God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 373: God Blocks God and Buddha Blocks Buddha

At this moment, Jiang Fan simply suspected that he was wearing the wrong place!

However, he immediately smiled!

Since the Jiang family collapsed, he has almost seen the world in coldness!

A person's beauty and ugliness are important, but the soul is the measure of a person, the true standard!

"So you are Miss Teacher, please sit down!"

Jiang Fan pointed directly at the place beside him!


"Is this kid crazy? Actually, I really ordered Master Li!"

"This taste is too heavy!"

"Long knowledge! Let me have a drink and be shocked!"

A group of guests looked dumbfounded!

Qin Feiyan opened her mouth even more!

This beautiful man had been here for so long, so he took a look at himself!

Moreover, looking at your own eyes is the same as looking at wood!

Instead, not only let the ugly woman accompany the wine, but even let her sit next to her!

That position should be mine, asshole!

However, it was Li Shishi who was even more shocked!

Seeing Jiang Fan not only didn't drive him away, but instead let himself sit down, Li Shishi was suddenly full of eyes, unbelievable!

"You, don't you think I am ugly?"

"Ugly? Miss Shishi, didn't anyone tell you that you have the most beautiful eyes in the world?"


Master Li's heart beats hard!

For a moment, she only felt that her nose was sour, and a warm current flowed from the bottom of her heart all over her body!

Over the years, she has experienced countless ridicules and ridicules! See the ugliness in the world!

But no one has ever praised himself in such a sincere tone!


Master Li bit his lip tightly!

Tears will come out!

But at this moment!

"Fuck! Why are you an ugly girl again? Get out of me, hurry up!"

A drunken voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan frowned and looked directly in the direction of the sound!

I saw that a handsome man was looking at Master Li with disgust!

Li Shishi's eyes, which were originally full of moving, dimmed directly!

"Damn! Didn't you hear what I said? Don't get out of here!"

The man roared again!

The old bustard was startled and hurriedly pulled Shishi Li's sleeve!

A trace of sorrow appeared at the corner of Li Shishi's mouth, and he smiled apologetically at Jiang Fan, turned and left!

But at this moment!

A big hand suddenly pressed heavily on her shoulder, directly pressing her onto the seat!

The next moment, the master of the big hand suddenly appeared in front of the man!



A crisp slap in the face resounded throughout the teaching workshop!

Master Li was stunned!

Qin Feiyan was stunned!

The old bustard was also stunned!

Even the other guests were all stunned!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with a hooded face!

That's right! It was Jiang Fan who shot just now!

"You, do you dare to hit me?"

The man is full of faces, incredible!

"What happened to you?"


Jiang Fan slapped it again!

The man was completely stunned!

"I, I am, Ji Changchuan, a talented Bianliang talent!"


Jiang Fan's third slap was slapped directly!

"A gifted man? You can't speak a word, dare to call yourself a gifted man?"

"You! You bastard! I'm fighting with you!"

Ji Changchuan roared and pounced on Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan dismissed it with a smile and kicked it out!


Ji Changchuan screamed and was directly kicked by Jiang Fan from upstairs!


Jiang Fan patted the dust on his body and returned to his seat calmly!

The whole second floor is quiet!

"Did you see it? Next time someone commits a crime and beat him directly!"


Master Li nodded vigorously, and looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, which were as bright as stars!

Actually, there is a thrilling beauty!

With just a pair of eyes, she was actually so beautiful. Two years later, she was completely opened. Then, what is she so beautiful?

Jiang Fan couldn't help but admire it!

Just now, Jiang Fan had already used the physiognomy in Maoshan's secret method!

The eighteenth female change, at this moment, Master Li is probably malnourished, and he hasn't fully grown up at all!

However, after the order was over, I left her with two calligraphy and paintings, enough for her to have a good life! Supplement nutrition, even more so!

At that time, Master Li's appearance will surely make everyone a licking dog!

Jiang Fan is about to take out! Unexpectedly!


At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded!

I saw Ji Changchuan's table, another young man, slammed the table, and stared at Jiang Fan!

Just now, everything happened so fast that everyone didn't react at all!

Moreover, in Jiaofang, there has never been such a hands-on record!

So, other people didn't react until now!

"Who does the **** say?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Asshole said you!"

The man once again slapped the table with great momentum!


The second floor was originally quiet, but Li Shishi smiled directly!

"Why are you laughing?"

The man is furious!

But, the next moment!

His face flushed directly!

Oh shit! This kid was actually caught!

What's even more hateful is that the reaction of my own brain is not as fast as a brothel girl!

"Silly fork! Sit down quickly! Don't be ashamed!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"You, how dare you treat me as one of the four talents of Bianliang..."

"I bother!"

Before this person finished speaking, Jiang Fan picked up the stool and threw it over!


With a muffled sound, the man's head was smashed, and he rolled his eyes and fainted directly!

The guests were completely stunned!

Ooh sorrow!

Is this kid crazy?

Who will destroy whose rhythm!


A cold snort, suddenly sounded!

A middle-aged man with a serious face suddenly looked at Jiang Fan slowly!

"Young man, at the feet of the emperor, if you make such a move to hurt people, are you not afraid of Wang Fa?"

"Wang Fa? Let them thank Wang Fa! Had it not been for murder, Lao Tzu would have killed them!"


The man’s eyes were staring, it was bigger than a copper bell!

"It's fine for you to hurt my disciple of Qin Shaoyou! Now, I dare to despise Wang Fa like this! It's absolutely rude!"

The man suddenly slapped the table!

Qin Shaoyou?

Qin Guan!

Jiang Fan was startled!

The poem prompted by the system before is exactly what this person did!

Moreover, he is still Su Shi's disciple, and is known as the "Fourth Bachelor of Su Men"!

"Are you, Hangou layman, Qin Guan and Qin Shaoyou?"

"Unexpectedly, you have heard the name of the old man, that's right! It's me!"

Qin Guan smiled coldly!

A look of arrogance!

My fame is here, this kid will definitely admit his mistakes honestly!


"No wonder the disciple is not educated, it turned out that you were taught by the old licking dog!"

"If I were you, I would have jumped down with that idiot! You still have the face to stand up! I really admire it!"

Jiang Fan pointed to Qin Guan's nose, and he was unceremoniously cursed!

After all, this old guy will become Li Shishi's number one licking dog in the future!

"you you!"

Qin Guanqi trembled all over!

He is a dignified Doctor of Taixue!

No one has ever dared to talk to him like this!

"Too horizontal! Even Mr. Qin is correct!"

"Cruel! What's the background of this kid?"

"Is it because the family has a throne waiting to be inherited?"

"It's simply God blocking God, Buddha blocking Buddha!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

But Master Li's eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

There are people who are willing to be tough for her and today's literary world!

This kindness, she simply can't repay it!

"You, you are a rude and reckless man who knows how to do it! The old man does not bother to argue with you!"

Qin Guan didn't dare to be too presumptuous, after all, Jiang Fan's violent temper was too terrifying!

In case of a beating, it would be worthless!

However, if it were to end like this, I would be even worse and lose face!

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