God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 306: See how big a wave you can make

When Feng Lang thought of this, the corner of his mouth suddenly revealed a sneer!


"Good dog!"

Jiang Fan unexpectedly stretched out his hand and patted Feng Lang's head!

It's like really petting a wild dog!

Everyone can't believe it, their eyes widened!

It's crazy!

This is, Chi Guoguo's insult!

If Feng Lang can bear it, then he is really a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!


Feng Lang was furious, suddenly, staring at Jiang Fan!

This bastard, it's literally, looking for death!

However, as soon as he looked up, he saw Jiang Fan's cold and merciless eyes!

In an instant, Feng Lang only felt that his whole body was poured with a bucket of ice water!

Sober in an instant!

This look is terrible!

He had a hunch, once he dared to say half a word, he would only die!

Moreover, the look in his eyes actually made him feel like deja vu!

Involuntarily, he remembered the scene two years ago!


Feng Lang swallowed directly, his face suddenly smiled again!

"Hehe, yes! What you said! In front of you, I am indeed a good dog!"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Feng Lang was shocked again!

The audience was completely shocked!

The takeaway star, can it be magic?

Feng Lang was repeatedly and repeatedly insulted by Jiang Fan, and he didn't even dare to let go!

Seeing Feng Lang so acquainted, Jiang Fan suddenly felt boring!


You can resist it anyway!

At this time, if you make a move, what is the difference between bullying a child?

Shaking his head, Jiang Fan took Su Lingyu, ready to leave!

At this moment, a slender, gorgeous woman came over in a hurry!

"Hello two gentlemen, I am the manager of the banquet hall of Huayang Hotel, Wei Lin, may I ask you two, do you need any help?"

Just when Wei Lin came back from vacation, she heard her staff say that there seemed to be guests in the banquet hall, and there was a dispute!

As the manager of Huayang Hotel, Wei Lin immediately arrived here without stopping!

"it's okay no problem!"

Hearing Wei Lin's words, Feng Lang suddenly shook his head!

Anyway, this internet celebrity called Takeaway Star is dead!

Now that I have lost my face today, there is no need for another extravaganza!

However, he did not notice that Jiang Fan had that strange look when he saw Wei Lin!

"It's fine, two gentlemen, if there is anything else..."

Before Wei Lin finished speaking, she suddenly looked straight at Feng Lang!

"You! It's you!"

She will never forget, that scene two years ago!

I can't forget, this face that made myself have a nightmare for a long time!

Two years ago, I was just one of the Huayang Hotel, the little waiter!

That night, I was in charge of the private room that Feng Lang belonged to!

Feng Lang lost his attitude after drinking, not only insulting himself, but also letting his friends videotape!

At that time, I called every day to refrain, and called the earth not working!

If not, that man who is like a god, suddenly appeared because of the wrong door, his own consequences would be simply unthinkable!

Unexpectedly, two years later, he unexpectedly met this beast again!

For a while, she only felt that her whole body became stiff!

When Feng Lang heard Wei Lin's scream, he was startled and couldn't help but looked at Wei Lin carefully!

After a long time, Feng Lang suddenly widened his eyes in excitement!

"Haha! Stinky bitch, it's you!"

"I've been looking for you for so long, I finally found you!"

Feng Lang laughed wildly, suddenly grabbed Wei Lin's arm!

"Little lady! Two years ago, I was almost beaten to death by Jiang Fan's **** because of you! Later, I was driven out of Los Angeles!"

"But, didn't you expect it? I'm back again! This time, let's see how I can clean you up! Hehehe!"

Feng Lang's eyes were full of hideousness!

"Mr. Feng, what are you doing?"

A guest next to him looked wrong and hurried to persuade him!


Feng Lang's backhand was just a slap in the face!


The man was drawn to the ground and never dared to say anything again!

"Everyone! I was forced to leave Los Angeles two years ago, Feng Lang, because of this woman!"

"Including the scar on my forehead, because of her, Jiang Fan was beaten!"

"Today's incident is a personal grievance between me and this woman. It is best for you. Don't do it. Nosy!"

Everyone was stunned when he said this!

Zhang Wentao, even more cautiously, took a look at Jiang Fan!

Among the people present, he is the only one who knows the true identity of Takeaway Star!

However, upon hearing Feng Lang's words, Zhang Wentao felt fortunate!

so far so good!

I don’t know Mr. Jiang from two years ago!

Just by looking at the scar on Feng Lang's forehead, you can know how violent the temper of Mr. Jiang back then!

If so many things happened two years ago, let alone he would come to film for himself, I'm afraid, his life would be long gone!

The crowd even whispered to each other!

"Feng Lang's status at the time was still higher than that of Monopoly's boss, Wu Yue. I thought he had left Los Angeles on his own initiative!"

"Even Wu Yue, for some people, it's still not popular, just a small person! What's more, it is for the overlord of Los Angeles, the Jiang family!"

"Dare to offend Jiang Fan at that time, he is not dead, he is already fortuned!"

"However, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, less than two years can be imagined, the Jiang family will be destroyed, Feng Lang has become a popular man of the Ma family!

"This woman is dead!"

"It's not just this woman. I heard that Jiang Fan appeared again some time ago. It seems that there is no escape from death!"

Surrounding the audience, they look indifferent!

Actually, no one is willing to lend a helping hand to Wei Lin!

The power of the Ma family in Los Angeles is not inferior to that of the Seven Great Masters. No one would offend Feng Lang for such a small role as Wei Lin!

Su Lingyu hesitated for a while and was about to take a step forward!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan directly pressed her shoulder and shook his head slightly!

Now, Jiang Fan finally remembered who Feng Lang was!

No wonder I can't remember it! This kind of little person was not even qualified to be his own little brother back then!

Well, let’s take a look at how big waves this small character can make!

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth aroused a trace of disdain, full of joking, and looked at Feng Lang!

Unfortunately, Feng Lang didn't even know Jiang Fan's plan! Seeing that the takeaway star did not respond, he suddenly became more arrogant!

"Hey! Wei Lin! Have you seen it? These people, now, don't dare to offend me!"

"You, you are doomed! What I didn't finish two years ago, today, I will continue to do it!"

"This time, even Jiang Fan can't keep you!"

"When Lao Tzu feels good enough, I will dispose of Jiang Fan in front of you!"

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