Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and then, suddenly his eyes lit up!

It seems that the last time I let Tu Kang pass the message, he did pass it!

Lu Zhenglong already has a certain understanding of his own strength!

And the bargaining chip has also risen to allies!

However, allowing him to take the risk of making this call at such a time, obviously, the two people who came rushing to him are by no means easy!

"Old guy, since you are determined to make an alliance with me, then I can't let you die!"

Jiang Fan ticked the corner of his mouth and suddenly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number!


Black shield security!

Zhao Guoliang was looking at him with a painful look, looking at the eating Long Yan in the cafeteria!

Twenty-eight elbows!

Eleven plates of three fresh fried rice!

Seven bowls of braised pork!

Add one more, roast whole lamb!

It's just such an appetite, a typical rice bucket!

As Long Yan eats like this, I'm afraid that if the next time the funds are not arrived, Black Shield will have to drink Northwest Wind!

"Ahem, Lord Dragon God, didn't you say that you are going to start losing weight?"

Seeing Long Yan picking up his own lunch box that looked like a big jar, Zhao Guoliang was completely panicked!

"Lose weight? Reduce your old wood! What am I going to say casually!"

As Long Yan said, his big hand was already running towards the last remaining elbow!

At this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Zhao Guoliang's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Hello. Who is this?"

"I am Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang?!"

Zhao Guoliang was startled!

But Long Yan's hand stopped in the air, and his ears were clearly erected!

"Is Long Yan here?"

"In the!"

"Tell him that in three months, I can accompany him to the No. 3 Ruins!"

"However, before that, he has to protect someone for me!"

"No problem! No problem!"

Before Zhao Guoliang could speak, Long Yan grabbed the phone and turned on the speaker!

"Senior! Don't worry! No matter who protects, as long as he doesn't talk to his hair, I will just stop eating!"

"Very good! That person's name is Lu Zhenglong!"

"L.A. City leader?!"

Zhao Guoliang was stunned!

"Yes, it's him!"

"Remember, you only need to protect him from death, and don't care about the rest!"


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

If I want to bring down the Wang family, I happen to lack a person like Lu Zhenglong!

Tu Kangyong is more than enough, but not cunning enough, if Lu Zhenglong really burps, he can't afford the overall situation!

As for the two masters Lu Zhenglong said--


Jiang Fan just smiled disdainfully!

Riding a bicycle, Jiang Fan is ready to go straight to Melody Media!

It's just that I just arrived at the school gate!

He suddenly had a meal!

At this moment, it is time for school to be over!

Bustling at the school gate! Very lively!

However, Jiang Fan saw it at a glance. Among the crowd, there were two short men!

One of them has a rickety waist and is very thin! The other is of medium build, but has strong and strong arms!

Although the two of them have different looks, they all have vicious looks in their eyes!

At this moment, they are leaning on an Accord car, looking at Jiang Fan coldly!

Level seven!

Both guys are actually good at level 7!

Xu Chuan's subordinates, there is actually such a person?

Jiang Fan slowly rode the car and came to the two of them!

"One-on-one? Group fight?"

Jiang Fan asked politely!

"Huh! Just like you, it's not worth our deal together!"

The thin man smiled coldly and waved his head at Jiang Fan!

"There are too many people here. Fighting has too much influence. Let's change place!"

"Well, I think you might be thinking too much!"

Jiang Fan said very sincerely!

"It's just a matter of three punches and two kicks, there is no need to change places!"

"what did you say?"

The two were furious!

"It means literally, hurry up, I still have things to do!"


The thin man yelled and fisted Jiang Fan suddenly!

Before the fist arrived, that violent fist wind had actually blown Jiang Fan's hair backwards!

The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

However, Jiang Fan didn't even get off the car, and his face was even more boring!

The backhand is a slap in the face!


It's too late to shoot now!

The thin man smiled triumphantly, his fist was about to hit Zhong Jiang Fan's cheek!



A crisp sound!

Jiang Fan's hand seemed to have traveled through time for an instant, and it actually fell on the face of the thin man first!

For a moment, the thin man only felt that his face was hit by a heavy truck!

The whole person was pumped into the air, teeth splashing in his big mouth, and they fell directly across the road more than ten meters away!

Immediately afterwards, his eyes went dark, and there was no sound anymore!

Everyone was stunned!

The short man on one side is even more dazed!

a slap!

Did you give me this, a level 7 companion, to give it a second?

Isn't it so easy to fight flies?

This kid is actually so powerful?

No, it's impossible!

It must be a coincidence!

He must know that his companion has a brain disease!

A group of students are like okay people!

"Teacher Jiang seems to be in a hurry today!"

"Yeah! That guy didn't even throw up blood!"

"Speaking of which, this kid is really lucky. After all, he was the first to be injured so lightly!"

"Hey! That dwarf 第子, you should get out of here too!"

"Otherwise, if Teacher Jiang starts a fire, you will be over for the rest of your life!"

A group of students talked about it!

After all, following Jiang Fan, they are also very knowledgeable!

They have never seen it before, so what can be the end of Jiang Fan's troubles!


Dwarf is angry!

He smashed the car window with a fist, and suddenly took out a Toyo long knife!

"Insidious and cunning Chinese people!"

"You completely offended me!"

"Today, let you see, I'm great!"

Jiang Fan frowned as soon as he heard the words of Dwarf's son!

"You are not from Huaxia?"

"Hey! How come I have this kind of **** blood!"

Dwarfing laughed wildly, and then took two steps directly back!

"Boy, let you know, I am the strongest in Dongying, draw a sword!"

The so-called draw and cut is to gather the strength of the feet, wrists, waist and so on at the moment the sword is released! Then, through the friction between the knife and the scabbard, continue to increase the power, so as to achieve the strongest knife!

Dwarf's sword-drawing technique has been cultivated to the point of a master!

You can even split the bullet directly!

Dwarf squeezed the handle of the knife!

As long as one strikes out, even if Jiang Fan is at level 8, he still needs five steps with blood splashing!

Garbage Chinese people!

go to hell!

Dwarf's body and mind are united, and he roars suddenly, and the long sword is out of its sheath!

But at this moment!

"Pull your old wood!"

Jiang Fan seemed to be teleporting, and actually came directly in front of him!

Then, the backhand is a slap in the face!


A crisp sound!

The half-out long knife in Aiyako's hand flew out directly!

The whole person was flew high by Jiang Fan being pumped!

The dwarf 矬子 is stunned!


This, this is, cut!

The knife is only a moment, how could the opponent be so fast?

However, he hadn't reacted yet, Jiang Fan had already picked up a brick on the ground, rounded his arm, and threw it out directly at him!


A loud noise!

"Elegant Butterfly!"

Dwarf screamed!

The whole person seemed to be hit by a missile, completely flying away!

"Bah! Rubbish!"

Jiang Fan took a sip of disdain!

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