God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 403: You said there was a hurdle in your fate

The three guys who originally wanted to attack suddenly changed their expressions when they saw Yue Jianhan!

"Grandma Huai! What, what should I do?"

Da Shuang only felt that his bladder was tight, and an urge to urinate came!

"Got it! I, I, got it..."

Granny Huai's teeth trembled, and her whole body was almost fainted!

damn it!

How come you met here, that terrible guy!

"Yes, or else, withdraw!"


Granny Huai's legs trembled like chaff, the three of them moved for a long time, but unfortunately, they only moved half of their steps!


It's scary!

Basically, I can't walk!

That's it!

If that super expert thinks that we are following him, then, even if there are a hundred heads, it is not enough for him to cut!

Damn Jiang Fan! I blame you!

If it weren't for you, how could we be so unlucky!

and so on!

Jiang Fan? !

At this moment!

Granny Huai suddenly brightened her eyes!

"I was scared just now! You said, what is this super expert doing with Jiang Fan?"

"Huh? Yeah!"

Both big and small, their faces shaken at the same time!

"Could it be that the purpose of his coming to Ma's house is for Jiang Fan?"

"That said, he appeared next to Jiang Fan just to kill him!"

In an instant, the three of them were all excited!

The legs do not tremble, and the teeth do not tremble! Even the urge to urinate has disappeared miraculously!

A few people, like thieves, sneaked up and looked into the alley!

Even, still looking forward to the scene where Jiang Fan was pierced by a sword!

Haha, Jiang Fan, even if you really have the power to surpass the seventh level, what about it?

Facing tenth-level masters, especially kendo masters, no matter how strong they are, it is useless!

Seeing that Yue Jianhan had already walked to Jiang Fan's side!

A few people are excited, their eyes are red!

It's bad, wave the flag and shout!

But at this moment!


Yue Jianhan couldn't help but coughed lightly!

What is the status of Master? How can you urinate in the alley regardless of your image!

Besides, are you still peeing so hi?

"Huh, here it is?"

Jiang Fan shook his **** and put on his pants directly!

Even smoothly, wiped a hand on Yue Jianhan's body!


The three grandmother Huai directly spewed a mouthful of old blood!


Too arrogant!

Well, that's a tenth-level kendo master!

Especially Jiang Fan's two pieces of meat, even if ten of them are in line, it is not enough for others to kill with a sword!

How dare he, so presumptuous?

But, good!


After a while, he will definitely die, and he will die terribly!

Deserve it!

Let you seduce Miss San!

Granny Huai was so excited that they almost screamed!

And Yue Jianhan was also dumbfounded!

The corners of the mouth twitch!

"Master! You—"

The word "Master" in Yue Jianhan's mouth had just been uttered, and the three of Huai Popo suddenly looked at a loss!

"He, what did he just say?"

"It seems to be, Master?!"

"Could it be that this super master, as well as the master?"

"No, no! Ten-level kendo master! How many are there in Huaxia?"

"Master of tenth-level kendo masters, that must be strong, what does it look like?"

For a moment, the three of them felt that a truckload of ice cubes had been stuffed into their hearts. It was cold, and their brains were almost frozen!

"Hehehe, kidding with you!"

Jiang Fan patted Yue Jianhan on the shoulder!


This idiot!

He, is he really not afraid of death?

The three of Granny Huai almost didn't stare out!

Not to mention Jiang Fan, even if Ma Donglai, the Patriarch of the Ma family, sees such a super expert, he will definitely be respectful!

However, right in front of them, Yue Jianhan was a little unhappy and snorted!

"Well, don't be angry!"

As Jiang Fan said, he stretched out his hand directly, the original poster Yue Jianhan's neck!

Granny Huai is about to collapse!

What the **** is this?

who do you think You Are!

Actually, dare to hook up with such a big man!

idiot! Stop it!

What annoys him, we have to bury you too!

"Disciple, dare not!"

Yue Jianhan looked arrogant and took off Jiang Fan's arm!

disciple? !

The three of Granny Huai were completely confused!

I just felt that the light and shadow flickered in front of me, and I almost doubted myself.

This terrifying master actually claimed to be a disciple in front of Jiang Fan!

Could it be that the master he just mentioned was Jiang Fan? !

This, how is this possible!

No matter how you look at it, Jiang Fan, an idiot, doesn't look like a super super expert!

The ice in the truck in the hearts of the three of them hadn't melted yet, but they felt that they had been thrown into two more Himalayas!

Take out the cold!

It's so cool!

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I promise not to do this in the future!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Master, you, after all, are a big man who has killed a level fourteen master, even in private, please pay attention to your demeanor!"

Yue Jianhan bowed slightly to remind!

Ha ha!

Kill the 14th level master?

What's so great about that!


Fourteenth level? !

Why, listening to the tone of their speech, it feels like eating sugar cane?

Ha ha!

He really is, the master of this super master!

The three of Granny Huai's tears came down!

Xiao Shuang took out his phone and started editing text!

The first two words are very simple-suicide note!

Do evil!

Today, the **** shouldn't go out!

"I know, I know! How about, have you found any suspicious characters tonight?"

"Master Qi, apart from the three idiots, no suspicious people have been found!"

Yue Jianhan said, pointing directly at the corner of the wall!

"Mr. Jiang! Forgive me!"

Granny Huai couldn't care about anything else anymore. They sprang out from the corner like a mad dog, threw themselves at Jiang Fan's feet, and bowed their heads!

Knocking your head, it's almost like a pile driver!

"Mr. Jiang! We, we know we were wrong!"

"Yes! Please, for the sake of Miss San, please spare us!"

"Mr. Jiang, the old man is seventy-three this year! My fate has a hurdle, so please have mercy on me!"

"Uuuuu...dead old woman! I blame you! You have a **** fate, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Mr. Jiang, our two brothers have not yet married a wife! Please give us a chance, let us save a seed!"

The three of them were crying!

It’s worse than the heroine of a Korean drama crying!

Jiang Fan looked blank!

What's the matter with these three guys?

Suddenly rushed out!

This kowtow, who didn’t know, thought he was a Buddha!

"Cry your sister! Shut up!"

Jiang Fan's head is so loud!

"Yes Yes!"

The three of them wiped out their noses and tears, looking at Jiang Fan eagerly!

"Only, as long as you let us go, let us do anything!"

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

Turning to look at Yue Jianhan!

It is obvious that Yue Jianhan is also a little confused!

He just pointed to these three people, how did he do himself, as if he wanted to kill others?

He Yue Jian Han, he wouldn't kill this kind of nameless rat!

"Stop talking nonsense! What are you doing here?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"This, this..."

The three of them trembled and almost didn't pee!

How to say?

Said to come and do it yourself, want to kill you?

Isn't this special, isn't it looking for death?

However, since Jiang Fan doesn't know his plan, isn't it, there is still a chance?

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