Feng Lang looked smug! Arrogant!

And just now, when facing Jiang Fan, it was really like two people!

But Wei Lin looked desperate when she heard Feng Lang's words!

That's it!

Back then, Jiang Fan was able to save himself, but now, there are obviously so many people, but none of them dare to lend a helping hand to himself!

It seems that this is my life!

"Langye! You, you can treat me whatever you want, I swear, I will never resist!"

As soon as Wei Lin spoke, everyone was startled!

Feng Lang was dumbfounded and laughed out loud!

"Hahaha! Stinky woman, if you had this consciousness back then, it would be much simpler!"

"Alright! I want to play with you just to get revenge on Jiang Fan! Don't worry, as long as you make me feel good enough, I will let you go!"

"thanks, thanks!"

Wei Lin, her face relaxed!

However, seeing Wei Lin's performance, Jiang Fan felt disappointed!

It seems that two years are enough to change a person!

Fortunately, everyone’s path is different after all!

"Let's go!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Fan's eyes were lonely, and he was about to leave with Su Lingyu!

Only at this moment!

"Master Lang, you can do anything to me, but I beg you, don't hurt Young Master Jiang!"

Jiang Fan was stiff, suddenly stopped!


Feng Lang was startled, then his face gradually became gloomy!

"Damn! I let you go, do you really think of yourself as a Virgin?"

"Tell you! You and Jiang Fan, I won't let go of either!"

"Master Lang, please, Young Master Jiang is innocent. I am willing to be punished for Young Master Jiang!"

Wei Lin begged!

"Oh shit!"

Feng Lang's face was so dark that it was dripping with water!

Jiang Fan, this bastard! Hasn't the Jiang family already perished? Why is there someone still thinking about his good!

"Smelly bitch! Shame on your face!"

A cruel look flashed in Feng Lang's eyes, and he suddenly raised his hand, facing Wei Lin, and then drew it over!

This slap draw will definitely take Wei Lin away!

A group of onlookers, even though they didn't ask questions, still squeezed sweat in their hearts!

Seeing that Feng Lang's slap was about to slap Wei Lin's face, Wei Lin even closed her eyes in despair!

At this moment!


A crisp sound!

A slender and powerful palm appeared out of thin air, as soon as he grasped it, Feng Lang's arm!

It's Jiang Fan!

Everyone is shocked!

Wei Lin's eyes widened in disbelief!

This man, unexpectedly, dare to save himself! Isn't he afraid of Ma's revenge?

However, seeing Jiang Fan's eyes, she couldn't help but tremble all over!

So familiar eyes!

And Jiang Shao, really, so alike!

They are all so godly! So domineering!

"Takeaway Star! What are you doing?"

Feng Lang was anxious and screamed in a low voice!

Just now Jiang Fan blocked, he only felt that his hand was like hitting a steel wall!

The shocked, numbness!

"Don't do anything, this woman, I'll save it!"


"Fuck it! Isn't it! The takeaway star deliberately wants to get along with Feng Lang?"

"Keep this woman, is he crazy?"

"Feng Lang has already made it very clear just now. At this time, he is fighting against the Ma family!"

"He is just an internet celebrity, where did he come from, this kind of confidence?"

"But, it's really domineering! This courage is worthy of the man who beat Fan Jigan!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

Only Su Lingyu took it for granted!

This is the one I really know, the takeaway star!

This kind of momentum really makes people beat faster!

I can't wait to have a baby for him now!

"Save her?"

Feng Lang frowned!

"Takeaway Star, what I said before, is already very clear! The scar on my head is because of this woman! And, for this, I was kicked out of Los Angeles!"

"I know you are not an ordinary person, but, like the Ma family, there is no shortage of masters!"

"You want to protect her, just fight against me and the Ma family! Don't think that I was a little polite to you just now, just because I was afraid of you!"

Feng Lang screamed in Li Nei Nun!

"Aren't you afraid of me? Okay!"

Jiang Fan said with a grinning smile!

Feng Lang was shocked directly!

The momentum that had accumulated just now disappeared!

"Takeaway Star, I, I just used a lot of courtesy to you! You, don't, don't deceive others too much!"

"What about cheating you? Are you dissatisfied?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!


Feng Lang gritted his teeth!

Others are even more staring!

"Crazy crazy! What's the background of this kid?"

"It's crazy!"

"Feng Lang absolutely can't help it this time!"

"Well! If you bear it any longer, the Ma Family's face will be completely lost by him!"

It's just beyond everyone's expectations!

"Okay! I'll take it!"

Feng Lang unexpectedly took a step back!


The crowd was shocked!

Even Xue Ningyu, who was not far away, opened his mouth in surprise!

Before she was ready to come forward to keep the takeaway star! Unexpectedly, Feng Lang didn't have the courage to use the takeaway star!


As expected of idols!

No matter where it is, it is the same, full of domineering!

Compared to that shameless villain Jiang Fan, he was 10,000 times better!

Xue Ningyu's eyes light up, and he can't wait to rush into Jiang Fan's arms now!

As for Wei Lin, her excited eyes are shining!

So handsome!

Everyone Feng Lang suppressed before, dare not come forward! However, this man suppressed Feng Lang, and he did not dare to say a word of resistance!

What's even better is that, compared to Feng Lang's bullying, this man relies entirely on his aura!

Just like the original, Shao Jiang!

Just when Wei Lin was very excited, Jiang Fan smiled at her!

"It's okay, let's go!"

"Ah? Oh! Thanks, thank you!"

Wei Lin blushed when Jiang Fan looked at it, and hurriedly agreed!

"Director Zhang, treat the guests well, don't make everyone unhappy because of a **** stick!"

"Yes! Don't worry!"

Zhang Wentao quickly agreed!

"As for you! Since you were driven away once, you shouldn't come back!"

"Los Angeles, it's not, a place where you can be presumptuous for a small character like you!"

Jiang Fan said, jokingly, and glanced at Feng Lang!


Feng Lang is angry, clenched his fists tightly!

"Takeaway Star! Your actions today have completely offended the Ma Family! In the future, when you regret it!"


Jiang Fan laughed!

"I, wait and see!"

After saying this, Jiang Fan turned around and left!

"Asshole! Asshole!!! Asshole!!!"

Feng Lang trembled all over, but after all, he didn't have the guts to provoke Jiang Fan!

He didn't know why, when he saw Jiang Fan, he couldn't help but feel fear!

It's as if the mouse saw the cat!

That feeling, it's like facing a natural enemy!

Seeing that Jiang Fan had already left, he could not help but slacken his whole body and slumped directly on the sofa!

"Mr. Feng, are you okay?"

A man took the opportunity to show good wishes to Feng Lang!



He was greeted with a slap in the face!


Feng Lang roared!

The man looked embarrassed, covered his face, and left with a smirk!

As for the others, they don’t even look here!

It's as if nothing happened just now!

Feng Lang gasped for a long time, and finally took out his mobile phone!

"Steward Horse..."

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