God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 280: I am not a boy anymore

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Is there a second zombie?

at this time!

A black shadow, as majestic as a mountain, burst out suddenly!

Surprisingly, it is one, more than two meters tall, like a black wall, hideous, black gorilla!

"Shang Xian! Be careful!"

Uncle Jiu watched Jiang Fan motionless, and suddenly yelled in shock!

Was it hit by a punch by this thing?

Seeing that the gorilla had already raised his fist and blasted towards Jiang Fan!

At this moment!

Jiang Fan yawned lazily, and then lifted his foot!

"Shoot! Go!"



The gorilla was kicked by Jiang Fan!

With a "puff", far away, it fell into the woods halfway through the mountain!

Jiu Shu's chin is going to be shocked!

This kick kicked the gorilla a full tens of meters away!

Too violent!

At this moment, a roar came from the cave again!

The zombie with a broken arm, desperate, also rushed out!

Uncle Jiu immediately looked excited!

Next, there must be a battle between the gods and the zombies!

As long as you observe with your heart, you will surely benefit a lot!

Maybe, Dao Fa will be even better!

However, Jiang Fan sneered when the zombies rushed out of the hole!

Directly, stabbed out with a sword!


Right in the heart of the zombie!


Zombies fall on their backs!

The air is quiet!

Uncle Jiu is about to collapse!

This is...fucked to death? !

This Nima is too simple!

What a zombie!

Jump out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements!

Why is it like killing a chicken when the immortal kills this thing?

"Okay, burn it!"

Jiang Fan patted his **** and was ready to leave!

Before, it didn't know the weakness of this thing, otherwise, let alone this purple zong, even if there are hundreds of them, it is still like cutting melons and vegetables!


Uncle Jiu promised, immediately took out a piece of talisman paper, and flicked it at the zombie!


As soon as the talisman fell on the zombie, it immediately ignited a raging fire!

At this moment, Ah Wei also arrived with a group of subordinates, panting!

"Uncle Nine! Where's the zombies?"


"So fast?!"

Everyone was stunned!

"Huh! What kind of character is Shangxian? Killing a zombie is not enough?"

Uncle Jiu said, pointing at the scorched zombie!

"As expected of the prince! It's amazing!"

"Unfortunately, we didn't see the prince showing his power!"

"Oh! If only there was another zombie!"

"Yes! It's a pity that I didn't see the prince's supernatural power!"

A group of people were talking, and a roar suddenly came from halfway up the mountain!


Listen to the sound, it is that gorilla!

Everyone was shocked!

Retreat desperately!

Many security guards raised their guns one after another!

Only Jiang Fan remained motionless, but looked at the mountainside with a playful expression!

"Don't be afraid, it's just a chimpanzee!"


Awei and others were taken aback!

Immediately afterwards, his face suddenly became furious!

"Damn it! It's it again!"

"Yes! The last time I came to look for zombies, I was caused by this brute!"

"This time, you must give it a good look!"

"Brothers! Load the gun. Tonight, the captain, I want to invite the prince to have a monkey brain!"

Ah Wei took out his pistol and roared vigorously!


A group of security guards loudly agreed, and pointed their guns forward!

Just wait for the gorilla to appear, and kill it directly!


A loud noise!

The gorilla suddenly knocked down a big tree and appeared in front of everyone!


Awei yelled!

"Boom boom boom!"

The bullet blasted out like a torrential rain!

The hit gorilla trembled all over!

As the gunfire stopped, the gorilla was almost beaten into a sieve!

Go up to the sky and fall down!

"Hahaha! Seeing you dare to scare me! Bastard! Go to hell!"

Awei laughed triumphantly!

Unexpectedly, at this moment!

"Dodge all!"

Jiang Fan suddenly gave a low voice!


Everyone is shocked!

"But the prince, it's already dead!"

Ah Wei looked blank, wondering what Jiang Fan meant!

"Idiot! Take a good look, is it bleeding?"

Including Jiu Shu, everyone trembled!

I saw that although the gorilla was covered with holes, but, unexpectedly, there was no trace of blood flowing out!

"Oops! This thing must have been bitten by a zombie too!"

Uncle Ji yelled!

And at this moment!


The gorilla roared, unexpectedly, slowly, stood up!

I saw, at this moment, the eyes of this gorilla have turned blood red! The hair all over his body slid down one after another, and the skin quickly tightened. After a while, it turned into a hideous monster with dark purple skin!

Orangutan purple stiff!

"I got a big slot!"

Uncle Jiu looked at this thing dumbfounded, and couldn't help but uttered a word!

Not to mention him, even the entire Maoshan has never heard that orangutans can turn into zombies!

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The zombie orangutan suddenly let out a roar! Both fists hit the ground fiercely!


The ground trembled violently!

In the next moment, it has rushed straight to Awei and a group of security guards rushed up!



"Ouuuu, it's so scary!"

"I don't dare to shoot anymore!"

"Mom! Uuuuu..."

A group of people are frightened!

Ah Wei's legs trembled even more, and he couldn't even move his feet!

Seeing, the iron fist of the zombie orangutan is about to hit Ah Wei!

A fist suddenly hit the zombie orangutan's waist from the side!


The zombie orangutan was hit and flew more than ten meters away!

And Jiang Fan, who blasted this fist, couldn't help but step back five or six steps!

The chest that was pierced by the sword qi was even more faintly painful!

No, the injury can't be suppressed anymore!

"Uncle Nine! Peach Wood Sword!"

Jiang Fan roared!


"Shangxian, that, that sword, just burned!"

Uncle Nine was crying and looked at the place where the zombies burned before. There, at this moment, there was only a burnt handle left!


Jiang Fan couldn't help cursing!

"Is there any other way?"

"Yes! As long as you have boy blood, you can use other weapons, although the effect is not good, but you can do it!"


Jiang Fan directly took out the Songwen ancient sword and threw it at Uncle Jiu!

"Draw quickly!"

At this moment, the zombie orangutan had climbed up again, turned his head, and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

"Boom boom!"

Jiang Fan forcefully suppressed the injury and fought against the zombie orangutan!

"Shangxian, I, I, I..."

Uncle Jiu saw Jiang Fan sweat all over his head, and he could only grit his teeth!

"Shangxian, I'm sorry! I, I'm not a boy anymore!"


Jiang Fan directly spouted a mouthful of old blood!

This old man is too bad!

I have no choice but to use that thing!

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

He is now relapsed, and if he doesn't do anything, Jiu Shu and others will undoubtedly die!

"I, I am!"

At this moment, Ah Wei yelled!

Uncle Jiu's expression was overjoyed, without saying a word, it was a sword against Ah Wei's ass!

Amid the screams of Ah Wei, soon, using blood, he drew a blood talisman on the pine pattern ancient sword!

"Shang Xian! Take the sword!"


Jiang Fan kicked away the zombie orangutan, and caught the ancient loose pattern sword!


The zombie orangutan roared and charged up again!

However, Jiang Fan smiled grimly!


The sword light flashed, and suddenly passed through the zombie orangutan's armpit!

The zombie orangutan trembled suddenly!

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, in an instant, it was broken into seventy or eighty yuan!

This monster was actually broken by Jiang Fan with a sword!

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