God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 302: Damn, this also counts

Jiang Fan pointed at all crew members!

To everyone's surprise, the entire crew is all one face, of course!

Su Lingyu chuckled even more!

"Reporter Wang, everyone has only two opportunities to ask questions. Your question just now seems a bit redundant!"

"I didn't expect that you, who is known as the number one entertainer of the Yangchang Evening News, would actually ask such ridiculous questions!"

"This kind of quality is very inconsistent with your previous performance! Your previous reports, aren't they all invited shooters, right?"

"Oh, sorry, I missed you!"

Su Lingyu said, and smiled!

Everyone looked surprised!

Before Su Lingyu, no matter what situation he encountered, he had never been stunned or angry!

The tone this time, can be said to be very harsh!

No one expected that Su Lingyu's counterattack would be so sharp when he touched Jiang Fan!

The female reporter was even flushed!

I can't wait to smoke myself!

She originally wanted to embarrass Jiang Fan, but she didn't expect that Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu would directly kill them!

Sit down in embarrassment, the female reporter, never dared to speak again!

At the scene for a while, unexpectedly, it quieted down!

"Isn't this a press conference? Why don't you ask?"

Jiang Fan blinked at Su Lingyu, then, with a calm expression, looked at a group of reporters!

This unsophisticated bastard, unexpectedly, winked at me!

Could it be that he finally realized his mistake?

Humph! For so many days, I don’t know to contact me, don’t think, I will forgive you so easily!

Su Lingyu thought bitterly!

At this moment!

"Haha! As expected, it is Miss Su, Reporter Wang just made a joke! Presumably the takeaway star, will you mind?"

A young man with glasses suddenly stood up from the press stand and looked at Jiang Fan with a smile on his face!

"Don't mind, it's not me who is ashamed!"

Jiang Fan also smiled!


This fight back!

The male reporter was so embarrassed that he had to change the subject!

"Takeaway Star, when acting for the first time, is there anything you feel uncomfortable with?"

This question may seem simple, but the male reporter prepares for the following things!

As long as Jiang Fan makes a slight error in his answer, he can make a fuss!


After Jiang Fan said this, he leaned directly on the chair!

The male reporter waited for a long time, but Jiang Fan stopped talking!

The male reporter was shocked!

This answer is too sloppy, right? He didn't give him any further questions at all, leaving any chance!

"Ahem! Are you finished?"

The male reporter didn't give up and asked again!

"Well, that's it!"

Jiang Fan was very sincere and nodded vigorously!

your sister!

As soon as the male reporter gritted his teeth, he had to raise another question directly!

"Well, let me ask the second question, Takeaway Star, you..."


Jiang Fan suddenly interrupted the male reporter!

"You have already asked the second question! Next, please pass the microphone to others!"


The male reporter looked dumbfounded!

"When did I ask the second one?"

"You asked me when I didn't finish talking!"

"Fuck! What the **** is that?"

The male reporter's eyes were staring, it was bigger than a wild dog!

"Sorry, this is the third question!"

Everyone is dumbfounded! shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

These people have been reminded by a big man that they must cause trouble to Yijian Wushuang's crew today!

Let the conference become a joke!

As long as this can be done, the money and the future will be a lot!

It’s just that everyone didn’t expect that the plan that was going well before, when it came to Takeaway Star, it didn’t work!

"Damn it! It's just an internet celebrity! Actually, dare to tease us like this!"

"Huh! It irritated us, even if it's an Internet celebrity, it's the same, I can't get along!"

"Blame these two wastes too! All the questions asked are messy? What a shame!"

"That's right! Next time, I'll come! Just an internet celebrity, how much can you do?"

A group of reporters talked!

Directly set the target on Jiang Fan!

Soon, the microphone was passed to an older reporter!

"Haha, hello, Takeaway Star! I'm Zhao Xian, a reporter from Lake Blue TV. I want to ask. According to online legends, the relationship between you and Miss Su Lingyu is very ambiguous. Is this true?"

As soon as this problem came up, everyone pricked their ears!

Su Lingyu's complexion is even reddish!

"What do you think?"

Jiang Fan directly kicked the problem back!


Everyone is shocked!

This kid, the reaction is too fast, right?

Zhao Xian was startled, but immediately smiled!

"Hehe, Mr. Takeaway Star, these are all legends. We are reporters and never guess!"

"Since I know it is a legend, then ask a fart! Next one!"

Jiang Fan is not polite!

Zhao Xian was stunned!

"You, you, you talk, why, so no quality!"

"Lake Blue TV is also a big platform anyway. As a senior entertainment reporter, you don't even know if it is a legend. What about your quality?


Zhao Xian was speechless when asked!

"Takeaway Star! I'm Bai Yi, a reporter from Xiangyang Satellite TV. I can't agree with what you just said! We at Yuji are to find the truth! Sometimes, asking the person involved is naturally the best way! So! Please continue to answer!"


All the reporters immediately refreshed!

Just now, they were all secretly exchanged concepts by Jiang Fan and brought in!

This time, it depends on your answer!


"Looking for the truth?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Looking for the truth, what kind of entertainment are you doing? How great is it to be a detective!"

"You! You haven't yet, answer my question!"

"All right! Then I will tell you!"

When Jiang Fan said this, everyone's eyes widened!

Su Lingyu is even more heartbroken!

What would this shameless fellow say?

What if he admits it? Where should the wedding be held?


Do not! That place was ruined by people!


Not good, too rustic!

How about Mount Everest?

This can be considered!

But Zhang Wentao looked anxious!

This question is a trap!

The previous Internet news are all rumors after all. Even if everyone is arguing, they will not take it seriously!

And now, but, a genuine press conference!

Every word spoken here is responsible!

And no matter how Jiang Fan answers, in the end, yes, loopholes will be found, and furthermore, it will turn into a scandal!

At that time, Su Lingyu's star path, but, all ruined!

As for Jiang Fan himself, a large number of female fans will also be lost!

And the crew will be even worse!

The noise before is so hot, it will turn into a joke!

He Zhang Wentao, even more will be nailed to the pillar of shame!

damn it!

Who is it that wants to deal with yourself?

I blame myself for being too greedy! Still thinking, continue to add fire!

It would be great if there was no such press conference!

Zhang Wentao's heart is filled with regrets!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already spoken slowly!

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