God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 402: Kill him while he pee

"With a brain as big as Guazi, I still want to fight with me!"

Looking at Wang Wenlong who was going away, Jiang Fan sneered directly!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

Could it be that Wang Wenlong's appearance today is all because of Jiang Fan?

"Cut! This kid is humiliating himself when he fights Brother Fan!"

Wu Sicheng nodded repeatedly!

After all, in his opinion, all those who oppose Jiang Fan will not end well!

Even the takeaway star is planted, let alone Wang Wenlong, an idiot!

"By the way, Brother Fan, did you eat all the supplements you gave you some time ago?"

"If it's not enough, just speak up! Me, there are too many!"

Wu Sicheng looked caring!

However, when he heard his words, everyone's eyes looking at Jiang Fan were all wrong!


"Could it be true that what Wang Wenlong said just now?"

"Could it be that Jiang Fan was really raised by Qiu Mingyue and the others?"

The crowd was stunned, and then suddenly boiled!

"Fuck! This is a good thing, why is it not my turn!"

"Nima! There is a beauty in this role, sharing the same bed, she is willing to die!"

"Asshole! I'll book a plane ticket to Goryeo now! Don't stop me from anyone!"

"Don't be impulsive, buddy, plastic surgery, take me one!"

"Eat your sister's tonic! If you are a man, you will die!"

The crowd was all staring at Jiang Fan with red eyes!

The three women turned red for a moment!

But, unexpectedly, no one took the initiative to explain!


Misunderstanding is best!

However, these two **** in the way!

The three women sneered at the same time!

Jiang Fan looked at Wu Sicheng desperately!

Your uncle!

Hang brother!

"Ahem! Miss Ma San, it's not early, thank you for your hospitality today, I'm leaving now!"

Jiang Fan immediately wanted to bugger!

"Wait! Mr. Jiang, what about these things?"

Ma Dongmei pointed at the booth!

Jiang Fan glanced at random and was about to speak!

But at this moment, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw that a faint ray of light appeared in one of the things!

This is a sign of recyclable items!


Why didn't I find it just now!

Jiang Fan quickly walked over to see that this thing was actually the golden incense burner!

Just now, it might be because of the lighting, but I didn't notice it!

"Ding! A high-value item is detected! You can get 300 karma points if you sell this item!"

Jiang Fan is happy!

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains!

However, the system has no identification prompt. Obviously, this thing has no identification value!

"Excuse me, does the host sell this item?"


This thing cost Wang Wenlong 50 million!

50 million to 300, the gap is a bit big!

However, money in reality, even one hundred million, is more causal than the previous one!


"Ding! The sale was successful! 300 causal points have arrived!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

Just a touch of the hand, unexpectedly, it disappeared!


"Miss Ma San, the rest, if possible, I hope to be able to discount them at market prices!"

Jiang Fan said suddenly!

"Huh! It's really a poor man!"

"I don't know where these strong women are interested in him!"

"Hey! Jiang Family, I think it's completely finished!"

The eyes of the crowd were full of contempt for an instant!


"After discounting, donate it to Hope Primary School anonymously!"

Jiang Fan, smile!


The eyes of the crowd looking at Jiang Fan were totally unbelievable!

Just now, these things can be sold for a full 200 million!

Even the actual value is definitely more than 80 million!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly said to donate just donate!

The eyes of the crowd, for a moment, were full of shame! Many people are even more flushed!

"Really, too noble!"

"I just said that kind of thing! It's so ashamed!"

"As expected of the former Los Angeles youngster! This quality, nothing to say!"

"No wonder these women like him! I take it!"

The women were also startled!

They know Jiang Fan's current conditions better than others!

Especially Xia Fanxing, she has seen Jiang Fan's salary card, and the money on it has not moved!

Since Jiang Fan came to Lanying, all of the expenses he earned by running the takeaway!

Today, he is so generous, and this quality is even more precious!

"Mr. Jiang!"

Ma Dongmei bit her lip tightly!

Too noble!

Not only looks handsome, but Jiang Fan's heart is as charming as a gem!

That's right!

This kind of man is my ideal, life-long companion for Ma Dongmei!


Ma Dongmei nodded hard!

After leaving the Ma's villa, Jiang Fan immediately boarded the bicycle again!

And Qiu Mingyue and Xia Fanxing, not to be outdone, followed all the way!

Jiang Fan was suddenly one head and two big!

Just take advantage of the two people's unpreparedness, suddenly turned into a small alley!

On the Ma family's side, seeing Jiang Fan leaving the Ma family villa, Granny Huai and others secretly followed!

"Grandma Huai! Let's secretly attack Jiang Fan, in case the third lady finds out, then..."

"What are you afraid of? If something goes wrong, I will bear it!"

Granny Huai's face is gloomy!

"Jiang Fan, this kid, don't know what method was used, Miss San, has been completely fascinated by him!"

"If things go on like this, I'm afraid, he will be the second Feng Lang!"

"But Granny Huai, even if he becomes the second Feng Lang, what can he do?"

Xiao Shuang looked puzzled!

"Huh! What do you know?"

Granny Huai's face is even more sullen!

"If that's the case, it's fine, but this kid has too many enemies!"

"Now in Los Angeles alone, the Wang Family and Lu Zhenglong are the ones eager to deal with him! And far away, there is the terrifying Zhou Family!"

"Think about it carefully, if Miss Three is moved by him, it doesn't matter to the Wang Family to make a move, but if you offend the Zhou Family..."

Granny Huai's voice trembled!

The big double and the little double are even more pale!

Zhou family!

The comparison between the Wang family and the Ma family is really nothing! However, the comparison between the Ma family and the Zhou family is nothing short of rubbish!

The seven giants in the capital and the four big families occupy half of China's country!

This kind of behemoth can't be dealt with by normal people at all!

Even if it is China’s “Ten Ding Ten Extremes”, the ten legendary masters dare not attack them without authorization!

"Grandma Huai! Jiang Fan is there!"

At this moment, Da Shuang's nose suddenly twitched, and pointed at a small alley not far away!


The three of them sneaked to the entrance of the alley. Seeing that Jiang Fan was releasing the water, his eyes lit up!

"Haha! Although this kid is only level seven, there is a power that makes me feel terrified!"

"Unexpectedly, I actually caught up with him to pee! This is really a godsend!"

"Take advantage of him to pee, kill him! Ready to shoot!"

Granny Huai sneered and said directly!


Dashuang and Xiaoshuang promised, the three of them will take action!

But at this moment!

In the shadow behind Jiang Fan, suddenly there appeared a handsome man with a wooden box on his back and a sense of despair!

This is surprisingly what they met in the Ma family before, Yue Jianhan!

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