God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 271: The car leaves you rolling

BMW's move directly blocked the traffic!

But when they saw the shiny serial number plate, everyone hurriedly shut their mouths!

There are even a few, just get off the car and get ready to watch the show!

The BMW door opened, and the young man got out of the car lazily and gestured to the taxi driver!

The driver looked pale and looked at Jiang Fan with a sad face!

"Sir, I don't need the fare, please, get off!"


"This person is Ma Chengfeng, the eldest master of the Ma family!"

"He stopped here. He definitely fell in love with the two young ladies next to you. I would advise you to send these two foreign girls out and keep them safe!"

The driver sighed!

"Ma Family?"

"Yes, Majia in Qingjiang City! No one dares to provoke them in Qingjiang!"

"Sir, get out of the car! Please! Otherwise, I will have to follow my luck!"

The driver begged!

Jiang Fan frowned, smiled at the two dumb-faced Gallic horses, and then walked straight out of the car!

"Boy! Leave those two foreign girls, go to the Binhai Hotel tomorrow morning to lead someone, get out!"

Ma Chengfeng looked arrogant!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Leave your BMW behind and pick up the car at the airport in three hours. Go away!"

Ma Chengfeng was stunned!

Look dazed!

A group of people watching the excitement were also stunned!

"You, what did you say?"

Ma Chengfeng looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

An illusion, it must be an illusion!

In Qingjiang, it is impossible for anyone to dare to talk to himself like this!

"I said, BMW stay, you, get out!"

Everyone gasped!

"My ears, aren't they?"

"This kid, what's the background? Actually, dare to and Ma Shao, so arrogant!"

"This is a good show to watch!"

"Last time a powerful figure in the field, he just accidentally hit Ma Shao. It is said that he was beaten to death by Ma Shao with a hammer, and even the body was not found!"

"Hey, he looks like he's also an outsider, unfortunately!"

The crowd talked!

Ma Chengfeng's face gradually became gloomy!

"Boy, you don't know yet, who am I?"

"In Qingjiang, no one has ever dare to talk to me like this!"

"You are crazy! So, I made a decision!"

"I don't need these two girls, but you must die!"


Jiang Fan didn't say anything, he just went straight up with a big mouth!

Ma Chengfeng was beaten up!

A group of onlookers also opened their mouths!

"Let you leave the car, why the **** do you have so much nonsense?"

Jiang Fan looked impatient!

"You, do you dare to hit me?"

"What's wrong with hitting you? I'm still kicking you!"

Jiang Fan lifted his foot and kicked Ma Chengfeng a tumble, and then the big foot girl stomped on Ma Chengfeng's face!

"Boom boom!"

Ma Chengfeng was beaten by Jiang Fan, the ghost cries and howls!

Tears and nose muddled his face!

"You, you are done! You are dead!"

"My dad won't let you go!"

Ma Chengfeng screamed desperately!

Jiang Fan's face sank, and suddenly he lifted Ma Chengfeng and punched him hard, directly hitting his face!



Ma Chengfeng's entire face was almost flattened!

Rolling eyes painfully!

"Don't let me go, right? That's fine, I will kill you now!"

Jiang Fan looked savage, and once again raised his fist, he was about to hit Ma Chengfeng!

"do not!"

Ma Chengfeng almost freaked out!

"Don't! Stop it!"

"Hero! The car is yours!"

"The girl is yours too!"

"I, I was wrong! Let me go!"

Jiang Fan casually threw the horse into the wind, and then tilted his head at the two Gallic horses!


Two Gaul girls walked to Jiang Fan with a look of admiration, and one kissed Jiang Fan on the cheek, and they got into the BMW with excitement!


The BMW 7 Series roared and went away abruptly!


"Peerless ruthless man!"

"Too fierce! I actually beat Shao Ma!"

"Not only to win! I also robbed Ma Shao's car!"

"This buddy, strong!"

"Simply an idol!"

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan's departure direction dumbfounded, and their faces were full of worship!

"Fuck, bastard!"

Ma Chengfeng lay on the ground, groaning in pain!

Afterwards, he barely took out his phone!

"Uncle Lang, I, I have been bullied, come on, save me!"

Everyone was shocked when Uncle Lang exited the word!

next moment!


The crowd of onlookers suddenly disappeared!

"This bastard! You're dead! You absolutely—why~~my nose!"


The BMW 7 Series was parked firmly in the airport parking lot!

Jiang Fan took the two flight attendants directly into the terminal building!

Just walking to the door, a middle-aged man with a loyal face immediately greeted him respectfully!

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Are you from the Xue family?"

"Yes! My name is Xue Ping. I heard that you are in a little trouble. Because you can't get out of your body, I specifically asked me to come here for some refreshment!"

"Well, these two flight attendants are from Gaul, think of a way to send them back, and book me a plane ticket back to Los Angeles!"

Jiang Fan's trip to Gaul was too sudden this time, and he didn't bring any ID cards!


Xue Ping said calmly and hooked his fingers, and immediately two of his subordinates came over and smiled politely at the two Gaul flight attendants!

Knowing that parting was imminent, the two flight attendants looked melancholy!

"Dear Jiang, when you go to Gaul in the future, you must find us!"

"Yes! We are the exclusive flight attendants of the Emir family. You must not forget us when you go to Gaul in the future!"

Two flight attendants, reluctant to give up!

Jiang Fan's expression moved slightly!

Suddenly he lowered his head and whispered to the two flight attendants: "After you go back, no matter what others ask, you don't know!"

"If there is a chance, remember, there is a chance! Give the old Emil a word!"

"Let him, be careful! His side, it is very likely, not safe!"

The two flight attendants suddenly widened their eyes!

However, after that, he immediately looked firm!

"Don't worry, we will take the word to you!"


"Goodbye! Jiang!"

Seeing the two flight attendants leave, Xue Ping immediately bowed!

"Mr. Jiang, the ticket is ready! Please follow me!"


Jiang Fan followed Xue Ping and quickly entered the VIP channel!

ten minutes later!

In the terminal building, a dozen men with hideous looks suddenly rushed in!

These people looked around fiercely, and then one of them took out his mobile phone and dialed a number!

After a while, the security director of the airport ran over in sweat!

"Just now, was there a young man with two foreign girls here?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Where did they go?"

"The two women went to Gaul, the man, flew straight to Los Angeles!"

"Do you know what his name is?"

"It seems to be, Jiang Fan!"

A group of big guys looked at each other, and then the man who asked the question dialed a number again!

"Langye! That man should be from Los Angeles, his name is Jiang Fan!"

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