God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 286: The Secret Mantra of Maoshan Tianshi

A group of people went directly from fear to shock!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"Just now, what happened?"

"I don't know, Jiang Fan suddenly took out a luminous thing!"

"That's, Peach Wood Sword?"

"Isn't this something Taoist priests use? Jiang Fan can actually exorcise evil spirits?!"

"This kind of freak, no matter what, it seems, it's not strange!"

Several boys looked at Jiang Fan with a dazed expression, and there was worship that could not be hidden!

And Bai Xiaoyu was directly excited!

"Teacher Jiang! You are so amazing! No wonder you dared to come in! It turns out that you are a master of the right way!"

"The master dare not be it, it's just this evil evil, just rubbish!"

Jiang Fan's smile is light and breezy!

It’s a good B!

Lu He is even more envious in their hearts!

Bai Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes flashed!

As expected to be Teacher Jiang, so generous, truly a hero!

"Jiang Fan, the one just now, yes, yes, ghost?"

Hong Lei asked tremblingly!

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"That's Yin Sha! Yin Qi is condensed and born, it is the lowest evil evil, except for scaring people, it is useless!"

"Of course, if you are scared, you won't have a serious illness!"

A group of people were directly shocked!

How terrifying was that thing just now! Actually, it's just the least influential evil thing!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, or, let's go out?"

Feng Jin felt that he wanted to pee again!

"I'm here, what's the hurry? Take a walk!"

Jiang Fan said, walking forward on his own!

Bai Xiaoyu hurried to keep up!

A few students were dumbfounded!

Go still?

Especially you are not afraid, we are afraid!

However, if you run away at this time, you don't want to talk about how people in Class 3 despise themselves. What if you encounter that evil spirit on the way back?

"This bastard!"

"How to do?"

"Follow him! When the ghost appears again, let's run away while Jiang Fan is entangled in it!"

"Yes, yes! Just do it!"

Several students were so frightened, completely honest, and all closely followed Jiang Fan!

Soon, a group of people finally reached the fifth floor!

The light on the fifth floor was even dim. Everyone walked for a while, and suddenly, the light from the flashlight reflected a large amount of light!

"Huh? What is that?"

Lu He looked over curiously!

"Chandeliers! Nothing unusual!"

Murongcui said casually!

It's just that, except for Jiang Fan, everyone's expressions have changed!

I saw that this chandelier had seven floors up and down. It was huge and without friends, and there was a piece of bright red cloth hanging on it!

"Well, this shouldn't be..."

Murong Cui was stunned!


This is the place where the group of people hanged!

This is a terrible place!


At this moment, a cry suddenly sounded from behind everyone!

The scalp of a group of people exploded!

Jiang Fan was even more startled!

That Yin Sha, is it so reckless? Dare to come over?

When he looked back, he was speechless!

I saw that Hong Lei, who has always been proud of the orangutan king, was trembling and crying!

Others are stupid too!

"Hong Lei, you, what are you crying for?"

"I, I'm afraid!"

Hong Lei was wiping his tears and howling altogether!

"I, I've been afraid of ghosts since I was young! Nima's must let me in!"

"Lu He, you bastard! It's all your bad idea! I have to kill you when I get out!"

"Uuuuu...you are beasts! Inhuman!"

"My pants were wet just now! No one asked me! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

"I, I don't want to go anymore, I want to go home!"

"Oh, mom..."

A group of people collectively confused!

"Hong, Hong Lei, you, you..."

Lu He was shocked! At a loss!

No one thought that the first one to persuade was actually Hong Lei!

"Don't talk to me! Don't touch me!"

Hong Lei wiped his shoulders while wiping tears!

"We, we didn't touch you!"

Feng Jin stammered!

Hong Lei is two meters tall! Except Jiang Fan, no one could touch his shoulder at all!

But Jiang Fan is now standing opposite him!


Hong Lei was startled!

Immediately afterwards, I only felt a rush of cold air from the tail vertebrae all the way to the Tianling Gai!

At the same time, the touch on his hand is even more icy, where is the hand, it is simply a block of ice!

Hong Lei's whole person froze!

The neck was rusty, little by little, almost creaking and turning his head away!

Suddenly, Yin Sha's terrifying face came into view!


Hong Lei suddenly let out a scream!

And Yin Sha, already opened his big mouth, will, spit out a yin breath!

This Yin Sha, unexpectedly, can hurt people!

If the Yin Qi enters the body, Hong Lei's best end is a serious illness. If it is serious, he will definitely die!

at this time!


A muffled roar suddenly exploded!

The secret method of Maoshan Tianshi!

Rooting spell!

Jiang Fan, finally shot!

Lei Yin entered his ears, Yin Sha was stiff, and he could not move anymore!

At the same time, Jiang Fan sneered and flicked his right hand!

The blood rune peach wood sword, impressively in hand!


Jiang Fan's speed is like a bolt of lightning!

I saw a flash of red light, the blood-spelled peach wood sword, already, in the middle of Yin Sha, forehead!

Yin Sha's eyes were full of deep fear!

It can't believe that the human opposite can be so powerful!

It's a pity that it doesn't even have time for fear!


On Yin Sha's forehead, a dazzling red light suddenly bloomed!

It seems that there is something in its body that is gushing out!


A muffled sound!

The Yin Sha suddenly exploded into a black mist!

Afterwards, the black mist gradually faded and disappeared invisible!



Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully and put away the peach wood sword with blood talisman!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

so amazing!

One drink and one sword!

Such a horrible evil thing was actually dealt with!

As expected of Teacher Jiang!

No wonder he called a few of him over by name, it turned out that he was sure of it!

"Ms. Jiang! You are so handsome!"

Bai Xiaoyu looked excited!

Several students were also shocked!

"It's just like watching a movie!"

"It's too easy to shoot! It's an overwhelming victory!"

"The other party doesn't have the courage to resist! I was frightened by Teacher Jiang directly!"

"What kind of shit! It scares us! In front of Teacher Jiang, it's just rubbish!"

"Not as good as the chicken in Novice Village!"

Even Hong Lei forgot the fear he had just now, and looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, but was very puzzled, and looked around!


The Yin Qi that I just felt was definitely not Yin Sha!

Compared with that breath, this Yin Shao is not even a small fish or shrimp!

"Hey? On the chandelier, there seemed to be a red cloth just now, right?"

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyu, suddenly, looked at the chandelier curiously!

"Yes! I also remember a red cloth!"

"Strange, why is it missing?"

"Probably blown away by the wind!"

"It's just a piece of red cloth, whatever it does! Let's go quickly!"

"Yes, yes! I don't want to stay in this horrible place for a moment!"

Several students said, they are leaving!

At this moment!


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