God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 384: I have always convinced people with virtue


The moment Jiang Fan sprang out of the window, his eyes swept randomly, and then his eyes fell directly on a building a few hundred meters away!

Immediately afterwards, before landing, he had already summoned, and he changed his luck to the bicycle!


As soon as the tires hit the ground, Jiang Fan kicked hard!

In the next moment, the bicycle turned into a stream of light, and electricity shot out!

At this moment, the sniper in the distance is preparing to shoot a second bullet!

However, seeing this scene through the scope, he was stunned!

"Fuck, fuck!"

The sniper was stunned for half a second, then, regardless of the gun, he ran away!


Is this still a human?

He didn't care about the two bullets with extremely high accuracy before!

Because, in his world, accuracy has always been the most basic standard!

Avoiding bullets is just the same as his instinct!

However, being able to ride a bicycle to this level is obviously a **** thing, and it's not something he can provoke at all!


That **** employer!

This is simply, let yourself die!

The sniper almost desperately ran to the elevator!

Then, while getting off the elevator, while opening the backpack, began to disguise!

Soon, he made up and became a cleaning staff!

And the elevator also came to the first floor!


The sniper exhaled a deep breath, and then the whole body's momentum suddenly changed!

From a fierce killer, he has directly turned into a dull-looking, sad-looking migrant worker!


His ability to transform his identity is well-known in the entire underground world!

Even if it is a few levels higher than yourself, never want to discover the flaws!

Even if the kid really rushed over, it would be impossible to find himself!


The elevator door opened, and Jiang Fan was already standing outside the elevator in front of the killer's eyes!

However, the assassin didn't change his face at all, and walked over directly from Jiang Fan!


What about even a master?

Haven't you been playing around by yourself?

The killer is extremely proud!

Seeing to be passing by Jiang Fan!

But, the next moment!


A big hand, almost like iron tongs, suddenly clasped his throat!

"You provoke me, and you want to leave?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

what? !

How is this possible? !

The killer looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

I have never missed my own disguise skills!

How did this kid find out?

"First, sir, I don't understand, what are you talking about!"

Killer, barely squeeze this sentence out!

"Don't pretend, the cocoon on your hand is obviously left behind by frequent shots!"

"Besides, you went too eagerly, and the smell of gunpowder on your body has not dissipated!"

"The key is……"

Jiang Fan suddenly sneered!

"In Huaxia, how many cleaners have you seen wearing masks?"

The killer's eyes widened suddenly!

The contact time between the two was less than a second!

He discovered so many problems!

Is this kid a monster?

"Sir, you, you must have misunderstood something!"

The assassin looked aggrieved, but his right hand sneaked towards the dagger in the back waist!

It's ok!

His fighting skills are also top-notch!

Even if you can't kill him, it will be no problem to escape!


"Your paw, dare to move it again, and I'll crush your throat!"

Jiang Fan looked at the killer with a smile on his face!

The killer was shocked!

That's it!

Today, completely planted!

"Say, who sent you here?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

However, facing the imposing Jiang Fan, the killer closed his mouth tightly!

"Don't say it? It seems that you still don't know my method!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

However, upon hearing Jiang Fan's words, the killer sneered!

"Boy, I admit it!"

"However, in our business, the rules are the most important. No matter how much you tortured me, I will not betray the employer information!"

"Torture? No, no, no! I've always been a person who convinces people with virtue!"

Jiang Fan chuckled, and suddenly there was something out of nothing in his hand, and a long ruler glowing with faint green light appeared!

Surprisingly, the ruler of love!

The moment this thing appeared, the assassin felt a faint feeling for a while!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan has already pulled off his pants!

The killer looked dumbfounded!

This kid, is it preparing to——

"You, what do you want?"

"No, no, stop it!"


The killer panicked completely, and struggled desperately!

But the next moment!


A crisp sound!

The ruler of love has been heavily drawn on the assassin of the killer!


The killer groaned sternly, and his heart was filled with unspeakable shame for an instant!

Damn it, what does it feel like?

Why am I so ashamed?

Why should I be a killer?

How can I do such a frenzied thing?

Especially, still facing, such a beautiful woman shot!

Do not! I want to reform!

From today, change your mind!

Be a positive and promising young man!

"Sir, my employer is—"

Jiang Fan didn't finish talking about the killer, but Jiang Fan's expression sank, pulling the killer back suddenly!

next moment!


The three daggers appeared out of thin air, directly attached to the bodies of the two of them, and shot onto the elevator door behind Jiang Fan!

The power of that dagger is simply stronger than a bullet, and the entire blade is actually deeply immersed in it!

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and his right hand shook suddenly!

I'm going to draw a gun and shoot!

However, he directly touched the air!

damn it!

The pistol was given to Mingyue just now!

At this moment!


The killer suddenly groaned in pain!

Jiang Fan looked down, only to realize that a dagger had actually fallen deep into the killer's heart!

The person who shot just now actually shot four daggers!

"Hands, phone..."

The killer hasn't finished speaking, I'm so angry!


Actually, I dare to kill under my nose!

"System! Locate that guy!"

"Ding! Unable to locate!"

"what happened?"

"System prompt! No information about the attacker appeared in the host's memory! Therefore, it is impossible to locate!

Oh shit!

Jiang Fan looked gloomy!

The other party is obviously there, killing people!

In any case, can't let him go!

But the next moment, his expression changed!

If the other party has more than one person, then Qiu Mingyue, isn't it dangerous?

Jiang Fan quickly took out a mobile phone from the killer, and then hurried back to the villa!

At this moment, behind the villa's bar, Qiu Mingyue is looking nervous!

Hold the gun in your hand tightly!

However, there is not much fear in her heart!

On the contrary, there is a hint of sweetness!

Many years ago, when he was bullied, didn't Jiang Fan also save himself?

How similar now and then!


Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded from the living room!

Just now, in a hurry, he turned up directly along the window!

"Jiang Fan!"

Qiu Mingyue looked happy, and immediately ran out of the bar and plunged into Jiang Fan's arms!

"Okay, it's okay!"

Jiang Fan gently patted Qiu Mingyue on the back!


Qiu Mingyue said softly, but did not let go!

Instead, with a look of hope, looked at Jiang Fan!

That look is clear, with a look of expectation!

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