
Blood is all over the sky!

This arrow directly blasted a transparent hole in Pandas' chest!

"I, I'm... level five..."

With a crying voice, Pandas murmured the last words in his life!

"Level five? Rubbish!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully, shaking his hand, and put the Yunmeng Bow into his backpack again!


"Sure enough, there is only one arrow!"

"I just felt my eyes were burned!"

"Horrible arrow technique, terrible Chinese people!"

That shocking arrow, like a hot red soldering iron, was deeply imprinted in everyone's minds, and it was lingering again!

Albert is even more excited!

Pandas is a fifth-level magician! The defensive power of the magic shield far exceeds that of fighters of the same level, and even so, it was killed by the master with one arrow!

The strength of the master is simply terrifying!

As long as the master is willing to help himself, it is by no means a dream to take back the real power of the family!

As for Hodgson, his face was pale!

Thinking of before, he was provoking Jiang Fan in every possible way, he only felt that his crotch was going to be wet!

But then, he suddenly changed to a look of joy!

Jiang Fan killed Pandas, and Dick would never let him go! Maybe...

A poisonous trick is immediately completed in Hodgson's mind!

At this moment, the eyes of a group of young ladies and ladies looking at Jiang Fan are already full of greed!

"Young and rich, and so strong, this is simply the lover of my dreams!"

"Yes! You must find a way to seduce this handsome Chinese guy!"

"Humph! With me, Juliet, don't even think about it!"

"Batch! What are you talking about?"

Right in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, a group of celebrities who originally looked at him with a look of admiration turned out to be cursed directly like a shrew!

There are even two, even more direct!

Under the push, it soon became a melee!

Even Hodgson's female companion, Emily is involved!

The battle was fierce, and the silicone was shot out!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!


This is too cruel!

Fortunately, Xia Fanxing was talking to her partner at the house, otherwise, she saw this scene——

At this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Actually, the order is here!

"In the future era, due to the continuous cosmic wars, a large number of aliens will seek refuge on the earth! As a special police officer who specializes in dealing with aliens, the men in black are committed to preventing evil aliens from secretly invading and destroying the earth. !"

"Ding! Please give Agent J a courageous Kung Pao Chicken!"

This is the man in black?

However, Gaul does not have such a tall dish as Kung Pao Chicken!

It seems that you have to do it yourself!

at this time!

Hodgson, with a smirk on his face, suddenly came over!

"Aha! Dear Mr. Huaxia!"

Hodgson greeted politely!


How can Jiang Fan be in the mood to take care of him!

Turn around and run to the manor house!

Hodgson was dumbfounded!

Afterwards, simply furious!

Damn Chinese people! Actually, dare to be so rude!

However, for the sake of planning, I endured it!

"Wait! Wait for me!"

Hodgson went straight after Jiang Fan!

At this moment, in the villa, Xia Fanxing is talking with a handsome man!

This person is Leo, the second son of the Vincent family, and at the same time, Xia Fanxing's partner!

"Mr. Leo, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Leo smiled gently!

"Miss Xia, do you have time tonight? I want to invite you to dinner!"

"Sorry, my boyfriend came to Gaul for the first time. I have to accompany him to appreciate the customs and customs of Gaul! I have time later, I invite you!"

"That's it! I took the liberty!"

Leo's smile remained unchanged, but a trace of unpleasantness flashed in his eyes!

At this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly rushed in!

"Jiang Fan?"

Xia Fanxing was startled!

"Where is the kitchen?"

Jiang Fan asked hurriedly!

"It seems to be over there!"


Jiang Fan plunged into the kitchen!

Xia Fanxing and the two were confused, and followed!

At this moment, in the kitchen, a head chef with a chef's hat full of half a meter is directing a group of chefs to make a variety of food and desserts!

Seeing Jiang Fan break in, he immediately frowned!

"Sir, this is the kitchen, please leave!"

"I'm leaving now!"

As Jiang Fan said, he hurriedly looked around and ran directly to a stove!

There, all the ingredients you need are available!

"Hey! What are you doing?"

The chef was dissatisfied and yelled!



A group of chefs were stunned!

Then, roaring with laughter!

"What a joke! How dare to cook in front of us?"

"Forget it in front of us, the point is, Chef Campbell is here too!"

"Look at what this kid looks like, is he from Huaxia?"

"No wonder it's so arrogant! China prides itself on being a great food country, but compared to our Gaul feast, it's all rubbish!"

"Yes! Hey! Huaxia kid, if you don't want to make a fool of yourself, go quickly!"


Jiang Fan simply ignored the ridicule of a group of chefs, directly, light up! pour oil!

"Is this kid an idiot?"

"Don't chop the vegetables, fire first! Ridiculous!"

"When he cuts the ingredients, the pot will be burnt out!"

"This idiot, doesn't know how to cook at all!"

"What a **** food country! It turns out that it's at this level!"

A group of chefs simply stopped and watched with mockery!

Even the head chef Campbell looked at Jiang Fan jokingly!

After a busy morning, he was also a little tired, just so, take a break and look at this Chinese clown joke!

At this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly picked up a kitchen knife!


Jiang Fan picked up the knife and dropped it, as fast as a phantom!

In less than three seconds, a whole piece of chicken breast, along with various ingredients, has been cut into small pieces of exactly the same size by Jiang Fan!


In an instant, there was a sound of air-conditioning in the entire kitchen!


This knife technique is too slippery, right?

No wonder the fire first!

A group of chefs, their faces flushed!

Face slap, too slapped!

However, this is just the beginning!


When the ingredients are put into the pot, Jiang Fan methodically stirs and sprinkles all kinds of seasonings!


A strong fragrance, almost instantly floating!

"This, what does it taste like?"

"Greasy but not greasy! It also has a refreshing taste of vegetables! This taste is so fragrant!"

"Then, is that chili? Why, this little bit of spicy taste makes me feel like I want to cry?"

"This is the taste of first love! So hot! And, full of passion!"

"The key is that his movements are absolutely natural! That slight pinch of salt is so smooth! It's like a landscape painting by a master!"

Everyone trembled with excitement!

Campbell was even more horrified!

"Too shocking! This is not cooking, this is art!"

"It's me, I've been pursuing all my life, the real cooking skills!"


After Jiang Fan's last stir-frying was over, the entire kitchen was completely enveloped in fragrance!

Everyone, as if floating in the clouds, was shocked by this deliciousness, fluttering and ecstatic!

"Gaul feast? Chinese food rubbish?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Tell you! This plate of Kung Pao Chicken is your Gaul feast, forever dad!"

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