A strange laughter suddenly sounded from the entire Zhongmao Building!


That voice, although laughing, was full of resentment and hatred in it!

Just hearing this voice made people feel like falling into an ice cave, giving birth to an unspeakable despair and fear!

At the same time, the temperature dropped sharply throughout the Zhongmao Building!

While breathing, unexpectedly, white water vapor appeared!

A few students felt as if their necks were stuck in an instant, their bodies were tight, and they were completely unable to move!

Bai Xiaoyu's face was even paler, and his head was covered in cold sweat!

Only Jiang Fan, with cold eyes, looked at the huge chandelier!

"Crack, click!"

As if the sound of chopped bones, little by little, sounded from the chandelier!

Immediately afterwards, countless bright red cloths continued to spread out from the chandeliers!

The fabric is too bright, it seems to be red, dripping blood!

In just a few minutes, the entire chandelier has become blood red!

At the same time, on the red cloth, a human form was unexpectedly raised!

Everyone looked at this scene in horror, shaking all over!


Among the red cloth, suddenly stretched out a pair of blood-red nails, white and delicate hands!

What appeared next was a white jade-like arm!

Then, it was, a blurry head!

On that man's head, his eyes were red and bloody, but there was a dark hole in his nose!

"Hee hee hee……"

The head suddenly burst out a treacherous laugh!

The next moment, a blood-red tongue that was half a meter long suddenly slipped out of her big mouth!


Lu He screamed!

Turn around and run!



A red cloth, like something out of nothing, suddenly appeared under his feet!

Immediately afterwards, the red cloth quickly wrapped Lu He's calf and was about to drag Lu He away!

Lu He frightened his soul out!

If this is dragged over, idiots know what the end is!

Lu He didn't care about anything else, and screamed desperately!

"Ms. Jiang! Help!"

Lu He just finished speaking!


A flash of red light suddenly flashed!

The red cloth entangled Lu He's calf was directly cut off by Jiang Fan with a sword!

And on the red cloth, unexpectedly, there was a "Zila" sound of water and fire!


The ghost suddenly let out a roar!

At the same time, finally, the real body was completely revealed!

I saw that, except for the head and arms, everything else was dripping with blood!

It's like wearing a blood-colored robe!

A strong pungent **** smell, even more so, in an instant, it filled the entire building!

"The rumor of the woman in red is actually true!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, and the coercion on this monster was extremely strong!

Absolutely, far more than that purple zombie!

"Hee hee hee……"

The monster's sly laughter sounded again!

At the same time, countless red cloths trembled!

"It's terrible! Me, I want to go home!"

"Woo...me, my pants are wet again!"

"I don't want to die! What to do! What to do!"

A few students were completely scared and stupid! Hiding behind Jiang Fan, shrank into a ball!

Even Murongcui's face was pale!

In the past, he claimed to be unparalleled in wisdom, and even for Jiang Fan, he felt that he just didn't make a move!

Otherwise, Jiang Fan will definitely stumble!

But now, he is completely confused!

Except for following Jiang Fan closely, I don't know what to do!

"Jiang, Teacher Jiang, this, this is, what is it?"

Bai Xiaoyu pretended to be calm and stammered and asked!

"Evil spirit!"

Jiang Fan said slowly!

"That Yin Sha just now should be controlled by her!"

"Then, is this evil spirit powerful?"

"It depends on you, how to define the word awesome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"What do you mean?"

Bai Xiaoyu was stunned!

"Compared to Yin Sha just now, she is definitely more powerful!"

"However, for me, she—"

Just now!

The evil spirit's sly smile stopped abruptly!

Afterwards, countless red cloths all sprang up from the chandelier, and suddenly entangled everyone!

The speed of the red cloth is too fast!

Even Jiang Fan didn't have time to react and was already tightly entangled by the red cloth!

The others screamed even more!

Directly by the red cloth, dragged towards the chandelier!

"Help! Teacher Jiang!"

"Teacher Jiang, please help me! I don't want to die!"

"Uuuuu... Teacher Jiang!"

Seeing everyone was pulled by the red cloth towards the chandeliers, only Jiang Fan remained motionless!

The red cloth even creaked, but it happened that it couldn't pull Jiang Fan!

The evil spirits are shocked!

Since more than ten years ago, she has killed countless people, and no one can escape her red cloth!

All the people she stared at were inseparable from being hanged!

However, this man, he could not even make him move!

How is this possible?

Thinking of this, the evil spirit suddenly roared!

Two red cloths were shot again, and Jiang Fan's legs and waist were tightly wrapped! Desperately, drag towards the chandelier!

Even other people, she has already, can't take care of it!

The red cloth that had entangled a few people was loosened, and the others breathed a sigh of relief, desperately running towards Jiang Fan!

"Ms. Jiang, run quickly!"

"Quickly cut off the red cloth!"

"This thing is terrible! Don't hold on to it!"

"Run! You said everything, evil spirits are more powerful than Yin Sha, aren't they?"

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan anxiously!

"No hurry, no hurry! I haven't finished what I said just now!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and casually took the Blood Talisman Peach Wood Sword into a sword flower, and then took it out slowly, Yunmeng Bow!

"This thing, compared with Yin Sha, is indeed so strong!"


next moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly put the Blood Talisman Peach Wood Sword directly on the Yunmeng Bow!


Bow open, like a full moon!

The evil spirit's two blood-red eyes suddenly widened!

A feeling of extreme danger, suddenly, spread throughout the body!

It's just that she still doesn't give up!

Instead, pull the red cloth desperately!

"Chuck! Chuck!"

The red cloth has collapsed to its limit, it seems, as long as you apply a little more force, it will collapse!

Jiang Fan is still, motionless!

Instead, disdain! The Nine Suns Scripture, like a landslide, poured into the peach wood sword!

In an instant, the entire blood talisman peach wood sword glowed brightly!

The evil spirit suddenly burst out, screaming in horror!

That **** peach wood sword, itself is the magic weapon of the Sun!

The Nine Suns True Scriptures, more so, the most rigid to the yang!

If you don't hide, she will definitely die!

When I thought of this, the evil spirits could no longer continue to entangle Jiang Fan, the red cloth in the sky suddenly rose up, we must, run away!



Jiang Fan suddenly shouted in a low voice!

A burst of red light shot out!

Wherever he went, countless red cloths were blown to pieces one after another!


The blood rune peach wood sword, like a stream of light, with a piercing screaming sound, and an unstoppable aura, it passed through the chest against the evil spirit that was about to flee!

Sword out!

Punish evil!


The screams of evil spirits spread throughout the building in an instant!

next moment!


This monster that had been hidden in Zhongmao Building for more than ten years suddenly exploded into a piece of fly ash!

"Compared to Yin Sha, she is indeed so strong!"

"However, in front of me, after all, it's just rubbish!"

Jiang Fan didn't look at everyone with a smile until this time!

That look, indescribable, light and windy!

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