God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 308: One sword and two sections in the middle of the avenue

"Takeaway Star, thank you!"

Wei Lin looked at Jiang Fan with a grateful look!

Thanks to this mysterious man today! Otherwise, you will be over!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

At this moment, a few people have already arrived in the hall downstairs!

"Well, go back to sleep at night, tomorrow, everything will be over!"

A strange light flashed faintly in Jiang Fan's eyes!


Wei Lin nodded heavily!

Jiang Fan's tone gave her an inexplicable peace of mind!

"Wait! That, I..."

Seeing Jiang Fan's departure, Wei Lin suddenly stopped talking!

"what happened?"

"I, I want to ask you to help Shao Jiang!"

Wei Lin gritted her teeth and said suddenly!

"The Ma family is very powerful, Jiang Shao, alone now, is definitely not Feng Lang's opponent! Since you can save me from Feng Lang, you will definitely be able to save Jiang Shao!"

"Please! Help, Shao Jiang!"

Wei Lin said, she must kneel down!

A touch of emotion flashed in Jiang Fan's heart! Hold Wei Lin in one hand!

Unexpectedly, a girl he saved easily at that time, so, knowing it!

"Don't worry! Tell you a secret, in fact, Jiang Fan and I are good friends!"


Wei Lin was shocked!

Even Su Lingyu on the side was surprised!

She has been in Jiangcheng for so long, and of course she has heard of the name of the first youngest in Los Angeles!

Takeaway Star, is actually good friends with Jiang Fan?

It's not impossible!

I heard that Jiang Fan is also delivering food. Both of them are takeaways. If you know each other, it's not surprising!

Moreover, since the two are good friends, doesn't it mean that as long as Jiang Fan is dealt with, one can know the identity of the takeaway star?

Maybe, through Jiang Fan, let the takeaway star treat himself...

Oops! so shy!

So exciting!

Su Lingyu's eyes were full of excitement!

Only Yu Rui frowned, with a thoughtful look!

Farewell to Wei Lin, Jiang Fan directly sent Su Lingyu to the hotel!

"Mr. Shui, do you want to come in and sit down?"

Su Lingyu, take the initiative to send out an invitation!

"Miss! No! You are, lead the wolf into the room!"

Yu Rui hurriedly stopped!

The red light used by Takeaway Star at the press conference before, obviously has the ability to erase memories!

Even if he really did something to Su Lingyu, afterwards, Su Lingyu would not remember it!

If you become a mother, that's it, it will be a big trouble!

"No, I have something else!"

Contrary to Yu Rui's expectation, Jiang Fan actually refused!

Su Lingyu suddenly looked disappointed!

She also wanted to have a story with Jiang Fan before she left!

Asshole Yu Rui! I blame you!

"Miss Su, I wish you a good journey tomorrow, and see you in Beijing!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, turned around and left!

"Okay, goodbye, goodbye!"

Su Lingyu watched Jiang Fan go away with a look of dismay, and finally, faintly, sighed!

Leaving the hotel, Jiang Fan directly took out his mobile phone!

"Brother Ding, help me check Feng Lang's address!"

In Jiang Fan's voice, there was a murderous intent that could not be concealed!

Feng Lang, although he is just a petty person! However, it is completely different from Yang Qi's second generation ancestor!

At best, Yang Qi is just a barking wild dog. Keeping him, nothing to play with, can be considered boring!

But Feng Lang is a dull wolf with hidden fangs!

Just looking at the insults repeated to him today, he has forcibly held back it, showing how gloomy his mind is!

This kind of person, keeping him, will become a disaster!

Must be, get rid of!

"No problem! Brother Jiang, are you going to...?"

Ding Xuan was taken aback!

Since he has been in Los Angeles, he has always been in a simple way, and he has almost never interacted with the upper class of Los Angeles. Therefore, he did not participate in today's banquet!

"Private matters, don't let too many people know!"


Less than three minutes after the call was hung up, an extra text message appeared on Jiang Fan's phone!


The Majialuo City branch is located on Taiping Street, but Feng Lang's address is in a villa behind Taiping Street!

From the company branch to the villa, there is a quiet path in the middle!


The roar of the engine suddenly sounded, and a Porsche 911 suddenly turned the corner of the street, followed the trail, and rushed towards the villa!

It was Feng Lang with a gloomy face!

He had called the Ma family before, and tomorrow, the master of the Ma family will be there!

"Takeaway Star! You are arrogant! Tomorrow is your day of burial!"

"And that little bitch, I have to find a hundred people to cheat you!"

"No! Not only that! I also want Jiang Fan to watch you get kicked!"

"Damn! Don't you like saving people? I see how you can save this time!"

Feng Lang looked savage, rubbing his right hand vigorously, the scar on his forehead!

Seeing, you can reach the villa in another two hundred meters!

At this moment!

A bicycle suddenly rushed out from the side of the road, directly blocking the middle of the road!

Feng Lang was startled!

However, instead of slowing down the car, he stepped on the accelerator harder!

"Hey! Lao Tzu's anger, just nowhere to sprinkle! Boy, you are unlucky!"

With a roar, Porsche slammed into the bicycle and ran into it!

At this moment, the owner of the bicycle just raised his head!

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan!

"Takeaway Star?!"

For a moment, Feng Lang trembled with excitement all over!

What a coincidence!

This **** is really looking for death!

No matter how high your martial arts is and you get hit by a car, you will only die!

However, when he was about to collide, Feng Lang was surprised to find that the takeaway star narrowed his eyes and was actually smiling!


This guy, there is no reason to be here so coincidental!

There is no reason to stand in front of yourself to find death!

Feng Lang suddenly woke up, cold sweat for a moment, already soaked in his clothes!

He almost, desperately, slammed the steering wheel!

It's a pity, everything is already too late!

I saw, Jiang Fan smiled slightly, his right hand suddenly raised!


A long sword with cold light, appeared out of thin air!

Songwen ancient sword!

"For Lao Tzu, open!"

A half-foot-long sharp sword light suddenly bounced from the ancient pine pattern sword!

Then, Jiang Fan smiled grimly, facing the Porsche that roared like a beast, suddenly, a sword slashed out!

The cold light blooms! In an instant, unexpectedly, brighter than car lights!



A loud noise!

The Porsche, with a speed of up to 160 per hour, was as if it had encountered the flowing water of a reef, and it was cut off by Jiang Fan from the front to the rear of the car!


Feng Lang's eyes widened in disbelief!

As I watched, I and the co-pilot were getting farther and farther apart!

"Zila! Titicaca!"

The Porsche, which was divided into two symmetrical sections, wiped a large area of ​​sparks on the ground, and then, by inertia, rose into the air and flew out suddenly!


Half of them, unexpectedly, volleyed into a ball of fire!

Then, in the rain of fire, two sections of the car body smashed to the ground!

"Bang! Bang!"

There are two loud noises again, resounding again!

The Porsche divided into two sections has been completely distorted!

The power of a sword, so terrible!

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