God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 304: I dare to disrespect you for idols

In Yu Rui's heart, just made a decision, a voice full of surprise and joy, but suddenly sounded!

"Takeaway Star! It's really you!"

I saw that a girl with an excited expression suddenly passed through the crowd and came to Jiang Fan!

This girl has a slender figure, an unparalleled face, and an extravagance on her body!

As soon as she appeared, she attracted everyone's attention!

However, seeing this girl, Jiang Fan was stunned!

This is surprisingly, Xue Ningyu, the eldest of the Xue family!


The little girl looked at her eyes, like a hungry wolf!

Could it be that he "stole" her underwear again without knowing it?

"Takeaway Star! I love you so much! Give me an autograph!"

Contrary to Jiang Fan's expectation, Xue Ningyu was so excited that he directly grabbed Jiang Fan's arm!

Jiang Fan is blinded!

Special, what's the situation?

"Miss! Calm down!"

Tao Ping, who was following Xue Ningyu, was sweating!

In a hurry, pull Xue Ningyu away!

Unexpectedly, on weekdays, a glamorous and glamorous eldest lady was so excited when she saw an idol!

The young lady dismissed the foreign sales star before, but she was pretending to be!

It turns out that she is the one who hides extremely deeply and is truly a fan of the girl!

but! This is too shameful!

In the crowd, chasing stars in this way, it simply lost the Xue family's face!

Tao Ping looked ashamed!

This takeaway star is just an internet celebrity. How can it be compared to the unparalleled and imposing Mr. Jiang Fanjiang?

No way! I have to find a way to let this internet celebrity know how great it is!

Miss, the youngest gave it to Mr. Jiang!

"Takeaway Star, sign me!"

Xue Ningyu didn't realize it, and directly handed Jiang Fan a carbon pen!

Jiang Fan was a little bit dumbfounded for a while!

This little girl is not friendly to herself, but she didn't expect that she just got an extra mask, and she was totally fascinated by her!

"This... where to sign?"


Xue Ningyu said with a proud chest, pointing to his evening dress!

Jiang Fan was dumbfounded!

Su Lingyu's expression turned gloomy!

Where is the yellow girl from? Actually, dare to eat the tofu of the takeaway star!

"This, okay?"

Jiang Fan looked tangled!

"Yeah! Very good!"

"okay then!"

As Jiang Fan said, he directly picked up the pen and rushed to Xue Ningyu to write!

At this moment!


"Asshole! What do you want to do?"

A roar suddenly sounded!

I saw that a handsome man, with an angry face, strode forward!

Surprisingly, Wu Sicheng!

"Asshole! You dare to take advantage of Ningyu!"

Wu Sicheng was very angry!

Seeing Wu Sicheng's arrival, the crowd suddenly took a step back!

"It's the eldest young master of the Wu family!"

"It is said that he has been pursuing Xue Ningyu, this time, there is a good show to watch!"

"Huh! This kid is not pleasing to the eye! It's just a net celebrity, and there are so many people around him!"

"Yes! Let Shao Wu take the place for us and teach him a lesson!"

While a group of people were whispering, Wu Sicheng had come across from Jiang Fan!

"It's just a small internet celebrity, actually, dare to face Ningyu..."


Wu Sicheng didn't finish his words, Xue Ningyu's big face was already slapped and slapped!

Wu Sicheng was directly stunned!

Looking at Xue Ningyu blankly!

"Ningyu, you, what are you doing when you hit me?"

"Hit you? I'm still kicking you!"

Xue Ningyu directly kicked Wu Sicheng!

"How dare you be so disrespectful to my idols! It's almost death!"

"Do you know how many fans do we have on idols? 1.3 billion!"

"Even Fan Jigan was beaten by our idols! What are you?"

"Today, if you are lucky, I am the only one here! Otherwise, when we gather all the idols, we will give you the brains!"

Xue Ningyu jumped like thunder, fists and feet, like raindrops!

The crowd was shocked!

"Miss Xue, actually, so violent?"

"It's terrible! The fans of Takeaway Star, are they all of this level?"

"No wonder Fan Jigan died! This combat power is going against the sky!"

"Damn! Fortunately, I didn't say much, my wife is also a fan of Takeaway Star!"

Before, the group of people who were still going to watch Jiang Fan's jokes broke out in a cold sweat!

Hurry up, shut up!

Su Lingyu was even more blank!

Fans of Takeaway Stars, too sturdy, right?

When Fan Jigan was the most arrogant, the fans didn't do that either!

"Spare! I dare not!"

"Ningyu! You let me go!"

"I, I don't dare to disrespect the foreign sellers anymore!"

Wu Sicheng was beaten and howled, if it weren't for Tao Ping to pull Xue Ningyu away, he would almost all be beaten to death!

"Get out! Stay away from my idol!"

Xue Ningyu was still not letting go, and kicked Wu Sicheng's **** again!

Wu Sicheng got up in embarrassment, gave Jiang Fan a bitter look, turned and ran!

What a shame!

I will definitely become a joke for the upper class of Los Angeles!

Blame this takeaway star!


I can't spare you!

Wu Sicheng got out of the hotel, directly, took out his mobile phone!

He hesitated for a long time before dialing a number!

At this moment, the banquet hall is quiet!

Only Xue Ningyu looked at Jiang Fan with a smile on his face!

"Idol, continue to sign for me!"

"Huh? Good, good!"

Jiang Fan looked embarrassed, and finally signed Xue Ningyu a good name!

"Thank you idol! I love you Yo!"

Xue Ningyu was satisfied, and finally reluctantly left under Tao Ping's constant urging!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

Actually, Wu Sicheng called!

Jiang Fan is a little confused!

What kind of situation is this?

Wu Sicheng was beaten on the front foot and made a woolen phone call on the back foot? Could it be that he discovered his identity?

Jiang Fan strode to an empty corner and answered the phone!

"Jiang Fan! I'm Wu Sicheng!"

"I know, what's the matter?"

"Um, I, I want to ask you to do me a favor!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

He and Wu Sicheng, after the last transformation event, although their hostility was eliminated, they were not friends. Wu Sicheng, why did he think of asking himself for help?

"Hmm! Do you know, Takeaway Star?"


Jiang Fan instantly understood what Wu Sicheng wanted to do!

"Know, you can tell!"

"That bastard! Today, I made a big ugly! As long as you can, help me teach him a good meal, no matter what you have in the future, I will help you!"

"All right! I promise you!"


Wu Sicheng was excited and waved his fist! There is a monster like Jiang Fan, let alone a takeaway star, even the king of takeaway has to be shit!

"However, only you can know about this!"

Jiang Fan said suddenly!

"Don't worry! I am only happy for myself, and I will never tell anyone!"


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan suddenly smirked!

Wu Sicheng is really a kid, really, no fuck!

Let yourself deal with yourself, will his tears fall when he knows the truth?

Just as Jiang Fan was sympathizing with Wu Sicheng, a man, suddenly, sneaking up!

"Takeaway Star, are you interested in cooperating?"

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