God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 369: We must convince people with virtue

"we won?"

The students in Class 3 all looked stupidly at the direction of the venue!

next moment!


"Really won!"

"Hahaha! We won!"

"Hurray! Hurray!"

"Long live teacher Jiang! Long live the chicken soup team!"

Everyone hugged in excitement!

And Jiang Fan lazily walked out of the handsome account!

After one hour!

On the podium!

Yu Haitao looked excited!

"Everyone, next, let us welcome the third place in this competition, the Black Shield!"

As Yu Haitao's voice sounded, Zhao Guoliang led a group of team members and walked up neatly!

"The Black Shield team has one enemy and four, and will not be chaotic in the face of danger. Captain Zhao Guoliang is even more determined! It fully demonstrates the high quality and strength of the Los Angeles First Security Company!

"This battle, it can be said that it is a glorious defeat!"

As Yu Haitao's voice fell, the venue was full of applause!

Indeed, the battle of the black shield is the battle of the real men!

Listening to the applause from the audience, Zhao Guoliang had a complex look in his eyes!

After the Black Shield team awards, Yu Haitao picked up the microphone again!

"Next, the runner-up in this competition, the overbearing team!"

The evil emperor immediately walked onto the podium with a smug look!

"The Overbearing Team..."

Before Yu Haitao finished speaking, the audience below suddenly stopped!

"Go on! Why do you get second?"

"Trash! It's all about picking up cheaply!"

"Damn! You still have a face, don't you feel ashamed?"

The audience in the audience kept shouting, and the shouting made the evil emperor's face even more blue!

Before the awards were over, he just ran away!

Yu Haitao also breathed a sigh of relief, this kind of stuff is really hard to introduce!

"Ahem! Audience, below, is our champion of this competition!"

"Before they take the stage, personally, I want to thank them!"

"Because I really didn't expect that this least favored team could actually win the championship with one out of six!"

"This is an amazing feat that I have never seen or even heard of in my career! I believe that it will not happen again in the future!"

"Thank you for allowing me to host such a wonderful game!"

"Next, let us have a request, the champion of this game-Chicken Soup Team!"

As Jiang Fan led a group of team members onto the podium, the sound of the audience almost broke the eardrum in an instant!

"Chicken soup team! I love you!"

"Chicken soup team! You are so handsome!"

"Although the team name is a bit LOW, you guys are not LOW!"

"Yeah! So shameless, let's mess with us! We are short of nasty talents like you!"

"Brothers! Come to our shop for a massage in the future, 20% off!"

The crowd was extremely excited!

"Captain Jiang, do you have anything to say about winning the championship this time?"

"Ah! Yes!"

Jiang Fan snatched the microphone!

"Our chicken soup team is so vigorous because of drinking Uncle Zhong's chicken soup! Drinking Uncle Zhong's chicken soup..."


Class Three is stunned!

Then, desperately hold Jiang Fan!

Murong Cui snatched the microphone!

"Hehe, host, give awards directly!"

"Huh? Oh, good, good!"


In front of the three-packed bus!

Looking at the check in front of you, the eyes of everyone in Class 3 were as bright as a glowing lamp!

"Actually, it's really a million!"

"We actually earned a million!"

"Although it's just a check, it feels so heavy!"

The students in Class 3 are all staring at the check intently!

"Okay! Qian Yan, put the check in. You are the life committee member of our class. You will be responsible for the money in the future!"


Qian Yan was so excited that he snatched the check and held it tightly into his arms!

"Also, the teacher has led you to win the game! My promise has been fulfilled. Shouldn't yours also be fulfilled?"

In the previous bet, it was Jiang Fan who led the third class to victory, and the third class had to achieve 70 points next week!

However, as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone in Class 3 looked dark!

next week!

Jiang Fan, can you still stay at Lanying until next week?

At this moment!

"Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Fan looked back, and it turned out to be Zhao Guoliang!

"Congratulations, Mr. Jiang!"

"Mr. Zhao is polite! Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, I just want to ask, is it because I committed suicide? You are OK?"


Zhao Guoliang committed suicide?

All three classes were taken aback, and then they all looked at Hong Lei!

"Well, when I rushed in, he wiped his neck with a dagger!"

Hong Lei smiled!

Jiang Fan looked at Zhao Guoliang, who was looking serious, and finally nodded!

Class three suddenly widened his eyes!

Jiang Fan, this guy actually counts this!

Zhao Guoliang trembled all over!

"You, how did you think of it?"

"It's very simple! You are from a military background, and your thinking situation is different from that of ordinary players, especially in this case, it is very easy to substitute yourself!"

"And if this is on the battlefield, you have actually been defeated! Therefore, it is better to kill yourself if you die in the hands of the enemy!"

"In short, your arrogance does not allow you to live!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Zhao Guoliang was stunned!

And Jiang Fan has already walked towards the car!

"and so on!"

Zhao Guoliang suddenly gritted his teeth!

"If I didn't commit suicide, would you still win?"

Jiang Fan smiled and got in the car directly!

And Hong Lei had already smiled at Zhao Guoliang!

"Uncle! If our teacher were not in charge, you guys would have been all over!"


Seeing the bus going away, Zhao Guoliang was completely stunned!


The bus is speeding all the way towards the city!

On the bus, the students in Class 3 felt exhausted after the initial excitement!

After all, in the entire battlefield, only the chicken soup team is constantly on the assault, assault!

Great physical exertion!

Only a few girls who did not participate in the competition are still discussing excitedly!

at this time!


The bus stopped suddenly!

Unsuspectingly, many people who were asleep hit the chair!

"Fuck! Brother, can you drive!"

"It hurts so much!"

"What happened? Was there a car accident?"

"Scared me to death! What happened?"

A group of students are yelling!

"what happened?"

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at the driver!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I didn't mean it, it was ahead and braked suddenly!"

Jiang Fan suddenly got up and looked forward!

I saw that just in front of the bus, a Honda Accord was lying on the road!

Next to the Accord, there are also two Elantra parked!

At this moment, four or five more cars drove over behind the bus, directly blocking the exit of the bus!

"Fuck! We are blocked!"

Liang Kai, who is quite experienced in the mixed society, suddenly changed his face!

Sure enough, just as the Accord's car door opened, a man with a look of scorn walked down with a strange smile!

This person is actually the evil emperor!

And as the evil emperor got out of the car, a group of gangsters surged out of the rest of the cars!

Forty people!

"Evil Emperor? Why is this idiot here?"

"Looking at their appearance, they must be looking for trouble!"

"There are a lot of people, but we are not soft persimmons!"

"Yes! It seems there is no way to be kind today, get ready to do it!"

Three classes are gearing up one by one!

"What are you doing? You are students! Don't always be filled with these violent thoughts! We must learn to convince others with morals!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Don't move, I'll talk to them!"

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