Musa Ling'e once again acted as the captain of the transportation team.

Under her teleportation, the crowd soon came to the entrance again.

As the space opened again, the three-eyed fox and others escorted the experts to leave first.

Watching the crowd leave, Jiang Fan finally looked at Musa Ling'e.

His eyes were sincere, with a hint of hope:

"Come with me."

Musa Ling'e smiled.

She has not been in contact with Jiang Fan for a long time, but in such a short time, she has endless admiration for Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's wisdom, bravery, and strategizing methods were all in her heart, leaving an indelible mark in her heart.

If possible, she might really leave with Jiang Fan to see his wonderful world, or, go a step further, what happened with Jiang Fan.


Musa Ling'e suddenly spoke softly:

"I can't go."

Jiang Fan immediately discovered the meaning of her words.

It's not that you can't go, it's that you can't go.

"Can't go?"

"Yes, I can't go."

Musa Ling'e smiled and looked at Jiang Fan:

"You remember what I said, I am the warden of this world."

Jiang Fan nodded:


"Then do you know who I really want to guard?"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows:

"Real guards?"


Musa Ling'e exhaled a long breath, and suddenly stretched out her hand to the three-wheeled bright moon in the sky.

She first pointed to the moon that could almost see the terrain:

"Almost all of the countless inferior evil gods I suppressed are here."

Then, she pointed to the misty moon again:

"Those dozens of true gods like the Holy Blood God Burial and the Ghostly White Dragon were suppressed here."

"And here..."

Musa Ling'e slowly looked towards the last round of the sky, the moon with a strange blue glow, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes:

"It's what I'm really guarding."

Jiang Fan was startled.

Even in the face of the Sacred Blood Divine Burial, the expression on Musa Ling'e's face was only nervous, far from panic, let alone fear!

But now, just looking at the moon, she has such an expression!

Jiang Fan asked involuntarily:

"What's up there?"

Musa Ling'e took a deep breath and slowly spit out three words:


Jiang Fan looked surprised:

"Isn't it already killed by you?"

Musa Ling'e said that the reason why their world has become like this is because of the battle with the Destroyer!

And now that they are still alive, it is obviously the Destroyer who has been killed!

How could it be on the moon?

Musa Ling'e's mouth was full of bitterness:

"What can't be killed, the Destroyer can't be killed, at least, we can't do it."

Jiang Fan's expression changed.

When Musa Ling'e and the others fought against the Destroyer, they must be at the peak of their strength!

And Musa Ling'e in the peak era, and other gods in this world, must be tyrannical beyond imagination, but even they can't kill this destroyer?

What the **** is this destroyer?

The point is, the earth and this world are too close!

Since that thing is not dead, it means that it may come out one day!

And once it destroys this broken world, wouldn't it be Earth's turn?

Musa Ling'e sighed:

"We couldn't kill him, we had to seal it on that moon..."

"Should I try it? Maybe this thing can bleed?"

Jiang Fan was suddenly eager to try.

However, Musa Ling'e suddenly exclaimed:

"No! Absolutely can't touch!"

She looked at Jiang Fan in horror:

"You don't understand, even if all the evil gods in this world have escaped, it's nothing, but if the destroyer wakes up, then, that kind of consequence..."

Speaking of which, Musa Ling'e was trembling all over.

Apparently she was terrified!

Jiang Fan hesitated, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder, but seeing Jiang Fan stretched out his hand, Musa Ling'e seemed to have found support and plunged into his arms!

Jiang Fan's face froze:

"Well, I have a girlfriend, maybe there's more than one..."

Before he finished speaking, Musa Ling'e said with a trembling voice:

"Jiang Fan, it's different, it's different, the Destroyer is not a normal creature at all!"

"I'm an evil god, an evil and powerful evil god, you know?"

Jiang Fan replied:

"I already knew that..."

Musa Ling'e suddenly raised her head:

"But do you think I'm really evil?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled. Indeed, the feeling that Musa Ling'e gave him was completely different from the Immortal God who was beheaded at the beginning, and even the Ghostly White Dragon and the Sacred Blood God Burial.

In this woman, although there is a strong aura of evil energy, it did not make him feel any evil fluctuations.

In fact, if Musa Ling'e really showed some kind of trait related to evil, Jiang Fan's cooperation with her would not be what it is now.

But before he could answer, Musa Ling'e showed a bleak smile:

"Not the same, right?"

"But did you know that I used to be able to slaughter an entire small world in the blink of an eye, and my followers would mercilessly use countless baby sacrifices for my pleasure!"

"Even the reason why our world is so huge is because we have destroyed countless small worlds and pulled the land into our world, which makes this place extremely vast!"

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, this **** was so cruel before?

"However, the evil is as cruel as us. When facing the Destroyer, for the first time, we really understand what is real evil! What is power!"

"Compared to it, we are a joke."

"It has no emotions, no emotions, no needs and desires, no negotiation and compromise, all it wants is to destroy, destroy everything it sees!"

"Regardless of land, sea, animals, plants, all living things or inanimate ones!"

"On that day, countless believers and people of ours died, the earth shattered, the ocean evaporated, and even the stars were shattered and destroyed!"

"That day, the gods were crying, and even the devil was fighting for everything. That was the end, the real end..."

Musa Ling'e was trembling all over, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

Jiang Fan's face became more and more ugly. If the Destroyer is really so powerful, then the world's today is very likely the earth's tomorrow!

He took a deep breath:

"Destroyer, what is it? Why does it appear?"

Musa Ling'e said in a low voice:

"I can't say..."

"tell me!"

Jiang Fan held Musa Ling'e's shoulder and looked at her seriously.

Musa Ling'e opened her mouth and finally said softly:

"Your world, it shouldn't have appeared for a long time... Level 25?"

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