God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 305: I want to go, who can stay


Jiang Fan was startled, and immediately looked at the man in front of him!

I saw this man in his forties, slightly fat, with a shrewd look!

"Yes! I'm the general manager of Anerle Slimming Tea, Yu Kun! Takeaway Star, as long as you endorse us, the price is easy to negotiate!"


diet tea?

"Well, you should go to Guo Taoer for this job, right?"

"Hey, Guo Taoer is busy as the host now, and he refuses to accept it! Takeaway Star, 30 million! How about it?"

"Forget it! I'm not very interested in endorsements!"

"Don't! Fifty million! I'll give out fifty million!"

"Don't do it!"

Jiang Fan shook his head slightly, ready to leave!

Yu Kun suddenly became anxious!

The takeaway star is now a cash cow!

The huge fan base behind him represents an unlimited consumer market!

Just looking at Miss Xue Jia, who are all his fans, you know that if you look for him as an endorsement, you will surely make a profit without losing it!

Not to mention the 50 million endorsement fee, even if it is 100 million, it won't be long before you can pay back!

As soon as Yu Kun gritted his teeth, he was ready to increase the price!


"Takeaway Star! I'm the chairman of Shuhua Sanitary Napkins! Give me your endorsement! Every time a sanitary napkin is sold, we will divide the account by five to five!"

Another man rushed over!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan's eyes widened directly!

What's more, weight loss tea is fine. You are the one who sells sanitary napkins. Should you go to Su Lingyu?

"Takeaway Star! Don't listen to this old gangster! Give us your endorsement! We sell toilet lids! They are exported to Europe and the United States!"

"Get out! Takeaway star, don't listen to them, speak for them, you only have a dead end! Your reputation is stinky!"

"Then you are?"

"I'm Putian Hospital..."


With a black line on Jiang Fan's forehead, he separated the crowd and walked away!

"Mr. Water, come on!"

At this moment, Zhang Wentao, who was not far away, suddenly walked quickly, pulled Jiang Fan excitedly, and walked directly to the rest area!

"Mr. Water, let me introduce you to a big man!"

"Big guy?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

According to Zhang Wentao's identity, he can be said to be a big man. The background is definitely not small!

Soon, the two came to the rest area!

Here, Su Lingyu is talking with a man!

However, judging from her complexion, she was extremely impatient!

Yu Rui, who stood behind Su Lingyu, also had a gloomy expression!

"Hey, Miss Su, I am yours, the number one fan! I have watched every one of your plays!"

"my pleasure!"

"Ms. Su, it just happens that I still have some things that I don't understand about your upper part. Why don't we change the place and have a good exchange?"

The man smiled and said to Su Lingyu!

"Sorry, the banquet is over in a while, I have something to do, wait for a chance in the future!"

"The press conference is over, what else can you do? Could it be that you don't give me face?"

The man's voice suddenly became gloomy!

Su Lingyu's complexion changed!

At this moment!

"Mr. Shui, come here, let me introduce to you, this one is Feng Lang, Mr. Feng!"

Zhang Wentao has brought Jiang Fan to the front of a few people at this moment!

Before, the man had been facing Jiang Fan. At this moment, Li's entered, Jiang Fan finally saw the man's appearance clearly!

This man has a sturdy figure, a gloomy face, and a scar on his forehead!

Exactly, Feng Lang!

Seeing Zhang Wentao's arrival, Feng Lang frowned!

Yesterday, he was let go by Jiang Fan the pigeons for the whole night, and he was full of grievances!

Today, it happened to hear that the crew of Yijian Wushuang had a dinner, and Su Lingyu would also appear. He was immediately intrigued!

You know, Su Lingyu is recognized as the number one beauty in the entertainment industry!

Just use her to diarrhea fire!

After getting cool, continue to find Jiang Fan!

However, he didn't know that the takeaway star in front of him was Jiang Fan's deity!

At this moment, Feng Lang was impatient and ignored Jiang Fan. Instead, he put on a smile again and looked at Su Lingyu!

"Miss Su, I know a nice restaurant, it's very quiet, let's go now?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Lingyu's complexion became even more ugly!

Zhang Wentao's complexion changed drastically!

Is Feng Lang an idiot?

Su Lingyu has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. Before he met the takeaway star, he hadn't even had a scandal!

No one has ever hit her idea!

In this case, there is only one possibility!

That is, her background is far from simple as reported!

Even children know this truth!

Yu Rui even flashed murderously in her eyes, and when she hooked her finger, she wanted, shot!

At this moment!

"Miss Su, it's late, I'll take you back!"

Jiang Fan directly faced Su Lingyu and stretched out his hand!

Everyone was taken aback!

Su Lingyu is even more heartbroken!

Takeaway Star, want to take me back?

Could it be that he has no good intentions?

But, I came to my aunt today!

damn it!

Why is it today!

Su Lingyu was very entangled in her heart, but still, hand it to Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan exerted a slight force, and immediately dragged Su Lingyu to his side!

The two were about to leave, but Feng Lang looked gloomy and spoke!

"Boy! Did I let you go?"

"I'm leaving, who can stay!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

The banquets attended were all exquisite characters. The commotion here has long been noticed!

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, everyone was shocked!

Even Feng Lang was stunned!

"The takeaway star, actually, so crazy?"

"Arrogant enough! Actually, dare to say such arrogant things to the representative of the Ma family!"

"Haha, even though Feng Lang was just an incompetent little person in Los Angeles before, he climbed the Ma Family's high branch two years ago! To offend him is to offend the Ma Family!"

"Although the Ma family's main family is in Qingjiang City, the power in Los Angeles is not inferior to the Seven Great Family! Takeaway Star, I'm afraid, trouble!"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and even a few company representatives who were going to chase Jiang Fan's endorsements quickly stopped!

The Ma family, it's not them, they can offend!

Feng Lang stared at Jiang Fan, and sneered after a long time!

"Boy, I know you are very popular recently, but after all, you are just a third-rate internet celebrity!"

"Today, it doesn't matter to you, the acquaintance, the best, get away!"

"You let me, get out?"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly became extremely cold!

That's it!

Zhang Wentao trembled all over, and cold sweat flowed all over in an instant!

Are you a fool?

Actually, I introduced this kind of stuff to Mr. Jiang!

That's it!

It doesn't matter if you offend Feng Lang, but if you offend Mr. Jiang, then everything will be ruined!

Feng Lang was also shocked!

What a strong momentum! This kid is definitely not an ordinary person!

Maybe, it's the same as those big men in the Ma family!

"Sorry! It's me, I've made a mistake!"

Feng Lang suddenly looked apologetic, and bowed to Jiang Fan!


"Feng Lang unexpectedly admitted that he was wrong!"

"It's incredible! His current status, but the representative of the Ma family!"

"It's so fast, I bowed my head to the foreign seller!"

"Just now, Takeaway Star, just took a look at him!"

"A person's eyes can actually have such a powerful force?"

The crowd was shocked!

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!


Really, so handsome!

Only Feng Lang sneered!

Heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses! Today, I don’t have the two masters with Ma’s around me, absolutely not, when I started!

Anyway, this kid can't run in Los Angeles. He will have enough staff tomorrow, come again, and trouble him!

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