Xiao Hu suddenly brightened his eyes!

He had heard the Zodiac talk a long time ago, something about Jinglingzong!

Those people, but, real masters!

The master of the master, even more so, the existence of the tenth level!

"Master, go now?"

"No! Take me first and find a place to recover!"

"Although this finger can save my life, it can't heal my injuries. Right now, it's just suppressing my injuries forcibly!"

"When I recover from the injury, it will be Jiang Fan's death!"

The Zodiac has a hideous look! The corner of the mouth is even more, evokes a sullen smile!

"Jiang Fan! I want you to die very miserably!"

Jiang Fan didn't know the plan of the Zodiac. At this moment, he is already on the road to deliver meals again!

Solving the zodiac is just a trivial matter for him!

As for what kind of sect the old guy said, if he really dared to come over and make trouble for himself, then he would die!

I really annoyed myself and killed them directly!

Anyway, I got this big golden nuclear bomb from "007", I am worried that I have nowhere to deal with it!

Jiang Fan galloped all the way, screaming again and again wherever he went!

"Takeaway Star! It's the Takeaway Star!"

"So handsome! Look at his light movements, he must be a gentle and beautiful man!"

"Yes! This kind of brother is simply perfect!"

"That's right! It is said that there is a press conference of Jian Wushuang's crew today!"

"What? Where? For the takeaway star brother, you must go!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Mr. Jiang! The hotel has been set up, you just need to be there before five o'clock in the afternoon!"

Zhang Wentao's voice sounded immediately!

"Okay! Which hotel?"

"Oh, it's Huayang Hotel!"

"Huayang Hotel?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

Isn't this the place where the second dumbfounded yesterday invited himself to eat?


The Huayang Hotel is one of the top hotels in Los Angeles. In the past, Jiang Fan did not spend much time here!

I don’t know, that little waiter is still there!


Five p.m!

Jiang Fan came directly, Huayang Hotel!

As soon as he arrived at the door, Jiang Fan was taken aback!

I saw that there were crowds of people outside the hotel!

Almost there, thousands of people!

These people looked excited one by one! Many people are holding light cards!

Jiang Fan looked up, only to see on the light board, all with one name--

Takeaway Star!

As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, the crowd immediately boiled!

"It's a takeaway star!"

"Oh my God! The idol has appeared!"

"I'm so excited! This is still me, the first time I saw the takeaway star himself!"

"Look at his messy hair, eye-catching eyes, and a strong body! God! I'm dying!"

A group of fans screamed!

"Takeaway Star! I came from America! I love you!"

A blonde babes rushed to Jiang Fan desperately!

"Takeaway Star! I'm from Dongying! Give me a strong hug!"

A Dongying girl also rushed out!

"Get out! Go find your Kato Taka and Tony Oki! Don't even think about taking out the stars!"

The foreign girl was suddenly angry! Angrily scold Dongying sister!

"Bah! The same, give it to you! Go back and find your Hulk!"

"what did you say?"

"What am I talking about? Hulk can satisfy you only for your kind of stuff! Get out of here!"

"Asshole! It seems that you don't know the combat effectiveness of our mold nation!"

"Foreign devils! Sure enough, if you have the same virtue as your president, you know how to blow! There is a single challenge!"

"Who is afraid of whom! Come on!"

Next, in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, the two girls went to war directly!

The battle is fierce, and the rags fly!

"Fuck! It's so hot!"

"Follow Takeaway Star Brother, sure enough, there is meat to eat!"

"It's so cool! It's not a waste of my new 40-megapixel Huawei P30! Takeaway Star, thank you!"

"I'm so touched! Such idols, I am willing to follow you for the rest of my life!"

The admiration of a group of male fans for Jiang Fan is simply overwhelming!

Jiang Fan's eyes are dull!


This is a fan of what you want to do, you really deserve to be a fan!

No, I can’t stay anymore!

The other girls, too, are ready to move!

Continue to stay, I'm afraid that a melee is inevitable!

"Thank you for your support! I see your kindness! I wish you all happiness!"

Jiang Fan shouted!

"Oh my God! Idol is blessing us!"

"Thank you idol! We feel so happy now!"

"Yes! Let these women fight! My Leica three shots are already, hungry!"

These bastards!

Jiang Fan was full of black lines, pedaling directly under his feet, like a bicycle meteor, unexpectedly, jumped high, crossed the crowd, and went straight into the hotel!


"So handsome!"

"Takeaway Star, you are hanging up!"


The last sentence directly caused Jiang Fan to squirt out!

Stopped in embarrassment, Jiang Fan glared at the talking fan!

"You just bombed it! Your whole family was bombed!"

"Ah? Takeaway Star, are you complimenting me?"

"Hmm! I praise you! I praise you!"

Onlookers looked sympathetic!

Jiang Fan came all the way to the meeting room!

At the moment, there are no empty seats here! It's all, the famous entertainment in the surrounding area of ​​Los Angeles!

And above, there are a few tables horizontally led by the great director Zhang Wentao. The main actors of the "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" crew are all in the list!

However, the position between Zhang Wentao and Su Lingyu was always empty!

Everyone knows that there is reserved for today’s protagonist, the takeaway star!


The door opens!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned away!

"Takeaway Star!"

"He is finally here!"

"Hey! You must seize the opportunity! Whether you can go further in your career depends on today's!"

"Yes! Today's question must be sharp enough!"

Facing all the reporters with ambitious and aggressive gazes, Jiang Fan just smiled!

Then, walking calmly, stepped onto the launch stage, and sat down naturally in the middle!

"Takeaway Star! You sit in C position so naturally, do you think you are qualified?"

Jiang Fan hadn't settled down yet, a female reporter sneered and started asking questions!

"Which website are you a reporter? The press conference hasn't started yet, why are you so unruly?"

Zhang Wentao's face sank, and he let out a low voice!

He had been preparing for a few days before! The purpose of this conference is to make "Yi Jian Wushuang" continue to be popular again!

Except for Jiang Fan, the rest of the cast members have already ordered what questions to answer and how to answer them!

Even as soon as the press conference is over, various marketing accounts will be overwhelmed with propaganda!

But I didn't expect that five minutes ago, the press conference had just started, and none of the reporters at the bottom actually asked questions as required!

Especially just now, the female reporter's question was obviously unkind!

It is clear that it is to create contradictions for the crew again!

Could it be someone who wants to deal with himself?

Zhang Wentao's complexion became more and more gloomy!


At this moment, Jiang Fan sneered!

He waved his hand directly at Zhang Wentao, and then, in his eyes, he looked at the female reporter jokingly!

"You might as well ask them, if I have this, qualifications!"

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