God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 319: Every moment of the shot is a classic

At this moment, on the Internet celebrity street, a group of fans are looking at Jiang Fan excitedly!

"Takeaway Star! Idol!"

"Little brother! The frequency of your recent appearance, no way!"

"Takeaway Star! In yesterday's interview, why were the reports of those reporters different?"

"Yeah! Damn it! Idol! How many press conferences have you arranged?"

"Idol! There is a report saying that both you and Su Lingyu have obtained the certificate! Is it true?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, just waved at a group of people, but did not answer!

The reason why he used amnestics yesterday was precisely for this!

The news is messy, it's hard to tell the truth from the false!

The person behind who wanted to cheat the crew, wishful thinking, naturally fell through!

However, just when Jiang Fan was halfway there, at the end of the street, a murderous aura suddenly rose out of thin air!

Jiang Fan frowned and stopped the car directly!

I saw, not far away, a sturdy man staring at himself coldly!

This person is surprisingly, Ma Chenglei!

"Takeaway Star! Finally, wait for you!"

Ma Chenglei sneered and strode towards Jiang Fan!

"who are you?"

"Ma Chenglei!"

It turned out to be from the Ma family!

I killed Feng Lang last night, they only came today, slow enough!

However, it would be too careless to send such a trash to kill himself!

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth raised up, and he was ready to do it!

Only at this moment!

"Takeaway Star! Come on, where did you hide Lord Lang?"


Jiang Fan was startled!

He didn't touch Feng Lang's body at all for the sake of Li Wei!

Moreover, that location is very close to the villa!

From the villa to the location of the incident, but a few hundred meters!

Listening to Ma Chenglei's meaning, Feng Lang is missing?

"What do you mean?"

"Install less!"

Ma Chenglei looked gloomy!

"You were the only one who had a conflict with Lord Lang last night! No one will attack Lord Lang except you!"

"Moreover, I have already inquired that you are very good at using swords! Lord Lang's car was obviously split by a master with a sword!"

"You are the biggest suspect!"

"Say! Lord Lang, where is it?"

Ma Chenglei gave a sigh, directly, grabbed Xiang Jiang Fan!

"Oh! Takeaway Star! Get away!"

"This bastard! How dare to be rude to idols!"

"Push the street! Let go of your dirty hands!"

"Everyone, **** this birdman!"

A group of fans, the sentiment is exciting!



A crisp sound!

Jiang Fan slapped his backhand and slapped Ma Chenglei away!

A relaxed look, just like swiping a fly!

The audience is quiet!

Everyone was stunned!

A face covered in circles!

This picture is wrong!

The opponent is menacing, obviously a master! However, he didn't even hold on to the slap of the idol!

"Damn! It turned out to be a dish B!"

"With this kind of stuff, I dare to be disrespectful to my idols!"

"Trash! The idol is invincible!"

"Idol! You are so handsome! This kind of slapped scene will never feel tired for a lifetime!"

The fans are excited! Looking at Jiang Fan excitedly!

"Fuck, bastard!"

The moment Jiang Fan slapped the face, Ma Chenglei only felt like being stepped on by an elephant! The whole person was stunned!

After struggling for a long time, he got up from the ground, with an angry expression on his face and a bit of fear outside, and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Takeaway Star! You dare to hit me!"

"What? Do you still want to tell your father? Do you need to call the teacher?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

Why do these idiots all have this virtue after being beaten?


Ma Chenglei roared and pointed directly at Jiang Fan!

"Takeaway Star, I warn you! If you are acquainted, you'd better go with me! As long as you know the whereabouts of Lord Lang, I will let you go!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Ma Chenglei looked proud!

"Even our idols can't hold back a slap, so we dare to pretend to be forced!"

"This person's brain is in reverse growth, right? The more you live, the lower the IQ?"

"I'm helpless for idols!"

"Don't worry about that, the camera is ready! Every moment the idol shoots is a classic!"

"Yes! Can't miss it!"

Ma Chenglei's angry nose turned crooked when he heard the fans yelling!

Just now, he was just unprepared! This allowed Jiang Fan to take advantage of the loopholes! This time, he will be ashamed!


Ma Chenglei suddenly let out a low voice!

His hands turned crimson in an instant!

"Iron sand palm?"

People who know the goods suddenly exclaimed!

"What's so strange about the iron sand palm?"

"You don't understand! A normal iron palm is really nothing unusual! It's just a hard skill!"

"However, the iron sand palm is also divided into grades! The real iron sand palm, as far as I know, has three layers!"

"This person's palm is red, it's obvious that it's the second stage of dark energy! It's okay on the outside, but the viscera will turn into a mass of flesh!"

"What?! It's so powerful? Isn't idol dangerous?"

Fans look worried!

And Ma Chenglei, already grinning gloomily, slapped Jiang Fan directly with a quick and incomparable palm!


This palm is in the middle of Jiang Fan's chest and abdomen!

Everyone exclaimed!

Ma Chenglei looked happy!

Hehe! It's done!

Takeaway Star! Offended Lao Tzu, you deserve to die!

As for Feng Lang? Humph!

What does his missingness have to do with me? Just die! I just took over, the power of the family in Los Angeles!

Ma Chenglei is playing triumphantly, his wishful thinking!


"Boy, why are you giggling?"

Ma Chenglei's pupils suddenly shrank!

Unbelievable, raised his head!

I saw that Jiang Fan was full of joking, looking at him!

"You, are you okay?!"

How is this possible?

He has reached the top of level four!

With a palm, even a wall has to be blasted into powder!

Even a master who surpasses himself, absolutely, can't hold back this palm!

"Oh shit!"

Ma Chenglei's expression was ruthless, his right palm suddenly retracted, a short burst of strength, and suddenly, blasted Jiang Fan again!



A crisp sound!

Ma Chenglei's right palm seemed to have been attached to Jiang Fan's clothes, but Jiang Fan's palm seemed to have crossed the time limit! Suddenly, it slapped Ma Chenglei's big face!


Ma Chenglei screamed! The pumped one rose to the sky, and saliva splashed all over! The sky is full of shining teeth!

He even rolled his eyes!

At this moment, he only felt that his head was thrown into a large particle collider!

Almost even the soul was drawn out!


Ma Chenglei fell from the sky, and plunged his head on the hard concrete floor!


Ma Chenglei screamed again!

Under this smash, Ma Chenglei, who was about to faint, woke up again!

He didn't care about the injuries on his body, instead he looked at Jiang Fan with an unbelievable look!

"It's impossible! You, why are you all right?"

"none of your business!"

Jiang Fan grinned!

"Boy, I originally planned to play with you, but I didn't expect you to be a killer!"

Jiang Fan stepped off the bicycle and walked directly towards Ma Chenglei!

Oops! How could this takeaway star be so powerful!

This is how to do?

Will die, will definitely die!


Ma Chenglei trembled!


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