God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 254: Seeing injustice and drawing a knife to help

This kid is really a fool!

Fortunately, he was confiscated as an apprentice!

Albert knocked Fernan down, still not suffocated, Bigfoot kicked Fernan again!

Fernan screamed screaming!

After beating for three full minutes, Albert finally gasped and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Hey! Master, are you still satisfied?"

"Satisfied is more satisfied, but don't call me master! I don't want to go to court with you!"

Jiang Fan grabbed Xia Fanxing and was ready to leave!

Albert rushed over, reaching out and snatching the contract from Xia Fanxing!

Then, without looking at it, he picked up the pen and signed the name directly!

"Madam! I have signed the contract! I must be accepted by the master!"

Albert pleaded bitterly!

Xia Fanxing was speechless!

Especially, the place where the contract is signed is actually the letters "Fernand"!

Jiang Fan is right, this kid is really a dumbfounded person!

He signed Fernan casually, thinking that this business could be done?


"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, Master Madam! My name is Albert Fernand!"

Albert looked proud!

Jiang Fan didn't respond, but Xia Fanxing's eyes widened suddenly!

"Impossible! If you are Albert Fernan, who is he?"

Xia Fanxing said, pointing at Fernan!


Albert smiled disdainfully!

"My man! He looks like a dog, just to help me pass the contracts that I don't want to sign!"

At this time, the fake Fernan had already got up with a miserable look, and stood behind Albert respectfully!

Actually, it's true!

Xia Fanxing was shocked!

After that, he looked at Jiang Fan suddenly!

It's incredible!

Jiang Fan, how did it do it!

Just go out for a walk, and unexpectedly, gave the helm of the Fernand family to the harvest brother?

No reason!

"Madam, the contract has also been signed, look...hehe!"

"Hey your sister!"

Jiang Fan was directly angry!

Go up and kick Albert directly!

"Go to your uncle! Do you know how precious my time is?"

"If it weren't for you bastard, I'm eating watermelon while blowing on the air conditioner!"

"The most important thing is that I don't want to sign you **** it, let's see what it is like to toss my principal!"

Albert was directly beaten and stunned!

However, Master, the lesson is right!

As for the fake Fernan, he looked tangled!

Do you want to help master? But, what if you get beaten by the master again?

However, he hadn't thought about it yet, Jiang Fan turned him over with a mouth!

"And you! There is no deity's life, B who does not pretend to be the deity, you can be regarded as blue and blue!"

"However, pretending to others, I can't control you, pretending to me, you have to pay the price!"

"I wanted to come over at night to destroy you, but I didn't expect you to be a Xibei goods!"

Jiang Fan was violently beaten, and the two people who beat him screamed screaming!

Xia Fanxing was dumbfounded!

The Fernan family is more than one grade higher than the Emir!

Not to mention in Gaul, even in the whole of Europe, it is also famous!

But Jiang Fan, beating them is just like beating his children!

This kind of courage, the entire world, can't find a second one!

The key is that Jiang Fan is here to help yourself out!

For an instant, Xia Fanxing was moved, and she couldn't wait to agree with her right now!

Jiang Fan was beaten for a long time, and finally came along!

After all, Xia Fanxing will still have to do business with them in the future, which is really troublesome!

"Let's go! Go back!"

Jiang Fan was about to leave, but Albert cried and hugged Jiang Fan's feet!

"Master! You can't go! If you go, I'll be over!"

"You can't finish it, I have a wool relationship with me!"

"No! I made a bet with others, if I lose, then the pharmaceutical retail industry will have to lose to them!"


Jiang Fan is so angry! Go up, two feet again!

"Little bastard! You really are a prodigal! Say, what the **** is going on!"

Albert got up with an aggrieved look and hurriedly explained the cause and effect of this incident!

Archery is very popular in the upper circles of Gaul recently!

Especially the exquisite arrow skills, enough to capture the hearts of most young women!

Coincidentally, Albert has been interested in archery since he was a child, and his archery is very famous in the circle!

Based on this, it was favored by the Florent family eldest lady, Emily!

However, at this moment, a dark horse came out!

Not only surpassed Albert in arrow skills, but also took away his beloved Emily!

In his anger, Albert silly agreed to the opponent's decisive battle, and also increased his bet!

Not only the pharmaceutical retail business, but even the current manor has become a bargaining chip in the gambling game!

When Albert woke up, it was too late!

The upper class pays the most attention to credibility. If Albert repents, the entire Fernand family will become the laughing stock of the upper class!

"You are being tricked by someone!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Yes, master! So, you must help me!"

"Why should I help you?"

"That, contract..."

"Fuck off! If you lose, does the contract work!"


Albert's eyes suddenly lit up!

Suddenly snapped his fingers!

Soon, an old butler in a tuxedo came over!

"Master, what is your order?"

"Bring the title deed to the manor!"

The old housekeeper agreed and re-entered the villa immediately!

"Master! I know that Huaxia has apprenticeships! This manor is my sincerity!"

Xia Fanxing gasped!

This manor occupies more than a thousand acres!

In this area, there is a grape plantation, an orchard, a winery, a golf course, especially in the manor, and there is a river with abundant aquatic products passing by!

This is just on the surface! And underground in the manor, it is said that there is still something else!

Its value is simply incalculable!

Albert, what a masterpiece!

However, Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"It's the same topic just now! If you lose, is this stuff useful? It's someone else's!"

"You, the empty gloved white wolf, are playing!"

Albert suddenly looked embarrassed!

"Master! This is indeed my most valuable thing!"

"My father left a will. Before I turn thirty, I can inherit only this part of the estate!"

"The rest of the family business is now being taken care of by my uncle Dick!"

"In addition, on the surface of the family, I am at the helm, but in fact, Dick is in charge behind the scenes! I am just a puppet!"

Albert, look helpless!

Dick's strength is too great!

Especially, the family's armed forces are all in his hands!

"Who is the one who is fighting with you?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"Hodgson! Hodgson Emile!"

"This is a favor, I helped!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!


Albert had given up at first, but he unexpectedly came to life from desperation!

"Master! You, are you really, willing to help me?"

"Teach you a Chinese phrase: See injustice on the road, draw your sword and help!"

Jiang Fan looked righteous and awe-inspiring!

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