Qin Guan rolled his eyes and suddenly sneered!

"Boy, the old man is a literati, not as knowledgeable as you!"

"But look at your rude appearance, hum! If it's a matter of course, it's hard to die!"

This old guy is obviously bullying Jiang Fan and has no culture!

If it does, it will not be dead!

This sentence is what Confucius said about his disciple Zilu!

It means that if you are as strong as you, you will not end well in the future!

He was obviously scolding Jiang Fan for not being able to die!

The rest of the guests understood, and all of a sudden burst into laughter!

Shishi Li's face sank, his fists were clenched angrily, and he was about to fight back!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan dismissed it with a smile!

"How do you know Zhongshou, the wooden arch of your tomb!"

Jiang Fan's words are much more ruthless than Qin Guan's!

This is the sentence that Uncle Qin scolded Uncle Jian back then, meaning: You know what a fart! If you die early, the trees on your grave will be stubborn!

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was taken aback!

Qin Guanqi's face turned blue!

But Master Li looked at Jiang Fan in surprise and joy!

It turns out that he not only has great skills, but also has a solid background in literature!

"you you!"

Qin Guan was trembling with anger!

"Okay! Good! I can't think of you as a fan, there is still some ink in your belly! There is a kind, it is better than writing!"

He can't beat or beat now, or scold it! If you don't win today, starting tomorrow, it will definitely become the laughingstock of the entire Bianliang!


"Fart! You are Fanbang! Your whole family is Fanbang!"

Jiang Fan was furious!

Dragons have reverse scales!

Chinese blood, but he is most proud of, even more proud than owning the system!

"Old guy, I didn't come here to fight you, but since you are looking for death, I will open your eyes today!"

"Your little writing, in my opinion, it's not shit!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, all four were shocked!

This is to be called with Zai Qin Guan in poetry!

In today's literary world, there is no one who dare to surpass Qin Guan! This kid is crazy!

Master Li's complexion changed suddenly!

"Guest, you, you..."

"Don't worry! This waiting man, in my opinion, is just rubbish!"

Jiang Fan smiled confidently at Li Shishi!

"Good! Good! Really crazy enough!"

Qin Guan's face was green!

"You and I will each write a poem! If you are more skilled, the old man is willing to worship you as a teacher!"

"Bah! You want to be beautiful! Listen well!"

Jiang Fan stood up suddenly, then smiled at Li Shishi!

"Yuanshan has long eyebrows and thin willow waists."

"Make-up puts off the spring breeze, smiles little money."

"When I return to Fengcheng, I talked to the brothel road."

"Looking at Yingchuan flowers all over, it's not like being a good teacher."

When Jiang Fan's poem came out, everyone's eyes widened!

"This, this poem, simply, absolutely!"

"Wonderful! Unknowingly, there seemed to be a beautiful woman in front of me!"

"If you write a poem casually, you can achieve this level. This is the true romantic talent!"

"Compared with him, those few people in Ji Changchuan are simply shit!"

The crowd all looked admiring!

"However, the ‘teacher’ at the end of this poem..."

The crowd recollected for a long time, and suddenly they all looked at, Master Li!

"Yes, isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah! It must be the same name!"

"No wonder he wanted Master Li, he wanted to come because of the name!"

"I don't know, that teacher, how out of the dust!"

Li Shishi looked at Jiang Fan with an incredulous expression!

The last sentence, "It's not like a good teacher", obviously, it means something!

Moreover, Jiang Fan's eyes looked at him, obviously with a smell of something else!

Could it be that this poem written by this gentleman is...

Master Li's heart was beating, almost jumping out of his chest!

Master Li's heart beats fiercely, but Qin Guan's heart was directly broken!

Simply depressed and want to vomit blood!

I don't know why, he always feels that this poem should belong to him!

Indeed, this poem was indeed made by Qin Guan!

It's a pity, but Jiang Fan has memorized it a few years in advance!

Hit your face with your poem!


It's cool!

"Good! Good! You are good! But what is chanting? There is a kind, compare words!"


Jiang Fan laughed!

"Come on, take care of me!"

Soon, the servant has brought pen, ink, paper and inkstone!

Qin Feiyan, who was originally playing the pipa, suddenly his eyes lit up!

Directly, come to Jiang Fan!

"Official man, let the slave family help you, polish ink!"

"Go to the side! Teacher, you come!"

Jiang Fan ignored Qin Feiyan at all, and instead waved to Master Li!


"Fuck! This kid is so rude to Qin Feiyan, Bianliang's first prostitute!"

"Unfortunately, Qin Feiyan has no complaints!"

"But she doesn't even care about the prime minister!"

The crowd's jaw dropped in shock!

"Huh! What proud of!"

Qin Guan smiled coldly, and then took a deep breath and directly lifted the pen!


Qin Guan's handwriting is even more graceful and elegant, like a picture scroll!

Even the people around didn't even make a sound!

After writing a word, Qin Guan suddenly laughed!

"Boy! You..."

Before Qin Guan finished speaking, he was stunned!

There is no one beside him! The crowd gathered in Jiang Fan's place, and even the atmosphere did not dare to come out!

Seeing this scene, Qin Guan's heart suddenly had a very bad premonition!


The sound of throwing a pen suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan stretched his waist, and then smiled at Qin Guan!

"Mr. Qin, bother to taste it!"

I saw that there was a long scroll with wet ink on the table!

It seems that it is still running script!

"Humph! Looking at your young age, can you still write something amazing? The old man will come..."

Before Qin Guan finished speaking, his eyes widened suddenly!

I saw the handwriting, Pianruo Jinghong, graceful as a dragon, Rong Yao Qiuju, Huamao Chunsong!

It was a pair of unparalleled treasures he had never seen before!

"This, this is..."

Qin Guan trembled all over!

Such a word, let alone him! Even his teacher Su Shi couldn't write it at all!

The gap is too big!

This person, let alone being his own teacher, is more than enough to be Su Shi's teacher!

"Teacher here, disciple, take it!"

With a look of admiration, Qin Guan bowed directly to Jiang Fan!

You can't beat, you can't scold, and you're not an opponent than poetry, and writing is even worse!

Jiang Fan was in Qin Guan's heart at this moment, and it was an insurmountable mountain!

Apart from admiration, he has no other ideas!

As soon as Qin Guan's words fell, everyone was shocked and looked at Jiang Fan!

"so amazing!"

"Actually, I subdued Mr. Qin!"

"This is no longer a genius, but, Grandmaster!"

"What is the origin of this master?"

"My Da Song actually has such a character, why have I never heard of it before?"

"It seems that this was born out of the world, a hermit, an expert!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan's gaze, full of admiration!

Qin Feiyan even flashed her beautiful eyes, and she couldn't wait to post it upside down!

Only Master Li, his eyes dimmed!

Jiang Fan is really amazing!

Just knowing how to write poems is enough, and now, this handwriting is even more of a master level!

I originally wanted to be able to follow him and be a maid!

But, now it seems that even if you want to be a maid for Jiang Fan, you have to be a writer!

However, the opportunity is not to be missed!

Even if it is embarrassing, you want it yourself, try it!

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