The smile on Xia Fanxing's face didn't fade away, and she sat down generously!

Jiang Fan frowned and smiled at Xia Fanxing!

"You talk, I'm going around!"


Xia Fanxing knew that Jiang Fan was arrogant and would never look at the expressions of others, so he immediately agreed with him!

Fernan was startled slightly, and Jiang Fan, already thinking about walking to a small forest in front of him!

There were a few willows sparsely growing there, just to sleep there!

Fernan was startled when he saw Jiang Fan walking there!

He just wanted to speak, but suddenly a trace of joke flashed in his eyes, and he drank coffee on his own!

Jiang Fan quickly walked to the small woods, but at this moment, the sound of wind flashed in his ear!

An arrow suddenly shot at Jiang Fan's door!

At the same time, a desperate voice suddenly sounded!

"Get down!"


The arrow has already hit Jiang Fan!

And the young man who reminded Jiang Fan was desperate and closed his eyes!

damn it!

Practicing arrows here, and the result is life!


"Boy, when you shoot an arrow, do you never look around?"

A voice suddenly sounded!

The young man opened his eyes and looked at him, and he was stunned!

I saw that Jiang Fan didn't even move his footsteps, and stood there with a good attitude!

And that arrow was actually pinched by Jiang Fan in his hand as if pinching a toothpick!

Take an arrow empty-handed? !

Do not! impossible! It must be oneself, the shot missed!

Okay! Okay!

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, but then he was furious!

"Asshole! Who asked you to come here? Don't you know this is the private domain of the Fernan family?"

"If it weren't for my arrow, I deliberately avoided you! You would have become a corpse now!"

The young man scolded loudly with a proud face!

"You? A super **** of archery? Ha ha!"

"Asshole! What do you mean?"

"It's meaningless!"

Jiang Fan said, turning around and leaving!

"You, stop! Don't want to leave if you don't say it clearly!"

The young man pulled a bow and arrow and pointed directly at Jiang Fan!

"Okay! Then I'll explain it to you! Hehe, you are shameless, bragging, ah! I remember! Howinteresting!"

The blue veins on the young man's forehead violently, his face turned from red to purple, from purple to blue, from blue to white, and then suddenly roared!

Actually, an arrow hit Jiang Fan's foot!

"You, you bastard! I, Albert, will fight you!"

"If you are a man, pull up this arrow and shoot at me!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Why does this last sentence always feel so dirty?

Oops, that picture!

Aiya, I go!

Jiang Fan hooked and picked with his feet!


The arrow suddenly bounced, and with a "duh" sound, it penetrated deeply into the trunk behind Albert!

Albert was stunned!

Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Jiang Fan with a dull look!

"False, false, right?"

"Boy, I promised your duel. Tell me how you want to die!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Huh! Don't bluff!"

Albert screamed inwardly!

But in fact, he is already scared to pee!

Is this man a monster? With a foot pick, most of the arrows were shot into the trunk! If this is shot on the body, is it worth it?

No, a duel will definitely not work!

However, it is even more impossible to recognize counseling!

"Ahem! A guest from afar! Fighting and killing is not in line with my aristocratic temperament! Let's do a better target shooting, with ten arrows per person. If you lose, you must formally apologize to me!"

"Then what if I win?"

"Won? If you can win, I will pardon you for breaking into Fernand Manor!"

Humph! This person is just a little stronger, better than archery, but accurate!

Jiang Fan only finds it funny, but since it's boring anyway, it's time to kill!


Seeing Jiang Fan's promise, Albert immediately led Jiang Fan through the grove to the shooting range behind!

This shooting range occupies a very large area, and there are many servants!

Seeing Albert came back, they all bowed and saluted!

"Choose a bow!"

Albert pointed triumphantly at the bow stand next to it!

Jiang Fan picked up a compound bow casually, squeezed it with his hands, and then pulled it a few times to try it!

Then he directly drew an arrow and shot it at the target!


The arrow was barely nailed to the edge of the target and almost missed the target!

"Hahaha! Idiot! With your accuracy, there is no need to compare!"

Albert laughed triumphantly with a sneer on his face!

"Give up! In this way, you will be more decent!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan ignored him at all, instead, drew another arrow!


This time, the arrow hits the bullseye!

Albert was startled!

coincidence! It's definitely a coincidence!

After the test shot, Jiang Fan didn't even look at it. He raised his hand to draw an arrow and shot!

"Du Du Du Du!"

Eight arrows in a row all hit the bullseye!

The last arrow penetrated the bull's-eye, far away, and flew out!

Everyone was shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredible!

"Maangji! It's amazing!"

"This kind of accuracy is terrifying!"

"Is he an Olympic champion?"

"Horrible Chinese people!"

Albert swallowed hard and spit, suddenly, kneeling directly to Jiang Fan!

"Boom, boom, boom!" There are three beeps!

"Master! Please accept me as a disciple!"

Everyone was shocked!

Jiang Fan was also startled!

"Accept you as a disciple?"

"Yes Master!"

Albert suddenly looked excited!

"Didn't Huaxia say that you can be a teacher by kowtow?"

"You read too many martial arts novels, right?"

Jiang Fan shook his head. At this moment, the phone suddenly rang!

"Jiang Fan, let's go back!"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone, ignored Albert at all, turned around and left!

"Master! Wait for me!"

Albert got up in a hurry, chasing Jiang Fan and ran away!

Soon, Jiang Fan came to the place where he had coffee before!

At this moment, Xia Fanxing's face was full of loss, but she still held out her hand to Fernan with a strong smile!

"Excuse me, I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future!"

"Walk slowly, don't give it away!"

Fernan, still has an air of supremacy!

I didn't even look at Xia Fanxing's extended hand!

Jiang Fan frowned suddenly!

Take the opportunity to hold Xia Fanxing's hand and smile!

"Let's go!"

Xia Fanxing was startled, then nodded shyly!

Although he failed to sign the contract, he was holding hands with Jiang Fan!

For her, this is more precious than signing a contract!

The two were about to leave, when Albert suddenly looked at Xia Fanxing!

"Beautiful lady, may I ask, are you the teacher?"

Xia Fanxing was taken aback and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Who is this?"

"A second stunner, don't worry about him!"

Xia Fanxing couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile!

But at this moment!

"Madam! Are you here to sign the contract?"


"Or, I signed it for you?"

"what did you say?"

Xia Fanxing was stunned!

"I said, I signed this contract for you, as long as you let the master accept me as a disciple!"

Albert rubbed his hands and smiled flatly!

"Stop it, get out!"

Jiang Fan pushed Albert away impatiently!


Seeing Jiang Fan push Albert away, Fernan, who had a deep face, was furious!

"Asshole! How dare you—"

Before he could finish his words, Albert suddenly dashed up, raised his arm, and drew a big mouth at Fernan!


Fernan got a big somersault!

And Albert had already stepped on his chest!

"You're a **** bastard!"

"Dare to say something to my master again!"

Jiang Fan and Xia Fanxing were stunned at the same time!

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