But the audience watching the big screen, all clenched their fists tightly, and their hearts almost jumped out!



From the time that Black Shield was besieged, the Chicken Soup Team first attacked with an iron fist to relieve Black Shield's urgent need!

then! Contain all teams with black shields and obliterate the stars!

Next, ran a thousand miles to support the Iron Lady and force the Falcon back!

At this point, the three teams of Black Shield, Iron Lady, and Overbearing have completely fallen into the quagmire of war and cannot get out of it!

And this is not over!

The Chicken Soup Team not only took advantage of the negligence of the Iron Maiden's base camp, and reversed the attack, turning the Iron Maiden into meat on a chopping board!

In the name of blocking the Falcons, the Iron Lady and the Overbearing Team were firmly nailed to the ground of the Black Shield!

Then, under the guise of support, create the illusion that the base camp is empty and induce the Falcon to carry out a beheading plan!

After that, all the staff lay in ambush in the stars, eliminated the assassins of the Falcon, and gave the Falcon an illusion that all the staff had returned to defense!

The Falcon thought it was a great opportunity to attack the Iron Lady! However, I never thought that this was actually a game in the game!

When the Falcons attacked the Iron Maiden team, the Chicken Soup team attacked directly from the Star Team and carried the Falcons' nest!

At this point, the four teams of Iron Fist, Stars, Iron Lady, and Falcons are all destroyed!

There is only one handsome account left for overbearing!

And the black shield is completely a remnant!

Looking back at Jiang Fan's previous tactical arrangements and analysis at this moment, everyone just felt cold in their hearts!

Turning hands is a cloud, covering hands is rain, but so!


Blowing the thermos cup in front of him gently, Jiang Fan slowly took a sip of tea!

"The overall situation is set!"

In the meeting room!

Everyone looked at the big screen with a dull face!

"This kid, absolutely, is a monster!"

"It's wonderful! This, this is more classic than the ten battles in the textbook!"

"Damn! You can actually calculate to this point! I, Wang Zhigang, take it!"

"Military god! A military **** once in a hundred years!"

"Huh! This kid, if he was born in the Warring States Period, I am afraid that Qin will destroy the Six Nations, I am afraid it will not be a hundred years in advance!"

Everyone stared at the screen with piercing eyes!

Everyone's eyes on Jiang Fan are all, unabashedly, greedy!

This baby, absolutely can't let it go!

At this moment, the Black Shield team!

Zhao Guoliang squinted his eyes and looked at the screen motionlessly!

"The Falcons were destroyed?"

"Could it be that the chicken soup team used a small number of troops to contain the Falcons, and then carried out a beheading plan?"

"If this is the case, that is to say, the handsome account of the chicken soup team, now, is extremely empty!"

Although Zhao Guoliang's analysis was wrong, he got the result right!

"Hey! Brat, you took advantage of Lao Tzu's entire event! This time, I see what you do!"

Zhao Guoliang picked up the communicator!

"Everyone, all raid the chicken soup team base camp!"


The remaining four people in Black Shield rushed to the chicken soup team immediately!

And at this moment, Murongcui and others also slammed the Black Shield non-stop!

However, the distance between the two sides is obviously more dominant than the black shield!

"Hey! What a pity!"

"Yes! It seems that the black shield won this time!"

"However, the chicken soup team is really amazing!"

"One destroys four! Even the black shield has been counted as a remnant soldier. I am afraid that no one can do this kind of ability anymore!"

The crowd sighed!

At this moment, no one laughs at the Chicken Soup Team anymore. Instead, everyone who looks at the big screen is full of admiration and regret!

In the meeting room!

"This kid, it's a glorious defeat!"

"Yeah! Such a talent, if it doesn't enter our Snow Leopard, it is simply a violent thing!"

"Lao Zhao, what do you mean? You snow leopards, can you compare to our war wolf?"

"Hehe, this kind of talent is suitable for large-scale operations. I think it's better to give it to our staff!"

"Several people, isn't it just one person? Is there anything worth grabbing? In order not to affect everyone's harmony, I think, let me give it to me!"


Although several people are noisy, but seeing the big screen, the Black Shield team is getting closer and closer to the chicken soup team, there is still a trace of regret in everyone's eyes!


Just one step away!

At this moment, the members of the Black Shield team have already gone beyond the handsome account!

Through the close-up of the big screen, you can even see the dark muzzle aimed at the handsome account!

But at this moment!

The melodious electronic sound resounded throughout the venue!

"Black Shield, out!"


Everyone was stunned!

All looked incredible at the big screen!

"Just now, what happened?"

"Why did the black shield hang up suddenly?"

"Who moved the hand?"

"It shouldn't be! Right now, the boss of the overbearing team is left alone. It is impossible to make a move!"

"Who would it be? It could be chicken soup..."

Everyone was shocked!

On the big screen, the picture of the Black Shield team's handsome account has appeared!

I saw, a member of the chicken soup team, laughing and waving at the camera!

Surprisingly, Hong Lei left the Iron Maiden team alone before!


"The captain of the chicken soup team, is it a monster?"

"It can actually be calculated to this point! Isn't he a computer in his mind?"

"Mozi Computer is not so powerful! It's too powerful!"

The crowd is boiling!

The screams turned into the sky in an instant!

And in the meeting room!

"Seven countries fight for hegemony, and six countries are chess! This kid, this kind of command is simply against the sky!"

As this sentence was said, the entire conference room fell into silence!

At the next moment, everyone's eyes appeared, a touch of green light!


"Hehe, I'm going to pee!"

"Don't! Go together!"

"What a coincidence! I have this intention too!"

"Hehe, everyone, I'm getting older, so let me do it first!"

A group of people laughed twice, and then!


Everyone stood up almost at the same time, one by one, as if suffocating urine and exploding, ran towards the door frantically!


at this time!

The door was suddenly kicked open!

The men who were rushing towards the door were directly kicked out!

Everyone was taken aback, and then they changed color!

"You, why are you here?"

I saw that at the door I didn't know when, but there was an old man with gray hair but a burly figure and full of momentum!

"Huh! If I don't come, this kid must be torn apart by you!"

The old man said, pointing directly at Jiang Fan's picture on the big screen!

"This kid, I want it!"


Everyone was stunned!

Then, look at the old man together!

"Well, you also know that we are for that mission this time. Look..."

"Look at it! I say it again, I want it!"

"You, you are unreasonable!"

A group of people were crying and looking at the old man with aggrieved faces!

"Huh! When did I make sense? Tell you!"

The old man suddenly grinned and squeezed his raised fist!

"This is the truth!"


Outside the venue, the host Yu Haitao was trembling with excitement!

"Dear viewers! This is, this is the most exciting game in my career!"

"Next, I announce! The champion of this competition! It is also the biggest dark horse! It is born!"

"Everyone knows who they are?"

The shouts from the audience resounded like thunder!

"Chicken soup team!"

"Yes! Everyone, join me and call out their names in your loudest voice!"




"Chicken Soup Team!!!"

The deafening scream floated across the sky and even spread to the stadium!

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