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Alisha and the others looked at Jiang Fan excitedly.

The experts and warriors of the Arthur family frowned.

Why did Jiang Fan come back? With a strange woman?

What about the Arthur family?

A soldier of the Arthur family took a few steps:

"Jiang Fan, what about my king and others?"

Jiang Fan looked at them and suddenly smiled:


"What did you say?!"

The soldier was taken aback.

The rest also showed disbelief.

The atmosphere was silent for a second, and then, the soldier grabbed Jiang Fan's collar and shouted angrily:

"What nonsense are you talking about? Where is my king?"

Seeing that his arm was about to grab Jiang Fan, but at this moment!


A sharp knife light suddenly flashed!

Immediately afterwards, the soldier covered his throat with a fist, then stepped back a few steps, and then fell down!

And as he fell, blood was gushing out from his neck like a stream!

While wiping the dagger in her hand, the black pit viper stood beside Jiang Fan with an indifferent expression. She looked coldly at the hands of a group of Arthur family members:

"Those who dare to disrespect Mr. Jiang will be killed without mercy!"

And along with her opening, the powerhouses of the two mercenary groups were scattered to various positions intentionally or unintentionally, and they surrounded the entire Arthur family team!

The faces of the Arthur family changed drastically, and panic and fear appeared in their eyes.

If it was before, with Arthur and others, they would naturally be fearless!

But now it's different. The people they stay behind don't even have the strength to reach the Grandmaster. These mercenaries only need a charge to tear them all to pieces!

The point is, if what Jiang Fan said is true, and Arthur and the others are really dead, then their fate...

In the Arthur family, an older warrior gathered his courage and slowly walked a few steps:

"Mr. Jiang, you said my king and the others were killed, is there any evidence?"


Jiang Fan smiled:

"Does this count?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a broken sword appeared in his hand.

When they saw this broken sword, the entire Arthur family was stunned:

"Sword in the Stone?!"

The swords in the stone are all in Jiang Fan's hands, could it be, could it be...

Before these people could react, Jiang Fan shook his hand again, and a staff actually appeared!

As soon as they saw this staff, all the people of the Arthur family were completely desperate.

Many soldiers even collapsed directly to the ground!

Not only is the Sword in the Stone in Jiang Fan's hands, but now, even Merlin's staff is there!

These two treasures of the Arthur family are in Jiang Fan's hands, so it must be...

"Why, how could this be?"

"My king! Woohoo..."

"Why, what happened?"

A group of soldiers wept bitterly.

On the contrary, the experts in various majors of the Arthur family were relatively calm, but looked at Jiang Fan with some worry.

Jiang Fan looked at the crowd and suddenly said coldly:

"Arthur and the others, I killed them all!"

The place was suddenly quiet!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

Except for the black pit viper.

After learning that Jiang Fan was the "fake sea god", they knew that Arthur and the others would never get out of this world, and they would be killed sooner or later.

The silence did not last long, and a group of Arthur family warriors finally reacted.

At this moment, the eyes they looked at Jiang Fan were already full of shocking killing intent!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Assist my king, you should be damned!"

"Go! Revenge for my king!"

A group of warriors roared at the same time, and regardless of the huge gap in strength, they all rushed towards Jiang Fan frantically!

Black Pit Viper and the others were about to start, but Jiang Fan waved his hand!

He looked at the soldiers who rushed towards him with a flat expression:

"I admire your courage, so I will personally send you this journey!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Fan pressed his hand heavily!


The soldiers of the Arthur family were actually blasted into countless fly ash at the same time!

In place, only a dozen experts belonging to the Arthur family remained.

These people are ordinary people. Seeing dozens of fresh lives disappear, they all collapsed to the ground in fright!

Jiang Fan looked at them coldly:

"You are only employed by the Arthur family. Maybe Arthur has helped you, but it shouldn't be at the point where you deserve to give up your life to repay?"

An old man with gray hair looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly:

"You, you mean, don't kill us?"


Jiang Fan nodded:

"You are all leaders in the fields of ancient writing, ancient biology, etc. You are talents wherever you go, and I have always cherished talents the most! As long as you rely on me, I will not only not kill you, but also guarantee your treatment, better than Zaiya When I was in the Ser family, it was even more generous!"


A group of experts were all stunned.

The old man before asked incredulously:

"You, are you serious?"

"If you don't believe me, then I'll have to kill you."

"No no no! We believe! We believe!"

A group of experts nodded desperately.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Very good, three-eyed fox, take them, we're going home!"


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