God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 318: My wife gave it to you


Jiang Fan ignored Tu Kang, who was half-bow, instead, took a sip of tea!

Everyone who was already shocked, directly turned into a shock!

Actually, such contempt for Tu Kang!

Even Lu Zhenglong can't do this!

However, what is even more shocking is that Tu Kang's face is actually a pair, as it should be!

That's right!

This attitude of Mr. Jiang is what an expert outside the world does!

Cattle fork!

Tu Kang thought of this, his waist bends lower!

A group of fat bosses are about to cry!

Oh my god!

When he went out, which **** did he offend? !

Actually offended, such a terrifying big man!

The sweat on the foreheads of Boss Wang and others was like a waterfall!

I can't even stand still!

"Tea is good!"

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction!

"If Brother Jiang likes it, I still have half a catty, and I will give it to you later!"

Ding Xuan's face was full of laughter!


It's so **** cool!


A bunch of idiots like fat pigs! Now I know that Brother Lao Tzu is great, right?

You guys, keep going crazy!

"Don't! Brother Ding, I can't make this kind of taste!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, then pointed to a group of fat bosses and looked at Tu Kang!

"Do you know these people?"

Tu Kang shook his head directly!

"Mr. Jiang, although I Tu Kang is just **** in front of you! However, this group of goods is **** in front of me! There is no need to know!"

"Very good! Then trouble you, help me take care of this pile of rubbish!"

Tu Kang immediately grinned!

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry! My Tu Kang is best at cleaning up rubbish!"


As soon as Tu Kang's voice fell, Boss Wang and others knelt directly!

"Mr. Jiang! I was wrong! Forgive me!"

"We, our kind of rubbish, at all, don't deserve to let you take it!"

"Yes, yes! You let us go! Let's go back and take care of ourselves!"

"Woo, Mr. Jiang, I have eighty old mothers, eighteen wives under me, and I have diabetes. You have mercy on me!"

"I'm even worse! My wife brought me more than a dozen green hats, but because I didn't raise them, I couldn't say anything!"

A group of people are crying!

Especially the last one, even Tu Kang was shocked!

This, indeed, is miserable!

"Do you lift it, have a wool relationship with me?"

Jiang Fan just kicked it up!


The man screamed when he was kicked, vomiting!

The others trembled in fright!

People are so miserable, and they can still do it. It's simply a beast!

"Mr. Jiang! Young Master Jiang! Lord Jiang! We won't dare anymore!"

"Let us go!"

"We are just a shit!"

"As long as you let us go, we will promise everything! My eighteenth wife, I will send you off!"

"Yes, that's right! My little wife is tall and long, and she has graduated with a master's degree, and she is also giving you away! I will be responsible for all costs!

A group of fat bosses kowtow desperately in fright!

Actually cracked all the tiles on the ground! Everyone is broken!

Tu Kang looked in admiration!

As expected of Mr. Jiang!

With just a casual kick, these people were so scared that they gave away their wives!

It's like yourself, if you kill people, you won't get any good!

This is the gap in realm!

You have to write it down carefully and try to figure it out in the future!

"Stop talking nonsense! It's okay if you want me to let you go, show some sincerity!"

Is this sincere enough?

Tu Kang was stunned!

It's not enough to **** everyone's wives! Really ruthless!

Compared with Mr. Jiang, he is simply a kind person!

"Don't you want Zhongmao Tower? Yes!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!

Even Ding Xuan was at a loss!

Brother Jiang, what do you mean?

As for Tu Kang, he was stunned!

Zhongmao Building, isn't it haunted?

Why are everyone rushing now?

He was about to open his mouth to ask, but suddenly remembered the method Jiang Fan chose to choose a cemetery for himself!

That, shouldn't it be...

Tu Kang was shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!


Mr. Jiang actually took away all the ghosts!

However, before he had time to sigh, Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"Investment! Zhongmao Building, 50% of the shares, you guys will be divided equally!"

"As for how much everyone can get, it's up to you, how much money you are prepared to pay!"

The voice just fell!

Ding Xuan's eyes suddenly flashed!

With a grateful look, he looked at Jiang Fan!

Brother Jiang, I am so loyal to myself!

When he first arrived in Los Angeles, he was so lonely and lonely, Jiang Fan was trying to win him a helper!

As long as you become a shareholder, everyone's interests are completely twisted into a rope!

In the future, if anyone wants to be disadvantageous to Ding Xuan, even these fat bosses will definitely not do it!

Moreover, although it seems that half of the shares have been divided, but in a disguised form, they have brought enough liquidity for themselves!

With this living money, my future career will only go smoother!

"Brother Jiang!"

Ding Xuan's eyes were red, and his lips were tightly pressed!

At that time, when I met for the first time, I said that he was in trouble, and I wanted to find myself!

Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to help Brother Shangjiang, but he went all the way, relying on his help!

But it doesn't matter, as long as you are out of Los Angeles, you always have the opportunity to repay him!

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Ding Xuan on the shoulder!

Ding Xuan's background is by no means simple. If you help him yourself, the future rewards will only be greater!

"Mr. Jiang, is this true?"

A group of bosses looked at Jiang Fan with an unbelievable look!

"Nonsense! Is it interesting to lie to you?"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

"Why? Don't want to do it?"

Seeing a group of fat bosses stunned in place, Jiang Fan frowned!

"No, no, no!"

Everyone shook their heads!

"Mr. Jiang, thank you so much! We, we are ashamed!"

"Mr. Jiang, we came today. We came here to blackmail! But, you are so generous!"

"Yes! Not only did you not punish us, but instead gave us such a great benefit!"

"Mr. Jiang! Although we are just a group of small characters, in the future in Los Angeles, as long as you give us a word, we will be on call!"

"That's right! Mr. Jiang, no matter what happens in the future, just give your orders!"

Everyone, with a grateful expression, looked at Jiang Fan!

Tu Kang was completely shocked!

From the time I came to the present, only a few minutes!

In this short period of time, Mr. Jiang actually subdued this group of people!

Both grace and prestige!

This extremely difficult technique to grasp the measure was actually used by Mr. Jiang, so superb!

This method is not even comparable to Lu Zhenglong!

If Mr. Jiang takes control of the underground forces in Los Angeles, it will take three years, no! Up to one year! His achievements will definitely surpass Lu Zhenglong!

"Tu Kang!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Yes! What is Mr. Jiang's order?"

"Zhongmao Building, give you 5% of the stock, you know, how to do it?"

Tu Kang's heart jumped!

This favor is too big! I have not yet thanked Mr. Jiang well, he has now given himself such a great benefit!


"Mr. Jiang, don't worry! There will be people who can't open their eyes in the future, Tu Kang, I will be the first to shoot!"

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction!

Regarding the follow-up, Jiang Fan didn't participate anymore and turned around and rushed towards the food court!

After dealing with the trivial matters, you have to do business!

However, just after passing the Internet Red Street, the front suddenly sprang up, a murderous look!

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