God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 404: Take people's money to eliminate disasters

The three looked at each other, and Granny Huai immediately showed a faint smile!

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang, it's the third lady, afraid of insecurity on the road, let us protect you secretly!"

As soon as Granny Huai spoke, both big and small eyes lit up!


It's really high!

In this way, not only will I clean up the few people I have picked, but also by the way, I will give the third lady a point!

Worthy of being an old and cunning grandmother Huai!


"Protection? Humph! I see you guys, are you ill-intentioned?"

Jiang Fan sneered directly!

"No, no, no, no!"

Granny Huai was stunned! A look of fear!

"You, a big man like you, even if we borrow ten courage from us, we dare not!"

"That's it! We are all, kind!"

"If you don't believe me, you can, just ask Miss San!"

All three have good voices and tears!

"Forget it, get out of here!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Granny Huai three people, get up and run!

"and so on!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Today's matter, if it spreads out, the consequences, I will not say, you should also know!"

"Yes, yes! Don't worry, we didn't see anything, and didn't hear anything!"

"go away!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The three grandmothers of Huai ran away like a shit!

Ran out of two streets all the time, then, stopped!

"It's terrifying! Just now it seemed like the soul was out of the body!"

"That kendo master is actually Jiang Fan's disciple!"

"He actually killed a level fourteen super master!"

"This kind of monster, we still want to deal with him!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't make a move, otherwise..."

The three of them were covered in cold sweats!

"Grandma Huai, what should I do next?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jiang Fan, we can't afford to offend! However, if that's the case, then let's not come to Los Angeles for nothing?"

Xiao Shuang reminded!

"Well, that's right! After all, the purpose of our coming this time is because Feng Lang disappeared for no reason! Jiang Fan, we don't dare to think about it, just go find the unlucky takeaway star!"

"Yes, yes! Go look for it, takeaway star!"

A few people's eyes lit up!

Here, seeing Granny Huai and others disappear, Jiang Fan immediately looked at Yue Jianhan!

"Since there is no suspicious person, then you can continue to follow Qiu Mingyue in these two days!"

"Yes! Disciple knows!"

Yue Jianhan agreed, and then frowned!

"Master! What about your safety? After all, the other party's goal at the beginning is obviously you!"

Regarding the killer, Jiang Fan had already told Yue Jianhan!

"My safety is fine!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

"Xie Xing is checking that number, and it is estimated that there will be results soon!"

"Okay! That disciple is one step ahead!"

Yue Jianhan was not wordy and left directly!

At this moment, the night is deep, and Jiang Fan is ready to go home without delay!

There, there is still a good show, waiting for yourself!

However, he had just arrived near Da'an Street, and several taxis suddenly rushed out of oblique stabs and surrounded him!

Then, the car door opened, and more than a dozen strong men covered in murderous spirits strode down!

"Jiang Fan?"

"it's me!"


The leading brawny shouted!

Everyone immediately drew out the machete and killed Jiang Fan directly!

Jiang Fan frowned!

Picking up the bicycle with one hand, facing the fastest man, he directly pushed it up!


The big man snorted, he was hit by the bicycle and flew upside down, hitting his head on the taxi!

However, unexpectedly, he just shook his head vigorously, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, unexpectedly, he killed it again!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Only then discovered that the strength of these people has actually reached the second level!

Equivalent to the level of special forces!

As far as he knows, in Los Angeles, there are so many powerful thugs who can be sent casually, except for Black Shield, there is only Lu Zhenglong!


Jiang Fan suddenly grinned!

As soon as he put the bicycle off, he kicked the other murderous man suddenly!


A loud noise!

The brawny man trembled all over, and then he spouted a mouthful of blood! There was even more sound from the whole body, and the sound was like fried beans!

Suddenly, the bones of the whole body suddenly burst into pieces!


The brawny man failed to make a scream, and he fell to the ground with utter anger!

Everyone was stunned!

All stopped!

With a horrified expression, he looked at Jiang Fan!

However, they didn't move, but Jiang Fan moved!


Punch out!

A strong man let out a miserable cry, and his entire chest was shattered!


Kick it out, and one person's neck is directly attached to the shoulder!


Cut with a hand knife!

The big heads of people are soaring into the sky!

Everyone was stunned by Jiang Fan's horrific and violent methods!

In the blood flying, all the brawny men twitched all over, and they didn't even dare to move!

The murderous aura before, has turned into endless fear!

A group of people, just like encountering natural enemies, waiting to be slaughtered!

"Tick! Tick!"

Jiang Fan let the blood in his hands keep falling! Just without saying a word, coldly looking at a group of brawny men who have been frightened!

"It's horrible! He, he is not a human at all!"

"He, he is a demon!"

"Run! I don't want to die!"

"Help! Help!"

In an instant, all the big guys dropped their machetes, turned and ran away crying!


Jiang Fan gently spit out these two words!

Although the sound was not loud, all the brawny men seemed to have been enchanted for a moment, all, stopped!


Everyone's body seemed to be rusty, and they barely turned around, desperately, looking at Jiang Fan!

"Aren't you going to kill me? What are you running?"

Jiang Fan grinned, grinning gloomily!


The strong man in the lead couldn't stand it anymore and fell directly to his knees!

"Spare, spare your life!"

"Please, forgive us!"

"We knew it was wrong! We don't dare anymore!"

"Mr. Jiang! I, we know Master Tu, please, for the face of Master Tu, let us go!"

Everyone knelt on the ground, kowtow desperately!

so horrible!

This kind of monster is simply not something they can deal with!

Xu Chuan, this is simply sending them to die!

"Tu Kang? Hehe, what kind of thing is he? Do you think it's useful to mention his name?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, yes, it is Lu Zhenglong!"

"Yes! Lu Zhenglong sent us!"

"We, we all listen to his orders, this matter itself has nothing to do with us!"

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan with tears and tears!

"Is it Lu Zhenglong or Xu Chuan?"

Jiang Fan shook the blood on his hand and smiled grimly!

The leading brawny suddenly flashed a light of extreme shock in his eyes!


"Forget it! Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters!"

Everyone was taken aback!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan suddenly passed by this group of people like a stream of light!


Everyone covered their necks tightly!

It's a pity that the blood is vented out like a flood that opens the gate!

Suddenly, the moment Jiang Fan jumped, he directly sealed everyone with a sword!

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