God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 427: The monster is still bumpy

Jiang Fan has just delivered the takeaway right now and is about to go home to rest!

However, when I was still downstairs, I heard that the whole building was messy!

It seems vaguely, I heard some news about jumping off the building!


Life is not easy these days, but you can't make fun of your life!

Where is the hurdle?

Own, such a big family business is gone, don't you also live strong!

Jiang Fan shook his head and sighed!

Just rushed upstairs!

It's just that when he arrived at the entrance of the corridor, he was suddenly shocked!

I saw that a monster with two sharp horns and small wings all over his body was rushing toward him desperately!

Jiang Fan was almost subconscious, lifting his leg is just a kick!



With a scream, Andrew was kicked directly by Jiang Fan and rolled down the stairs!


That was just now, human?


Don't die!

Jiang Fan was about to chase him, but at this moment, in the corridor, a group of people suddenly rushed out of his house!

"Jiang Fan? Are you okay!"

Xu Xiaofeng, the leader, looked surprised!

They thought that Jiang Fan was eaten by monsters!

"I'm fine! What's wrong with you guys?"

Jiang Fan looked blank!

"Woo, brother Jiang Fan! Just now, it was so scary!"

"A big centipede ran out of your house!"

"We all thought that you and Uncle Zhong were eaten!"

Yun Xiaorou suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and hugged Jiang Fan!

"Centipede? What you said, wouldn't it be the guy who just passed by?"

Jiang Fan pointed at the corridor!

At the same time, he has vaguely understood what happened!

It's just that Andrew is really awesome!

Steal and cosplay!

What kind of psychology is this?

It's so perverted!

I knew it, that kick just now, be harder!

Jiang Fan explained here, and Andrew fled in embarrassment!

Jiang Fan! You beast!

Thinking of me Andrew, handsome and handsome, I couldn't imagine that I was planted in such a place today!

But don't be proud of you!

I have completely seen your tricks!

When I come again next time, it is inevitable and foolproof!

Andrew wiped away a handful of aggrieved tears and vowed secretly!

As for the left ear, in the ambulance right now, my mouth is full of blood foam!

There is air intake, no air vent!

Jump down from the sixth floor!

Fortunately, he has practiced light-weight kung fu since he was a child, otherwise, he would have fallen alive alive!

Rao was like this, he was also badly injured by the fall!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan!"

"You pervert! Actually, at home, raising such a monster!"

The left ear moaned desperately!

The ambulance galloped all the way, and soon it took him to the hospital!

At this moment, Wu De, who came to hear the news, is waiting here!

"Say, tell Young Master Long!"

"Jiang Fan's house, there are monsters!"

After saying this, the left ear fainted directly!

"Hey! Don't faint first! Make it clear!"

Wu De looked dumbfounded!


What's so special about Bump Man!

However, before he could ask clearly, the left ear had been pushed directly into the operating room by a group of nurses!

This night is really crazy!

By the time Jiang Fan finished explaining, it was already midnight!

The crowd finally left, dubiously!

And Jiang Fan, ignoring the mess at home, went directly to bed to rest!

the next day!

Jiang Fan called Uncle Zhong and asked him to come back to tidy up the house, and then he washed up and went straight to Blue Eagle!

He is simply, can't wait to see Andrew, and ask him what his mentality is!


Jiang Fan sprinted all the way, and soon he rushed to Lanying!

However, when asked at school, Andrew actually asked for leave!

The reason is that he was beaten by a gangster last night because of his bravery!


You can really put gold on your face!

What a shame!

Jiang Fan shook his head and simply went to see the third shift!

Originally, he thought that Class 3 should still be studying enthusiastically, but he didn't expect the classroom to be messy!

"Fuck! It's wonderful!"

"Unexpectedly, the promotional film is so powerful!"

"The key is that the face value is online! The takeaway star, when I see him, I just want to call him Dad!"

"Especially the scene of him kissing Su Lingyu, it's simply beautiful!"

"I took this screenshot yesterday and used it as a mobile wallpaper!"

"What's that? As soon as the video came out, I went to print the poster, the whole bedroom!"

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, the third shift suddenly became even more excited!

"Jiang Fan! Did you watch the promotional video of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" yesterday?"

"When I thought, we had actually been to the crew, so I was so excited, I wanted to pee!"

"No more! Let's have a photo with the takeaway star!"

"Yes! Apart from the crew, we are the only one who has taken a photo with the takeaway star! You can't buy this thing for money!"

"Hey! Jiang Fan! You are so capable, can you take us to the premiere?"

All three classes looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Look at the results! Besides, I don't know when the premiere will begin!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand at will!

"Don't forget, this week is seventy minutes. Today is Wednesday. You still have two days!"


"You bastard! Your good mood is ruined by you!"

"It's just a negative emotion maker!"

"Will this guy deliberately block us?"

"So bad, watch out for your thief!"

by! Borrow you auspicious words!

My house has been robbed, okay?

"Stop talking nonsense! If the results are qualified, I will take you to the playground this weekend!"

"Furthermore, enough food and drink! Authorize your class fee quota of 100,000 yuan!"

Anyway, the Seven Kingdoms Fight for Hegemony got a million bonus! There are one hundred thousand more, it is the friendship sponsorship of evil emperor Li Ergou!

"Wow! So awesome?"

"Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan! We love you!"

"Ms. Jiang is great!"

"Good! Study hard! I want to have a good time!"

"Fight! Seventy points, trivial!"

The three classes are gearing up, menacing!

"Hurry up! We are going to read!"

Jiang Fan hadn't enjoyed the worship of the students enough, and was immediately driven out again!

"A bunch of ungrateful little rascals!"

Jiang Fan cursed angrily and left Class 3 in embarrassment!

It's just that when he just walked to the door of the office, he met, Ma Desheng!

However, at this moment Ma Desheng's clothes are disheveled, his face is gloomy, his eyes are bloodshot, and he is panting, just like a green-haired bison!

"Director Ma, good morning!"

"I'm good, your uncle!"

Ma Desheng roared suddenly!

"Jiang Fan! What did you do to me yesterday?"

Hearing Ma Desheng's roar, the nearby office doors opened one after another, and a group of teachers all held out their heads curiously!

"what happened?"

"I don't know, it seems to be Ma Desheng, who is looking for trouble with Teacher Jiang!"

"Strange, didn't he still speak for Jiang Fan yesterday?"

"Oh, this kind of grievances and hatred, who can say it clearly!"

A group of teachers sighed!

"Director Ma, what's your nerve?"

Jiang Fan also looked surprised!

"You pretend to be less! I sold Ning Changan yesterday when my **** hurts!"

"You said! Did you make a ghost?"

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