
"Too arrogant!"

"It's just that it tastes better, so dare to be so rampant!"

"Yes! A nation that can't afford to eat mustard, what right do you have to say about us!"

A group of chefs suddenly became angry!

Campbell is particularly dissatisfied!

"Huh! I would like to see, how do you Huaxia Food become fathers!"

He said, already, he directly pinched a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth!

However, the moment the chicken was imported, Campbell was stunned!

Then, burst into tears!

"Oh my God! Too, so delicious!"

"I, I feel like I'm going to explode!"

"How can there be such a delicious thing in the world?"


"I'm wrong!"

Campbell fell directly to his knees!


A group of chefs, shocked! Confused!

Is it really so delicious?

Actually, let Chef Campbell call his father?

"Huh! Impossible!"

"Yes! Never possible!"

"Let's try it too!"

A group of chefs rushed over!

Take one bite at a time, and eat one piece!

Then, as soon as Xia Fanxing and Leo opened the kitchen door, the loud voice sounded almost at the same time!


Xia Fanxing and Leiao looked dumbfounded!

This, what is this situation?

Why are these chefs, like good sons, kneeling in front of Jiang Fan, calling him Dad?

"Mr. Campbell, what are you doing?"

Leo, his face was unbelievable!

However, Campbell ignored him at all and instead hugged Jiang Fan's thigh!

"Chef! Please, teach me how to cook!"

"I also want to be a real chef like you!"

Jiang Fan shook his head directly!

"You can't, you don't have enough talent!"

Campbell was dumbfounded!

This is too straightforward!

Worthy of being a chef, with such a temper, you should!

"Get up all, remember! There is no end to learning! Gaul feast is really good, but Huaxia is the Nanbo Bay!"

"Yes! We, remember!"

A group of chefs are convinced!

Jiang Fan took a plate of uterus preserved chicken in his hand, and then ran directly to the storage room!

"System, enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Men in Black 1""

The first part of Men in Black, mainly tells the story of humans and aliens! Police Constable J was recruited by Agent K of the Man in Black from the Alien Immigration Organization because of an accident! At this time, the Zerg killed Prince Valenki, and attempted to take away the super energy body "Milky Way" and cause a war in the universe!

When the Valenkis learned that the prince was assassinated and the Milky Way was lost, they immediately threatened the destruction of the Earth, allowing the Man in Black to find the Milky Way within an hour!

And J and K, in order to protect the earth, start a battle with the Zerg! Finally successfully killed the Zerg and retrieved the galaxy! Stopped the war from happening!

The plot of this movie can be said to be very simple, but here, there is something called an artifact!



Jiang Fan reappeared, already on a avenue!

The night here is thick, and cars go on and off on the avenue, so it's so lively!

However, no one knows that the alien warship has already floated outside the earth's atmosphere!

Jiang Fan is preparing to locate Agent J, at this moment!

"what is that?"

Suddenly someone exclaimed!

Jiang Fan looked up and saw that a spaceship shaped like a plate was falling into the distance with the flames!

It turns out that this time has come!

At this time, the Insect King has already obtained the "Milky Way" and is preparing to take a spaceship and leave here!

However, it was shot down by J and K with a laser gun!

Jiang Fan took out the bicycle directly!

A sudden kick!

Go after the spaceship!

As long as you follow the spaceship, you can definitely find J!


Jiang Fan is driving fast!

"Omika! What is that?"

"It seems to be a bicycle?"

"Impossible! How could the bicycle be so fast!"

"Is it, Alien Technology?"

The pedestrians on the road looked dumbfounded!


Jiang Fan soon came to the location where the spacecraft fell!

At this moment, the door of the spacecraft has just opened, and J and K, holding two large strangely shaped guns, are aiming at the hatch!


The hatch opened, and immediately afterwards, a weird man whose skin was about to rot, twisted and twisted and walked out!

Exactly, the insect king in human skin!

"Idiot! You don't understand at all! I won! The earth will be destroyed soon!"

Insect King, roar loudly!

"Dream! You have been arrested for violating the interstellar law!"

The white agent K said coldly!

"Hand over the Milky Way galaxy immediately and put your hands on your head!"

The black agent J has a smug look on his face!

The first mission was to save the earth! He is very excited!

However, the Insect King smiled strangely!

"Let me put my hand, on my head?"

While he was talking, he put his hands on the back of his head! Then, suddenly the skin on the back of his head was torn apart!


The skin instantly becomes two pieces!

A big, hideous insect, more than five meters long, suddenly appeared in front of the two of them!

K's face was pale, and J was shocked!

too big!

Moreover, this thing seemed to be covered with a layer of iron armor all over the body!

Unspeakable, terrible!

At the moment when the two of them were stunned, the insect king spit out his tongue and swallowed their weapons directly into their stomachs!

"Go to hell! Idiot!"

The insect king laughed loudly, and his two forelimbs sharp as knives suddenly stab them at them!


at this time!


Three gunshots in a row!

Three bullets in the shape of a finished character directly hit the insect king's forehead!

It's a pity that the insect king's skin is harder than imagined!

The desert eagle's large-caliber bullet hit it, and unexpectedly, it was just a burst of sparks!

However, even so, the insect king was still blasted by the powerful kinetic energy and took a step back!

And Jiang Fan has already taken this opportunity to throw K and J aside!

"Run! I'll deal with it!"

Jiang Fan shouted in a low voice!


"Thank you young man, but leave it to me!"

K got up from the ground and looked at Jiang Fan arrogantly!

Humph! A civilian, or a yellow race, thinks that with a pistol, he can kill the Insect King? Simply ridiculous!

After a while, it seems that I have to use the amnestic again!

After saying this, K went directly to the Insect King!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

K Is this... pretending?

There is a kind!

"Big bug, do you know how many cockroaches I have killed with newspaper? You slimy, disgusting parasite! Eat me if you have one! Come on! Eat me, eat me!"

K shouted arrogantly!


As long as this idiot eats himself into his stomach, he can retrieve his weapon from his stomach. When that happens, just pull the trigger gently!

boom! This big bug will be wiped out!

According to the original plot, this is indeed the case!

It's a pity that the insect king's two big amber eyes suddenly showed a sneer look!


Flick the tail!

Hit K's body hard!


With a scream, K was suddenly taken away for several tens of meters, and hit a big tree with one head!

J looked dumbfounded!

Can't help being scared, trembling all over!

too frightening!

These alien beasts are simply not something humans can deal with!

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