It was the tall and thin man who was talking!

"Huh? Isn't this Pandas?"

"He is a member of the Fernan family! How could he compete with this handsome Chinese guy?"

"Shhh! Don't forget, he is Dick's person!"


Everyone suddenly appeared in a daze!

No wonder!


Albert's face changed instantly!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Get out now!"

"Haha, Master Albert, don't you, you were deceived!"

"This Huaxia person may not have any good intentions!"

"How is it possible in the world that there will be people who are not interested in wealth?"

"Especially, in China now, interests are paramount!"

As Pandas spoke, slowly walked to the opposite side of Jiang Fan! With a sneer on his face, he said, "How about kid Huaxia? Let's compare!"

In fact, including making Hodgson and Albert duel, this is all, Dick's idea!

The purpose is to fight Albert and turn Albert into a bereaved dog! Treated as waste by everyone!

Pave the way for Dick to inherit Fernan's huge industry!

Originally, Pandas, only on Dick's order, came to watch Albert's jokes, and then took the opportunity to fight Albert!

However, I didn't expect Jiang Fan to kill him, and even took out the most precious "Lanting Preface"!

Pandas only felt that his blood was boiling. If he could bring this baby to Dick, then in the future, in the family, he will surely make progress!

However, Hodgson, this waste, simply cannot be supported by mud!

I had no choice but to do it myself!

Just as Albert was about to speak, Jiang Fan waved his hand gently! At Pandas, smile contemptuously!

"What are you? You deserve to be compared with me?"


Pandas's face suddenly sinks!

"Boy, don't you dare?"

"Dare you have anything to do with you? It's just a minion! Your identity is not enough!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!


The blue veins on Pandas' angry forehead violently!

Suddenly, from the quiver next to it, he drew an arrow and threw it directly at Jiang Fan's foot!

"I want to fight you, I won't die!"

"If you are still a man, say yes!"

"If you dare not, it proves that you Chinese men are all rubbish!"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, there was a sudden murderous flash!

He didn't want Albert to tear his face with Dick so quickly, but since the other party knew nothing about life or death, he didn't need to be polite!


Jiang Fan suddenly kicked and smashed the arrow!

"Since I am looking for death, I will fulfill you! Never die!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan's momentum skyrocketed, just like a wild beast!

Everyone was so scared that their legs trembled, and they almost fell over!

Pandas' heart jumped violently!

This Chinese person has such a strong momentum!

Deterred by Jiang Fan's murderous intent! With an involuntary movement under his feet, he actually withdrew tens of meters away!

Smoothly, he picked up a longbow!

The crowd was startled, and hurriedly left Jiang Fan far away!

"Huh! One more! The winner can inherit all the net worth of the opponent!"

Pandas gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted!


Everyone was stunned, and then, with a look of contempt!

No wonder Pandas jumped out at this time. It turned out that Jiang Fan's "Lanting Collection Preface" was the real thing!

"Trash! Do you think you can win?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully and suddenly shouted!



A long bow with a simple shape and full of charm suddenly appeared!

"Maangji! What is this?"

"Is this magic? Or space magic?"

"It's amazing! A bow and arrow turned into a bow and arrow with just a flick!"

"My God! Mysterious Chinese people!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

This Chinese person is amazing!

First I took out the "Lanting Collection Preface", and now, I actually turned into a bow!

Pandas' eyes twitched!

In my heart, there was a faint hunch that was extremely unknown!

"I only shot one arrow! If you don't die, even if you win!"

Jiang Fan is domineering!

A group of celebrities and ladies only felt that their hearts were shaken!

So handsome!

Simply domineering!

"Huh! Bluff!"

Pandas suddenly opened his bow, shot an arrow at Jiang Fan!


Arrows are like shooting stars! There is a hint of white light attached to the front end!

This is magic, sharpness!

This arrow is enough to penetrate a steel plate!

Seeing that the arrow was about to hit Jiang Fan, everyone exclaimed!



Jiang Fan seemed to be swatting a fly, so he slapped the arrow away!


The arrow fell to the ground!

Everyone was stunned!

With a dumb look!

Arrow, was actually shot flying? !

Nima! Is that a hand? Isn't it an alloy?

Pandas also showed an angry look!

"Boy, don't hide the next arrow!"


Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

Pandas roared! Suddenly a touch of an arrow was struck, and then another arrow was shot!

However, as soon as this arrow was shot, all the faces changed!

When the arrow left the bow, there was a sudden hum!

The speed is as fast as lightning!

Almost teleported, and he was in front of Jiang Fan!

Even Jiang Fan has no time to make a move, let alone hide!

That's it!

Everyone can't help but close their eyes!

A few ladies even screamed out!

Pandas showed a smirk even more!

The first arrow, he is just a test, this arrow is his, true strength!



A crisp sound!

Everyone opened their eyes and suddenly saw an incredible scene!

That arrow definitely hit Jiang Fan!

However, the arrow cluster was actually bitten by Jiang Fan!

Yang Yuki defeated the rebellion with three arrows back then. He once shot against Dou Yuejiao. Two of the arrows were caught empty-handed, and the last one was caught directly with his mouth!

Jiang Fan got the archery inheritance of Yang Youji, and it was easy to pick up arrows with his mouth!

However, a group of viewers were dumbfounded!

"Too, too exaggerated!"

"Catch an arrow with your mouth? Am I watching a movie?"

"The movies are not so exaggerated! This is simply a myth!"

"My mother! Are Huaxia people so good? Fortunately we don't live in ancient times!"

"Yes! Otherwise, Europe has definitely become a province of China!"

As for Pandas, he has completely panicked!

No, this is impossible!

How could this Chinese person be so strong?

He is a magician of level five!

The enchanted arrow of five-level magic is enough to blast a car!

How could it be so easy to be next!

No, no! Want to run!

If you don't run, you will die!

Without a word, Pandas suddenly released a light-body technique under his feet and ran away!


Jiang Fan spit out the arrow casually, just like spit out a toothpick!

"Run? You can pay it back, you owe me an arrow!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan suddenly bent his bow!

"Arrow! Come!"

On the Yunmeng bow drawn into the full moon, a bronze arrow appeared suddenly!


A scream!

The arrow shoots out like a streamer!

The speed is too fast, even rubbing the arrow clusters red! As if attached to a layer of raging fire!

Pandas was so scared!

Desperately, hold up a magic shield!


A loud noise!

The magic shield didn't hold up for half a second, and it suddenly exploded!

The arrow remained strong, and suddenly shot from the back of Pandas! Just pass through!

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