Jiang Fan was stunned!

Qiu Mingyue's eyes, as long as he is not a fool, all understand!

Things have reached this point, if you don't do anything by yourself, is that still a man?

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth with big hands, and he was about to slide down!

At this moment!

"Oh, I'm going! How come the glass of Mr. Qiu's house is polished so bright?"

"Yeah! It's just like nothing!"

"As expected of the big boss, the cleaning companies I've looked for are different!"

"Long knowledge! But, is this the natural indoor wind? How can I see that the curtains are floating?"

"Huh? Why do I seem to see Mr. Qiu and a man hugging each other?"

Outside the villa, there was a loud noise suddenly!

It was the company security that Qiu Mingyue had just called!

I saw that a group of people, headed by the newly promoted security chief Lei Yang, looked at them with awe-inspiring expressions!

The two of them were slightly startled, and suddenly took a step back at the same time!

Qiu Mingyue's face turned red to the root of her ears for an instant!

These bastards!

How come here at this critical moment!

My first kiss, I haven't given it out yet!

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, Qiu Mingyue suddenly looked at a group of security guards!

"Lei Yang! What are you doing standing stupid? Don't come in yet!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of security guards swarmed into the villa!

However, as soon as they saw Jiang Fan, everyone suddenly showed a clear look!

"No wonder Mr. Qiu held it so tightly just now! It turned out that it was Mr. Jiang!"

"I thought about it a long time ago! Except for Mr. Jiang, how could President Qiu fall in love with others?"

"Yes! Mr. Jiang is Mr. Qiu's fiance, this is something the entire company knows!"

"But I heard that Mr. Qiu's fiance, isn't that Yang?"

"Fart! What is that kid? How can he be worthy of Mr. Qiu? And, the Yang family is finished!"

A group of people whispered to each other while quickly occupying the favorable terrain in the villa!

"Mr. Qiu, Mr. Jiang, what happened just now?"

Lei Yang walked to the two of them and asked respectfully!

"Someone hires a killer and wants to be against Mingyue!"


Lei Yang was shocked!

"look at this!"

Jiang Fan threw the bullet over!

"This, this is an armor-piercing bullet?"

Lei Yang's eyes widened suddenly!

"I have never seen this type of armor-piercing bullet!"

"However, it's so long, you can hit tanks!"

"Mr. Qiu! Mr. Jiang! Our security forces absolutely cannot prevent a killer who can take out this bullet!"

"My personal recommendation is to contact Black Shield immediately!"

"They are the best security company in Los Angeles, among them the top bodyguards, and the retired masters of the three special forces squadrons!"

"As long as they..."

Before Lei Yang finished speaking, Qiu Mingyue waved her hand directly!

"Jiang Fan has already killed that killer just now!"


Everyone was stunned!

Look at Jiang Fan with an incredulous expression!

Can deal with snipers, only snipers!

This is almost everyone's common sense!

But Jiang Fan, obviously didn't have sniper guns. Could it be that he caught up with the killer and then killed him?

How is this possible!

This kind of thing, even the top bodyguard of Black Shield, can never do it!

"Huh! A bunch of idiots who don't know!"

Qiu Mingyue frowned!

"Okay, go to the vigil outside the villa tonight!"


"Ah what! Don't hurry up!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of security guards turned and ran!

Qiu Mingyue took a few steps forward and closed the curtains!

"Ahem, since Lei Yang and they are here, or else, shall I go back first?"

Jiang Fan is about to leave!


Qiu Mingyue hurriedly grabbed Jiang Fan!

"I, I'm afraid!"

"Okay! Then I will stay here tonight!"

Jiang Fan immediately stopped!

Qiu Mingyue was happy, and then looked at Jiang Fan cautiously!

"The window downstairs is broken, or else, let's go upstairs first!"


The two came upstairs, Jiang Fan checked each room, and then nodded!

"Okay, no problem, you can sleep!"

go to bed?

Qiu Mingyue only felt that her heart began to beat violently!

She hesitated, then suddenly whispered: "I, I want to take a bath first!"

"Then go!"

"But, but, I want you to be with me!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Jiang Fan almost didn't choke to death!

"This, isn't it great? You know, as a glorious people's teacher, I will be laid off soon, but...Where is the bathroom?"

five minutes later!

Jiang Fan sat on a small bench, listening to the sound of the water flowing inside the door, looking upset!

It turns out that it means to accompany her in the bath!

Jiang Fan was waiting to fall asleep, the sound of water inside stopped it!

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and Qiu Mingyue, wrapped in a bathrobe, walked out slowly, covered in vapor!

At first sight of the Qiu Mingyue at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly lost his senses!

The Qiu Mingyue at this moment, washed out of lead, face to the sky, although not as delicate as before, but like the same epiphany, quiet and elegant, more charming!

"What are you looking at? Go to sleep!"

Qiu Mingyue gently bit her lip, her face was actually shy!


Jiang Fan followed Qiu Mingyue to the bedroom, only to find that there was no chair here except for a bed!

I just wanted to ask Qiu Mingyue where she lives, but Qiu Mingyue has already got directly into the quilt!


Helpless, Jiang Fan was ready to lie down on the ground and deal with it all night!

After all, no one can guarantee that those assassins will not appear again, stay closer, so as to protect her!

However, before Jiang Fan lay down, Qiu Mingyue's voice suddenly sounded!

"You, what are you doing? Not coming up yet?"


"Then I, went up?"

Jiang Fan thought he had heard it wrong!


Qiu Mingyue's voice is lighter than an embroidery needle falling on the ground!

Jiang Fan went to bed slowly, and just lay down, a faint scent suddenly came from the tip of his nose!


Who can sleep this way!

"Jiang Fan!"

Qiu Mingyue suddenly spoke!


"You, do you remember what happened when we were young?"

"When I was young?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

To be precise, he has lived in this world for only two years!

He didn't have much memory of things going forward!

Even if there is, it is just a few sporadic pieces!

What's more, it was so long ago more than ten years ago!

But Qiu Mingyue didn't wait for Jiang Fan to answer, so she slowly began to tell!

"That year, it was the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival in Los Angeles. Because there were too many people, my family and I were separated."

"I was alone, crying while walking. At this time, a group of children ran out from nowhere. They stole my baby and said that I was thrown away because I was annoying..."

"I was pushed to the ground by them, and my whole body was dirty. Later, an older kid made an idea and actually wanted to throw me into the lake..."

"I was so scared that I wanted to run, but my legs were so weak that I couldn't run at all. I was extremely desperate at this time..."

"At this time, you appeared!"

"It was you who scared them away, and you said..."

Qiu Mingyue suddenly turned around and looked at Jiang Fan in tears!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

The next moment, he just felt a headache!

In my mind, countless fragments of memory are coming!

In one of the scenes, it was me, standing in front of everyone, with a arrogant expression on his face!

"A bunch of trash, listen to Lao Tzu!"

"She is my future wife, whoever dares to touch her, who shall I destroy the whole clan!"

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