The Gulf Stream was extremely fast and soon left the land of Gaul!

The stewardess who was selected by the old Emil to serve Jiang Fan was even more excited!

The old Emil had previously ordered them to meet any needs of Jiang Fan, but they were still reluctant!

However, since they saw Jiang Fan's true face, they completely wanted to post it!

However, Jiang Fan turned a blind eye to the glamorous eyes of a few beautiful flight attendants, instead, staring thoughtfully at a small wooden box!

This is exactly what can be exchanged for causality!

This wooden box is only palm-sized and made of nanmu, but it has been coated with starch!

It's definitely not short depending on the year!

But other than that, there is nothing surprising!

"System! What are the conditions for recycling real-world objects?"

"Ding! No comment! Only when the host touches a recyclable item will you receive a prompt!"


Isn't this just a chance?

It seems that this kind of thing is really restrictive!

Jiang Fan finally took the small box away!

"System! Sold!"

"Ding! The sale is successful, congratulations to the host for getting 50 causality points!"

The plane is heading east at the moment, and it will take a full eight hours to return to China!

Jiang Fan simply closed his eyes and practiced the Nine Yang Sutra!

I don't know how long it took, the position of the cockpit of the plane, suddenly, there was an explosion!

The plane also began to shake violently!

Jiang Fan suddenly woke up from the state of movement!

"what happened?"

"No, I don't know, it seems that there is a problem on the side of the cab!"

The two flight attendants looked at a loss!

Jiang Fan frowned, and immediately strode to the door of the cab!

It's just that I knocked on the door twice, but there was no response.

Jiang Fan kicked the door open, frowning suddenly!

In the cockpit, there is no one!

Moreover, the entire cab has been almost completely destroyed!

At this moment, the plane has gradually started, falling downward!

Is this yourself, was it designed?

Who will it be?

Seeing the plane accident, the two flight attendants hurried to find the parachute!

Unfortunately, all the parachutes in the plane were gone!

"Parachute, how could there be none?"

"Impossible! I remember clearly, put it here!"

The two flight attendants panicked!

A look of fear!

This is an altitude of several kilometers! Once the plane crashes, everyone will die!

At this moment, the plane has completely tilted, and the speed of falling is getting faster and faster!

The two flight attendants have gradually rolled their eyes because of the air pressure!

Only Jiang Fan stayed still!

"Crash? A good method! If you change another person, you will really kill you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, caught the two flight attendants who had slipped down, and pressed them gently on their necks!

The two flight attendants fainted suddenly!

Jiang Fan left and right, sandwiched the two flight attendants under his arm, and then suddenly kicked towards the hatch!


A loud noise!

The hatch is almost like being bombarded by explosives, suddenly, the bullet flew out!

At the same time, a strong wind suddenly pulled Jiang Fan out of the hatch!


In the sky, the wind is howling!

Looking down, you can even see the green ground!

However, even if the scenery is beautiful, after half a minute, there will only be three more piles of plasma on the ground!

Seeing that the speed of the fall of several people is getting faster and faster!

From the ground, there are only a few hundred meters left!

In Jiang Fan's ears, there were all harsh wind howls!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes squinted, but there was a flash of energy!

"System! Summon, Patter tortoise!"

Pata Turtle: From the world of "Super Mario"! A flying little tortoise, fighting power, a scum!


A tortoise the size of a chair suddenly appeared at the foot of Jiang Fan!

Seeing that it was about to hit the ground, the little tortoise screamed in fright! Suddenly, from both sides of the body, a pair of wings of four or five meters long stretched out!


The little tortoise flapped its wings several times, and finally stabilized his body!

At a distance of a dozen miles away, Gulfstream has already hit the ground!


The violent explosion, even here, can be seen clearly!

At this moment, if Jiang Fan is still on the plane, he will definitely die!

"Kuba King is here! Master Jiang Fan! Are you trying to kill me?"

Little tortoise, a look of horror!

"Sorry! Thank you!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

The little tortoise flapped its wings and finally landed on the ground with difficulty!

"Thank you! Go back and say hello to Kuba for me!"


The little turtle agreed, and disappeared in no time!

And Jiang Fan, with two flight attendants, quickly ran towards the east!

He had seen a town over there just now!

Soon, Jiang Fan came to town!

Unexpectedly, he had already arrived in China!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly. It seemed that the person who harmed him was very afraid of the old Emil or Fernan!

Whether the Amir family or the Fernand family, although the industry spreads across Europe, they did not enter China!

The plane crashed in China, and the two families did not have the experience to investigate the cause of the crash because of their lack of strength in China!

Who will hurt yourself?

Jiang Fan called Xue Chengyue directly!

Then, with two flight attendants, took a taxi straight to the city!

On the way, the two flight attendants woke up and were shocked!

An hour later, the car came directly to Qingjiang City!

Qingjiang City is a big city in the west of China, and it is very prosperous!

As soon as the taxi arrived in Qingjiang City, when the driver was waiting for the red light, the two flight attendants suddenly woke up!

"Maangji! Is this heaven?"

"It's beyond my expectation! Look at the meaning of the text, it's actually a beauty salon!"

"Wow! It's really heaven!"

"It looks like it is no different from the world! But why are the words in heaven all Huaxia characters?"

The two flight attendants looked surprised, and their faces were incredible!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Worthy of being a woman!

This brain circuit is really different from a man!

"Ahem! Two ladies, are you awake?"

The two flight attendants were stunned again, and then they were overjoyed!

"Haha! This handsome guy is here too! I won't be lonely anymore!"

"It seems that this is the welfare that God has bestowed on us!"

"This is a pious return!"

"Handsome guy! Don't talk! Rape me as much as you like!"

"Yes! Don't pity me because I am a delicate flower!"

The two flight attendants prepared directly, facing Jiang Fan, and started!

"Two! This is not heaven, it is China! You are not dead!"


The two flight attendants looked around and finally came to their senses, but they couldn't hide their disappointment!

At this moment!

On one side, there was suddenly a fluent voice!

"I need a man so much, come to my brother! Hehehe! Brother's fork-grabbing dragon claw hand, but it is for you!"

Jiang Fan frowned, and suddenly saw a BMW 8 series that was also waiting for a red light next to him, and he showed a smirking face!

This man was in his early twenties, with a wretched appearance, wearing a flowered shirt, and wearing a diamond stud earring on his ear!

Just now, Jiang Fan and a few people talked in French, some of which were still slang, this young man could understand it, plus the car, obviously, a little background!

However, Jiang Fan didn't want to have extra troubles, he just closed the car windows and ignored it!

Soon, the green light turns on!

However, the taxi had just passed the traffic light not far, but the BMW on the side suddenly overtook the car, and then made a bend, and stopped the taxi directly!

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