God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 386: Surprised or not surprised

Such a second grade, did you say it yourself?

Jiang Fan even forgot the pain, his face was covered in circles!

"Jiang Fan! What's wrong with you?"

"No, it's okay!"

Jiang Fan rubbed his head vigorously!

"I, I remembered, and later, your family came..."

"Yes! You, do you remember?"

Qiu Mingyue wiped her tears vigorously with a look of excitement!

"Remember! I remember that at that time, it was your uncle who found you first, right?"

"Yes! You, you really remember!"

Qiu Mingyue is crying and laughing!

But then, his eyes dimmed again!

"It's a pity that my uncle died later, father...no! Qiu Yuanshan also changed his temperament! My mother could not bear the torture, and finally committed suicide!"

"That person, it turns out, is your uncle!"

Jiang Fan's headache is finally not so serious at this moment!

"Hmm! Once upon a time, the best thing for me was my uncle!"

Qiu Mingyue sighed faintly!

This night, Jiang Fan didn't know how to fall asleep, but when he opened his eyes, it was already bright!

He tilted his head slightly, and saw Qiu Mingyue staring at herself with a pair of bright eyes open!

This picture made him feel familiar!

It was exactly the same as the one in Gaul!

Thinking of that time, Jiang Fan suddenly felt a little guilty!



After saying good morning, Jiang Fan's expression changed!

on Monday!

This is the day of school!

After a quick wash, Jiang Fan went straight to Blue Eagle!

As for Qiu Mingyue, now, outside the villa are the security guards of the Qiu Group, even if there is a killer, he would not choose this time to do it!


Jiang Fan is racing all the way!

Soon, came to Blue Eagle!

However, as soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw Ning Changan and others, guarding here proudly!

"Jiang Fan! You really don't give up!"

Ning Changan sneered and threw a document directly to Jiang Fan!

"This is the approval of the Education Bureau, Jiang Fan, now you have absolutely nothing to do with Lanying!"

"and so on!"

At this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the third class unexpectedly ran over as a group!

"Dong Ning, this is the petition of our entire Lanying students! We hope that the school and the board of directors can reconsider the appointment and removal of Teacher Jiang!"

Murongcui said, gestured slightly!

Just behind him, Hong Lei and others opened a long scroll directly!

There are full of student signatures on it!

Everyone is shocked!

Jiang Fan's heart warms even more!

Unfortunately, Ning Changan smiled hypocritically!

"Hey! Classmates, you have this thing, why don't you take it out earlier? Now that the Education Bureau's approval has come down, it's too late for everything!"

"Even if you take it out earlier, what about it?"

Tang Zhiyuan snorted coldly!

"Our Blue Eagle, whether privately owned or not, is a school after all! A school is a place for teaching and educating people!"

"Think about it, the Education Bureau decided to expel Jiang Fan. It can be seen that Jiang Fan is totally unsuitable for education!"

"Yes! Classmates, go back quickly!"

"Classes are coming soon, don't delay your studies!"

"Yes! For this kind of garbage, it's not worth it!"

Several other directors also said with mocking expressions!

"You guys—"

The grumpy Hong Lei immediately started cursing!

But at this moment!

"Hong Lei!"

Jiang Fan gave a shout!

Hong Lei trembled and squeezed his fists unwillingly, but he was still honest and shut his mouth!

Jiang Fan smiled with satisfaction, and then looked at every student in Class 3 one by one!

"Students, the teacher came today, not thinking about stepping into this school again!"

"I'm here just to tell you that everything the teacher promised you has done!"

"You guys, don't forget the promise to the teacher!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone in Class 3 was stunned!

"Teacher Jiang! You, you can't go!"

"There must be a way!"

"We, we finally agreed with your existence, how can you just leave!"

"You bastard! You are too irresponsible!"

Three angry roars!

Then, the collective looked at Ning Changan and others!

"Asshole, let Teacher Jiang come back!"

"It seems that during this time, our third class's temper is really great!"

"You should be, you have forgotten our horror!"

"Ning Changan, I know where your home is! Don't want your home to explode inexplicably, you'd better, don't mess with us!"

"And Tang Zhiyuan! Believe it or not, we let you cut off your children and grandchildren!"

The students in Class 3, everyone's eyes are shining with extremely dangerous light!

Ning Chang'an and others were watched by the third class, and they broke out in a cold sweat!

damn it!

What kind of magic did Jiang Fan this **** use!

Actually, let Class Three protect him like this!

You know, Class 3 is famous, and the six relatives don't recognize it!

However, in this way, it is even more impossible to let him stay here!

Otherwise, no one can stop him in the future!

Even if this group of lunatics in Class 3 really blows up his house, it will be better, offending that big man!

Ning Changan gritted his teeth suddenly!

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing here! Not hurry—"

"Haha! Ning Changan, I haven't seen you for a while, you are really crazy now!"

At this moment, a gentle female voice suddenly sounded from behind Ning Changan!


Ning Changan turned his head suddenly, but almost fell to his knees in shock!

Behind him, a beautiful woman with long hair curled up, a slender figure, full of intellectual charm and amorous feelings, is looking at him with a sneer on her face and meaningfully!

This is surprisingly, Xia Fanxing!

Xia Fanxing finally came back at this time!

In an instant, everyone in Ning Changan's group trembled, and they all took a step back!

Xia Fanxing!

She, shouldn't she still be in Europe now?

That big man, clearly said that she would never come back!

What exactly is going on!

Ning Changan's heart was shocked!

There was a trace of fear in the bottom of my heart!

But Class Three clenched their fists in excitement!


Headmaster Xia is back!

She is the Blue Eagle, the most powerful dictator!

Even in Class 3, I dare not offend her!

With her, Ning Changan and others are just a bunch of scum!

Teacher Jiang was finally saved this time!

"Haha, Principal Xia, you, when did you come back?"

Ning Changan swallowed desperately and barely raised a smiling face!

Unfortunately, Xia Fanxing ignored him at all!

On the contrary, the affectionate style is heading towards Jiang Fan!

"Teacher Jiang, you have been wronged!"

When he saw Xia Fanxing, Jiang Fan was even more nervous than the others!

Thinking of the inexplicable sleep on Qiu Mingyue's bed yesterday, he only felt that he was in front of Xia Fanxing, like an adulterer who had been caught and raped on the bed!

After all, when in Gaul, the two of them slept in one bed first!

"Haha! Haha! President Xia, when did you come back?"

"I arrived early in the morning, I wanted to see you first, but after thinking about it, I decided to surprise you!"

Xia Fanxing laughed so sweetly, even her eyes narrowed!

"How about it, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

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