God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 279: Scared away scared away

A group of people were dumbfounded!

too fast!

This swordsmanship is simply super god!

"As expected of the prince! This speed is faster than a bullet!"

Ah Wei looks admired!

"It's a god! You can't see it at all!"

Uncle Jiu is even more excited!

As for Tingting, her pretty face is blushing!

So handsome!

A long sword, unexpectedly, could not fight back the invincible zombie!

However, Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

This zombie is too hard!

Hard as iron stone!

The pine pattern ancient sword has been cut for so long, but it has only left countless white marks!

At this moment, the zombies also reacted!

Although the human being on the opposite side is full of momentum, he can't hurt himself at all!


The zombies roared suddenly!

Actually, with the heavy sword shadow, directly, attacked Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's face sank!

He had a fierce battle with Yue Jianhan yesterday, but his injuries were actually extremely serious! Although the sword energy was removed, it consumed a lot of true energy!

In addition, the lungs are damaged, and you need to use real temperature to raise them, and you can only perform at most 30% of your skills!

Otherwise, the true energy of Nine Suns will erupt completely, and the zombie's head will be cut off with a single sword!

Seeing the zombie attack, Jiang Fan immediately moved and avoided!

No way! The zombie must be dealt with quickly!

Otherwise, the longer time delays, if one's injury recurs, Jiu Shu and others will undoubtedly die!

At this moment!

"Shang Xian! Take the sword!"

Uncle Jiu suddenly yelled, and reluctantly threw the peach wood sword in his hand!

On that sword, there is actually a red blood talisman!

"Shangxian, this zombie is different from ordinary ghosts. There is boy blood on the sword. As long as it pierces the heart, it will definitely die!"

Jiang Fan was originally planning to sacrifice the Yunmeng Bow. Hearing what Jiu Shu said, he immediately took the Peach Wood Sword!

At this moment, the zombie has used a pair of sharp claws to stab Jiang Fan's heart!

If it is pierced this time, even if it is a layer of steel plate, it will definitely be penetrated!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and retreated suddenly!

Infuse the peach wood sword with infuriating energy! A backhand sword slashed directly on the zombie's arm!


One arm of the zombie was cut off by Jiang Fan with a sword!

Uncle Jiu almost didn't stare out!

This is so unscientific!

The mahogany sword itself is a blunt weapon, and with its fragile material, it has always been mainly thorns!

If he cuts like this, the mahogany sword must be broken!

Worthy of being a god!


The zombies are also dumbfounded!

I stared blankly at my severed hand!

Forgot to even attack!


The zombie roared suddenly!

Everyone panicked!

Oops, the zombie is angry!


The zombie suddenly turned around and jumped up to a height of two or three meters!

Jump around, turn around and run!

Everyone was stunned!

This zombie is... ran away? !


Jiang Fan is too vigorous!

It actually scared the zombies away!

"Want to run?"

When Jiang Fan moves, he must chase after him!

However, Jiu Shu suddenly snorted!

not good! It must be a corpse attack!

Jiang Fan immediately took out the glutinous rice porridge and handed it to Uncle Ji!

"Hurry up!"

Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up! Hurry to take it!

This is the food for the gods, especially for yourself!

Last time, because of the ice porridge sent by the gods, my mood has greatly improved!

At the entrance of the warm rice porridge, Jiu Shu immediately felt comfortable and groaned!

There was a trace of poisonous blood exuding the smell of corpse from the scratches on the body!

"It deserves to be the food of the gods! Actually, the corpse was detoxified so quickly!"

"Shang Xian! Thank you!"

Uncle Nine drank the rice porridge and immediately jumped up!

Full of energy!

Awei and Tingting were stunned!


The immortal shot, sure enough, extraordinary!

"My lord, hehe, or else, would you give me a bowl too?"

Ah Wei looked at Jiang Fan with greedy eyes!

"You are not poisoned, drink a fart! Hurry up and get some glutinous rice to get rid of poison for Wencai and Qiusheng!"

Jiang Fan had already taken advantage of Jiu Shu's time to drink porridge, and checked the injuries of the two Qiusheng!

They were just knocked out and poisoned with corpse poison, but their injuries were not serious!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Awei nodded repeatedly!

At exactly this time, more than a dozen security guards also ran over!

"Captain! Have the zombies been killed?"

"The explosion just now is so loud!"

"The captain is really Hong Fu Qitian. This time he will kill the zombies and he will definitely be promoted and made rich in the future!"

"What's more! The captain is brave and brave, I think Miss Ren must be excited to agree with her!"

A group of players, flattering again and again!


Awei was furious!

"Why do you **** come here? Where is the **** who came up with explosives?"

"That dynamite doesn't work at all! If it weren't for the prince's invincible power, he cut off one of the zombie's hands and scared the monster away, I would have a cold **** now!"


A group of players, shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan together!

"With such a powerful explosive, it actually didn't kill the zombies?"

"However, the zombies were scared away by the prince!"

"Moreover, the prince also chopped off a zombie's arm! That monster, but not even afraid of bullets!

"so amazing!"

"The town is definitely saved this time!"

A group of team members looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, thank you!"

Ren Tingting also came over with a shy expression, and saluted Jiang Fan!

This little brother is more handsome than the last time I saw him!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and looked directly at Uncle Jiu!

"I don't have much time, hurry up and find the zombie and destroy it!"


Uncle Jiu promised, directly, take out a compass!

"There are three wonders in the sky, and six rites in the earth!"

"The elves are strange, so Jie Fushou!"

"Yellow sand and terracotta, rubble grave foundation!"

"Fang Huang Baibu, see it right away!"


Uncle Ji stopped drinking!


The jumbled needle on the compass stopped abruptly! Point to the west!

"Shangxian, the zombies are in that direction!"


Jiang Fan took it out directly, and changed his life against the sky, lucky bike!

Uncle Jiu was immediately excited!

It seems that the **** is going to use the technique of shrinking the ground again!

Uncle Jiu just took the back seat, Jiang Fan immediately kicked his feet!


The bike sprang out! In less than three seconds, already, without a trace!

A group of security guards added Ah Wei and they were dumbfounded!

"Quick! Keep up!"

"Hurry up and see the prince collect demons!"

"This is a blessing that can't be cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

"Uncle Jiu, let's talk about it, the prince is a god! He can be a god!"

"Nonsense! Just look at the Dao Fa!"

"If you get a little bit of celestial energy, then promotion and fortune are at your fingertips!"

A group of people, with enough strength, chased Jiang Fan wildly!


At this moment, Jiang Fan and Jiu Shu had already arrived in front of a hill!

On the hill, lush green, at the foot of the hill, there is a dark hole!

"Shangxian! The zombie, yes, it's in the hole!"

Uncle Ji pointed at the hole!

"Okay! Waiting for me here!"

As Jiang Fan said, he ran to the entrance of the cave!

Unexpectedly, when I just walked here, a roar suddenly sounded in the cave!

It's just that, it's not the sound of the zombies before!

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