"This is, Jiaofang?"

Jiang Fan has worn this number of times, but it is the first time to visit the brothel!

In fact, as early as before the Song Dynasty, brothel meant luxurious and exquisite buildings, and even Xingguang Building, the residence of Emperor Qi Wu in the Southern Dynasty, was also called brothel!

However, starting from the Song Dynasty, the meaning of this word gradually began to deviate, and suddenly it became less serious!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appear, the eyes of a group of women guarding at the gate of Jiaofang suddenly lit up!

"Jianmei Xingmu! What a handsome man!"

"It's like a jade tree facing the wind, better than Pan An!"

"And this figure, too perfect!"

"This dress is so weird, is it an alien visitor?"

"Look at this temperament, maybe he is still a prince!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan was still wearing that black combat uniform, and with his handsome and determined face, he was fascinated by a group of women, mesmerized!

"It seems that Master Li is here!"

Jiang Fan lifted his footsteps and walked directly towards the Jiaofang!

"Oh! He's here!"

Seeing Jiang Fan coming, a group of women suddenly became even more excited!

Only at this moment!

An old bustard with heavy make-up on his face suddenly walked out of the door and stopped Jiang Fan!

"Hehe, this guest official is very face-to-face!"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter! But guests, here, we are the largest workshop in Bianliang, and all are beautiful and beautiful! I'm always scared, you're picky for a while!"

"Are you afraid I have no money?"

Jiang Fan sneered directly!

In the past, when Jiang's family was still in his family, Jiang Fan often went to Fengyue place, and he was quite clear about this set!

"Haha, the guest laughed!"

The old bustard's obvious skin smiles and doesn't smile!

Humph! She has seen so many such little white faces!

All the characters who have no money to make money!

Obviously, relying on the handsomeness, I want to come to prostitute!


Without saying anything, Jiang Fan suddenly took out a large handful of gold coins from his arms and tossed them at will!

This, turned out to be obtained in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, the ancient Aztec gold coin!

The light of the gold coin almost dazzled the eyes of the old bustard in an instant!

"Wow! This little brother is not only handsome, but he is also so rich!"

"Looking at this gold coin, it is obviously not a product of Central Plains!"

"Young and golden, handsome! This is simply, Prince Charming!"

"We must take him down!"

A group of women looked at their eyes bright!

The old bustard's eyes widened in surprise!

Made it!

This must be a high roller!

"Oh! Guest officer, what are you doing? Old man, that's not what I mean!"

"Upstairs please! Hurry upstairs please!"

"Hurry up, girls! Take care of this man!"

The old bustard screamed, and a group of women rushed towards Jiang Fan like wolves!


Jiang Fan was shocked!

I am still a teacher now!

"Old bustard! Let these vulgar fans retreat! Give me, call Master Li over!"


As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, he suddenly saw that everyone looked at him in shock!

"What? Are you afraid that I don't have enough money?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

These ancient Aztec gold coins are no less than hundreds of thousands in terms of the price of gold!

Isn't it enough to even see Master Li?

"Uncle! You misunderstood!"

The old bustard smiled very embarrassed!

"This little girl, you, you are the first to point her!"


This time, it was Jiang Fan's turn to get lost!

what's going on?

do not care!

Anyway, I'm here to deliver food!

"It doesn't matter! Want her! The rest get out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The old bustard waved to the girls!

"Didn't you hear what the uncle said? Why don't you call Master Li over?"

Sending the two of them to find Master Li, the old bustard led Jiang Fan directly upstairs!

Here on the second floor, it is obviously different from the noise on the first floor!

Not only the decoration is extremely elegant, but also, looking at the clothes of the surrounding guests, it is obvious that they are all dignitaries!

Moreover, just on a short cliff, a woman of national beauty and fragrant beauty is holding a pipa and singing a song!

The singing voice is melodious, making people mesmerized!

After singing a song, everyone is full of praise!

However, the beauty ignored other people at all, and instead smiled at Jiang Fan!

What a handsome little brother!

Moreover, seeing Mama Li's face being flattering, for a while, this little brother will definitely let himself go to accompany the bar?

"Old bustard, who is this?"

"This is the talented girl of our Jiaofang, Qin Feiyan, who is known as the ‘sex and art’!"

The old bustard looked smug!

"Comparing that little girl with Master Li to her, it's so ugly!"


"Yes! To tell the truth, that little girl is not the material of Jin Jiao Fang at all! Although we are Jiao Fang, we are also honest!"

"If you spend a lot of money on her, it would be really worthless!"

"Why don't I let Qin Feiyan come over to accompany you?"

The old bustard looked expectant!

"No! Master Li is required!"

Jiang Fan's curiosity has been completely raised at this moment!

Li Shishi, who is so beautiful and unparalleled, is actually said to be ugly?

Could it be that what he is about to reveal is a big lie in history?

at this time!

"Guest, guest officer, hello!"

Behind Jiang Fan, a soft voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan looked back!

Suddenly startled!

I saw that the girl in front of me was thirteen or fourteen years old, long, thin and small!

Moreover, with a bald forehead and a collapsed nose, compared to the soft Qin Feiyan who played the pipa, it was a thousand miles away!

However, such an ugly girl has a pair of very beautiful eyes!

Especially her eyes are as clear as a Wang Qingquan!

Jiang Fan has never seen such beautiful eyes!

When Jiang Fan was observing the girl, the girl was completely stunned!

OMG! How could there be such a handsome man in the world!

Moreover, not only is handsome, the temperament of this person is even more elegant! It's like being banished!

He was just sitting here, actually, like the sun, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it!



How could such a good man look at himself?

I'm afraid, another one who heard about his ugliness came here to make fun of him!

At the thought of this, the girl's originally incomparably clear eyes dimmed directly!

And the surrounding guests all laughed strangely!

"One more come here to learn more!"

"Looking at the costume, it seems that he is not from the Central Plains yet!"

"Hehe, unexpectedly, the fame of this ugly girl was spread outside!"

"It's a good thing, right! Maybe, their aesthetics are different from ours?"

"Hahaha! What I said! What I said was!"

Jiang Fan ignored the guests' teasing, and instead looked at the girl curiously!

"Excuse me, you are..."

"The slave house, Master Li!"

what? !

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