God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 428: Abandon yourself first

"Director Ma, don't spit people, your **** hurts, it's my ass?"

"Such a thing, you should go to a doctor!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"You! It must be you!"

Ma Desheng looked desperate!

"That guy Ning Changan will never let me go! I, I'm dead!"

"But don't think about it!"

Ma Desheng screamed, and suddenly pulled out a kitchen knife from behind his waist!


"Director Ma, don't be impulsive!"

"Quickly, go grab Director Ma!"

"Ms. Jiang, run!"

A group of teachers who had been watching the excitement suddenly panicked!

"Jiang Fan, you and I—wow!!!"

Before Ma Desheng finished speaking, he suddenly let out a scream!

next moment!

His whole trousers slipped down, and there was blood on his ass!

This idiot, he drew his knife too fast just now, and accidentally cut his **** with a kitchen knife!

"Aw~~!! My ass!"

Ma Desheng screamed, threw down the kitchen knife, covered his butt, and howled desperately!

Everyone looked dumbfounded!

Came here to seek revenge. They didn't treat their opponents anymore. They abolished themselves first. This was the first time they saw him!

Is this so special? How much is it lacking in mind?

Jiang Fan held his forehead helplessly!

What a shame!

Two steps forward, he picked up Ma Desheng, turned and left!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan! What do you want to do?"

"I tell you, I am now, but I am injured!"

"I, my **** is bleeding! You can't, hurt me!"

Ma Desheng hurts and fears, and tears are about to flow out!

"Shut up! I'll take you to the infirmary!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Ma Desheng was directly stunned!

A group of teachers showed a look of admiration!

"As expected of Teacher Jiang! So generous!"

"Repay grievances with virtue! This quality is too noble!"

"Teacher Jiang is really a role model for my generation!"

"Lan Ying is so lucky to have Teacher Jiang!"

A group of teachers immediately helped Jiang Fan and carried Ma Desheng to the infirmary!

As the school doctor treated Ma Desheng's wounds, Jiang Fan's expression immediately became straight!

"Teachers, this matter is a private dispute between me and Director Ma!"

When a group of teachers saw Jiang Fan's expression, their expressions suddenly changed!

Could it be that Jiang Fan just acted like this, and now he wants to avenge his personal revenge?


"Since it is a private dispute, it has nothing to do with Blue Eagle and the school!"

"So, I hope everyone will not talk about it today!"


"Ms. Jiang meant that this incident just passed?"

"He's afraid of spreading it out, Blue Eagle will punish Director Ma?"

"Teacher Jiang, too noble!"

"Teacher Jiang, don't worry, no one of us will say anything about this!"

"I will go back now and get rid of that kitchen knife!"

A group of teachers all looked at Jiang Fan in admiration!

"Then, thank you everyone!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

But in the room, Jiang Fan's words, without missing a word, passed into Ma Desheng's ears!

Ma Desheng was stunned!

Even the pain of the wound has forgotten!

Today, he intends to fight Jiang Fan desperately!

As for work or something, he can no longer take care of it!

However, I didn't expect that Jiang Fan not only didn't blame himself, on the contrary, he helped himself to suppress this incident!

For an instant, his heart was full of uncontrollable touches!

"Huh! Jiang Fan, don't think, I, I will be grateful to you!"

"In short, if you dare to violate school discipline and rules in the future, like me, I won't let you go!"

Ma Desheng clenched his fist fiercely!

next moment!

"Ouch! Light, light!"

"Oh~~! My ass!"


After one night of treatment, the left ear was finally pushed out of the operating room!

However, it takes at least three months to fully recover!

However, just after leaving the operating room, Wu De, who was guarding the door, waved his hand immediately!

Several men immediately stepped forward, grabbed the cart from a group of nurses, and brought their left ear directly to the VIP ward on the seventh floor!

Here, Wang Wenlong is leaning on the hospital bed, eagerly waiting!

"Left ear! What the **** is going on?"

As soon as he saw his left ear, Wang Wenlong let out a low growl!

"Young Master Long! There is a monster in Jiang Fan's house!"

The left ear reluctantly lifted his body and wailed!


Wang Wenlong was stunned!


The left ear directly tells what happened last night!

After listening to the words of the left ear, everyone was stunned!

Wang Wenlong is even more confused!

"You, shouldn't you be, are you wrong?"

"Impossible! Young Master Long! That monster is extremely hideous and terrifying!"

"The eyes are so pale, they are as big as an egg!"

"Furthermore, two long horns, no! It is also possible, it is the fangs! There is still a gloomy light!"

"The most terrifying thing is that those little wings clink when shaking!"

"Young Master Long! I am absolutely, I can't read it wrong!"

"Thanks to my wit to choose to jump off the building! Otherwise, I would have become the dung in the belly of that monster!"

The group looked at each other!

Zuo Er said so confidently, is there really a monster in Jiang Fan's house?

"Young Master Long! With that said, I have a good idea!"

Wu De's eyes suddenly lit up!


"It's better for us to contact the Health and Anti-epidemic Department and let them use the name of illegally breeding dangerous pets. Please Jiang Fan over!"

"Then, let's arrange for someone to find an excuse to take away Jiang Fan's mobile phone, isn't that enough?"

"good idea!"

Wang Wenlong nodded hard, then hooked his finger at Wu De!

Wu De immediately bent down like a pug!


Without saying a word, Wang Wenlong just threw it up with a big mouth!

Wu De screamed when he was beaten, and sat down on the ground!

"Young Master Long, you, why are you hitting me?"

Wu De looked at Wang Wenlong with a blank face!

"Damn! I used to go smoothly, it was because I listened to your **** words that made it look like this!"

"Now that you have come up with such a useless idea!"

Wang Wenlong looked ruthless!

"Jiang Fan, this kid, obviously wants to kill me! You can't keep him! Never keep him!"

"Find me a master directly and kill Jiang Fan! When he is dead, find out the phone!"

"Yes, yes! Long Shaoying!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Don't hurry up!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"


"Jingle Bell!"

As the school bell rang, Jiang Fan had two meals in the cafeteria, and he was about to go to Melody Media!

The Wang family and the Yang family, I want them to fear constantly, and then slowly play them to death!

That's why I will give them the opportunity to start again and again!

Only by constantly frustrating and humiliating each other can we experience the pleasure of revenge!

As for Zhang Jinzhu of Melody Media, he would only use thunderous methods to provoke his stupid arbitrarily!

Unexpectedly, just after leaving the canteen, Jiang Fan's cell phone rang!

"Hello, I am Jiang Fan!"

"I am Lu Zhenglong!"

Suddenly a gentle but two-point anxious voice sounded on the opposite side!

Surprisingly, the Los Angeles leader!

"Master Lu?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

Why is Lu Zhenglong calling himself at this time?

If his estimate is good, Xu Chuan's eyeliner must be everywhere around him at this moment!

"Let me make a long story short, there are two masters running towards you!"

"If you can live this time, I will be your biggest ally in Los Angeles!"

After Lu Zhenglong finished speaking, he directly hung up the phone!

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