God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 285: Don't look at that thing is too ugly

"What about reporter Bai?"

A few students panicked suddenly!

The person was still there just now, why, suddenly disappeared?

Could it be that there is really a problem here?

At this moment!


Bai Xiaoyu's screams suddenly sounded from not far away!

Several students trembled!

And Jiang Fan, facing the direction of the sound, suddenly rushed out!

Passing a shop, Jiang Fan suddenly saw Bai Xiaoyu!

However, at this moment, Bai Xiaoyu, trembling all over, covered in cold sweat, was tremblingly pointing to the opposite side, screaming!

Jiang Fan looked carefully, but found nothing wrong!

At this time, Lu He and several people also ran over!

"Reporter Bai, what's the matter?"

"Then, that place, yes, yes..."

Bai Xiaoyu's head is covered in cold sweat!

"Yes, it's a mountain, a place to take pictures!"

Everyone was startled and couldn't help but looked at the counter!

This counter is the front desk of a store, and there is a glass partition behind it. However, the glass of the partition is almost all dust, and the light of the flashlight can be seen faintly. There are several models inside!

As for the counter itself, there was also a thick layer of dust falling on it, but the dust was not symmetrical. It seemed that someone had been lying on it before!

The scene in front of you, coupled with Bai Xiaoyu's words, suddenly appeared in the minds of several students with a mountain lying here to take pictures, and behind their shoulders, a picture of a weird face appeared!

Several students trembled!

And Jiang Fan, already, strode over!

After carefully observing the counter, Jiang Fan frowned!

This place is indeed a trace of someone lying down!

And, beyond that!

Jiang Fan squeezed a small piece of dust with his hands, rubbing his fingers!

Suddenly, a faint fishy smell floated into the tip of the nose!

It's bloody!

Could it be that this place is really unclean?

However, apart from the heavy Yin Qi, I didn't feel anything else!

Otherwise, I will not deliberately let a few students follow up!

At this moment!

"Ms. Jiang! You, in front of you—"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and he immediately raised his head and looked at the glass partition!

It's just that there is nothing!

"what happened?"

"Just now, a model inside seems to have moved!"

Jiang Fan frowned! Walk directly into the shop!

The others hesitated and followed quickly!

The things in this shop are crooked, dust and cobwebs are everywhere, and even the three models are almost shrouded in dust!

"You said, these models moved just now?"

"Yeah! It really moved!"

Jiang Fan picked up a wooden board and threw it at a few models!


The plank falls on the model!


A scream, suddenly sounded!

Before everyone screamed in shock, a mouse suddenly sprang out from under the model's feet, and then sprang out from a hole in the ground!

Jiang Fan shrugged!

The other people looked at each other and finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan said he strode out of the shop and walked towards the third floor!

Being so scared, Feng Jin's urine all turned into sweat, and no one wanted to go to the toilet!

The third floor is also a dilapidated scene, but the yin is heavier, and the sound of the wind blowing through the windows is louder!

However, after the previous two false alarms, no one is afraid now!

A few students even took out their phones and started taking selfies!

You know, this is Zhongmao Building!

Speaking of this experience, coupled with casually composing two short stories, making a few girls, isn’t that enough?

Even Murong Cui couldn't control it, and secretly took a few photos!

Soon, a group of people have arrived on the fourth floor!

When I got here, a few students saw nothing wrong and let them go!

Talking and laughing, they didn't even bother to supervise Jiang Fan, but went ahead!

Even Bai Xiaoyu took out his phone and shot around!

She has even thought that once the report is released, it can definitely shock the entire city of Los Angeles!

At that time, she will be the title of Los Angeles' number one player!

and so on!

Name? Why does it always feel weird?

Forget it! unimportant!

Bai Xiaoyu glanced at Jiang Fan secretly!

Suddenly started to think carefully!

I was frightened and stupefied just now. Such a good opportunity, unexpectedly, did not rush into Jiang Fan's arms!

For a while, do you want to deliberately pretend to be scared, and then...hehehe!

Bai Xiaoyu does it as he thinks of it!

Suddenly screamed and threw one head into Jiang Fan's arms!

"Teacher Jiang! Yes, yes... hey?"

She raised her head, but suddenly found that Jiang Fan was looking surprised behind her!

Even the four boys, all with flashlights, looked horrified, and looked here!

"Hee hee hee……"

At the same time, a somewhat ethereal laughter has already passed into her eardrum!

That voice is sharp, harsh, and weird! At the same time, with a deep, bad intentions!

Bai Xiaoyu only felt a chill, and suddenly jumped from his heart!

Can't help it, bit by bit, I have to turn my head!

At this moment!

A hand, suddenly, pressed on her face!

Bai Xiaoyu only felt that the hairs all over his body were standing up!

"do not move!"

It turned out to be Jiang Fan!

"That thing is too ugly, don't look at it!"

Jiang Fan's palm was warm and dry, although it was slightly rough, it made her extremely relieved!

"Ms. Jiang..."

Suddenly Bai Xiaoyu was no longer afraid!

She gently pushed away Jiang Fan's hand, and then turned her head!

The sight in front of her immediately made her feel that the blood all over her body was flowing back!

I saw that a man in ragged clothes was squatting on the ground and laughing in the place illuminated by the light of the flashlight!

"he he he he he……"

His shoulders shrugged while laughing, and the hair on his forehead, even more, flickered!

That laughter, in the empty Zhongmao Mansion, looked extremely terrifying!

However, what is even more bizarre is that such a man actually wears a pair of bright red shoes that are almost bleeding!

Feeling the gaze of everyone's attention, the man, finally, raised his head little by little!

"Hee hee hee……"

Bai Xiaoyu almost fainted when he saw the man's face!

The man's entire face has been completely distorted, and even one eyeball has hung out of the eye socket!

There is only a big mouth that has been grinning to the root of the ears, constantly emitting the weird laughter that looks like a man and a woman!

Through that big mouth, Bai Xiaoyu unexpectedly found that there was a small human head in that mouth!


Bai Xiaoyu suddenly let out a scream!

And the man suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xiaoyu, let out a sharp howl!

"Woman in red! Woman in red!"

"Dead! I'm going to die!"

Through that big mouth, Bai Xiaoyu could even see that the human head in that mouth was staring at him with a weird smile!

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and the blood talisman peach wood sword suddenly came out!

In an instant, the **** light suddenly lit up!

The man's expression full of weird smile suddenly turned into extreme horror!


Before Jiang Fan could take action, the man suddenly exploded into a black mist and disappeared!

This terrifying evil spirit was actually scared away directly!

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