"Sir, do you need help?"

Actually, the security of the hotel!

"Help! Help!"

Charlemagne didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly he shouted desperately!


The door was suddenly kicked open, and seven or eight security guards rushed in!

But, seeing Charlemagne's tragic situation, everyone showed a panic expression!

And seeing Marco's on one side, everyone's expressions changed!

"Then, that's Master Markle?!"

At this moment, Markel's chin has been completely broken, his lower body is rotten into a ball, and even his legs are twisted! The whole body was shaking violently unnaturally!

Already, completely fell into a severe coma!

Seeing the terrible condition of Ma Keer, the security guards turned pale with fright!

That's it!

Marco is the favorite grandson of the old Emil!

He is beaten like this now, the Emir family will never let the perpetrators go!

And they, too, have to follow, unlucky together!

"Quick! Catch this Huaxia guy! Absolutely not, let him escape here!"

The eyes of the security guards are red! Suddenly, rushed towards Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly uttered a low drink!


For an instant, all the security guards felt that their scalp was going to explode!

Desperately, stop!

Everyone suddenly understood that if anyone dared to move, he would definitely die!

"Terrible! This kind of breath is terrifying!"

"That kind of look is even more terrifying than Demon God!"

"God! Is he, the demon of the East?"

Security guards, trembling all over!

Charlemagne is completely stupid!

What kind of identity is this man, how can it be, so terrifying!

Jiang Fan disdainfully smiled, and suddenly grabbed a candlestick on the table!

"Crack, click, click!"

With four crisp sounds, Jiang Fan unexpectedly broke the sharp base of the steel candlestick with his bare hands!

Afterwards, he directly pierced Charlemagne's limb wounds with what was like a steel needle!

Charlemagne suddenly let out a sharp howl!

Several security guards trembled in shock!

A few peeed directly!

"I have closed the blood of your limbs, you will not die, but for the rest of your life, you will be like a maggot, live!"

Everyone was stunned!

I just felt a chill rushing from the sole of the foot to the Tianling Gai!

too frightening!

Let people live like this, it's better to just die!

This Chinese man is simply a devil!

After Jiang Fan had done all this, he directly picked up Xia Fanxing, turned around and left!

"You're done! The Emir family will definitely kill you!"

Charlemagne looked at Jiang Fan with spiteful eyes! Shouted desperately!

He has lost his mind in pain now, but his fear and hatred for Jiang Fan still made him shout these words!

"The Emir family?"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

"Do you think I will wait until they come to me?"

"You, what did you say?"

Everyone was stunned!

"Haha! This is not Huaxia! I don't need it at all, low-key!"


Los Angeles!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly disappeared, everyone showed incredible expressions!

Yu Rui's pupils shrank even more, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Movement technique?!"

"what did you say?"

Su Lingyu asked curiously!

"No, nothing!"

Yu Rui smiled reluctantly!

"Unexpectedly, the takeaway star would actually do magic!"

At this moment, a man with an extremely ordinary face also walked out of the Los Angeles Airport!

This person, named Zhou Ming, was from the Zhou family, who was sent to investigate Jiang Fan!

After receiving the news from the Yang family, the Zhou family didn't take it seriously, so until now, they sent someone over!

And Zhou Ming's task is to verify the authenticity of the news. If it is true, he will be responsible and kill Jiang Fan!

However, Zhou Ming had just walked out of the airport, but he was suddenly shocked!

An extremely terrifying breath suddenly appeared not far from him!

Zhou Ming turned around and looked around, and suddenly saw a young man with an expressionless face!

That man was twenty-five or sixty, with long hair and shawl, his eyes were cold, and he was holding a wooden box more than one meter long in his hand!

Feeling Zhou Ming's gaze, the young man gave him a cold look!

Zhou Ming trembled all over!

What a murderous look!

However, it is not against yourself!

It just so happened that the taxi had arrived at this moment, and the young people stopped paying attention to Zhou Ming, and got into the car directly!

"Who is this person?"

Zhou Ming frowned!

However, who this person is has nothing to do with him!

The task is still important!

Thinking of Ning Shao's methods, Zhou Ming suddenly trembled all over, hurrying away by car!



Xia Fanxing suddenly opened his eyes!

However, seeing her surroundings clearly, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

Here, he is actually in Gaul's office!

It turns out that I am in and dreaming!


The door suddenly opened, and Jiang Fan with a smile on his face walked in with a bowl of barley porridge!

"Wake up? Just right, this porridge is shocking, you drink it while it's hot!"

"Jiang Fan?!"

Xia Fanxing was startled, and finally knew that Jiang Fan was really here!

For a moment, she was full of doubts in her heart, but more, but moved!

Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, no matter what, it was for himself!

Even if he is a devil, he is willing to be the bride of the devil!

Xia Fanxing was smart and didn't ask much, just finish the porridge!

"Drink it! I have never had such a delicious porridge!"

Xia Fanxing looked happy!

Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Jiang Fan, since you are here, don't worry about going back! Stay with me and have fun for a few days!"

"But, I have to go back to work!"

"I'm the principal! I have the final say!"

"Well, all right!"

"Ah! By the way, what time is it?"

"Two o'clock in the afternoon!"

"Oh! Come with me to Fernand Manor!"

Xia Fanxing said, pulling Jiang Fan directly and leaving!

The two came downstairs, and Xia Fanxing took Jiang Fan directly into a Bentley!


With a kick of the accelerator, Bentley jumped out immediately!

"Fernand is another choice of mine. They are also a pharmaceutical distributor in Gaul, but this industry is not their main industry!"

"So, they are not very enthusiastic about our company's medicines!"

"Otherwise, I would not choose Emil first!"

"However, because of our sincerity, Fernan has made an appointment to go to his manor for afternoon tea this afternoon. I must talk about this business!"

Xia Fanxing has a firm look on her face!

Jiang Fan's heart moved slightly!

Xia Fanxing had just passed through the previous shock, and in a blink of an eye, he re-entered the state of work. It was not normal to fight like this!

Soon, Bentley came to Fernan Manor in the suburbs!

This manor occupies a very large area, in addition to a castle villa full of Gothic style, there is also a lush vineyard!

Far away, a middle-aged man is drinking coffee leisurely!

Xia Fanxing looked happy, and immediately took Jiang Fan and walked over!

"Mr. Fernan, hello!"

Fernan was thin and dressed meticulously. When he saw Jiang Fan and the two, he didn't get up, just pointed at the side of the table!

"Please sit down!"

The tone and eyes are full of arrogance!

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