God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 439: Patriarch really has no plan

Xie Xing is at a loss!

He has always felt that he is Jiang Fan's, the first brother!

Unexpectedly, Fan's younger brother is actually at the level of Bai Xia!

"I hired a financial director for the store, my own person, I will let him pass in a while!"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone and looked at Xie Xing!

"Okay! Get ready to take office!"

Now, become the chief financial officer?

Xie Xing looked sluggish!

However, he immediately looked at Jiang Fan firmly!

"Brother Fan, don't worry! I will definitely do it well!"

"Well, I believe you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Saying goodbye to Xie Xing, Jiang Fan immediately went straight to Chengyu Building!

Just now, my thoughts were interrupted by Zhao Lei's bastard, now I go to Qiu Mingyue to see if I can think of something again!

Soon, Jiang Fan came to Chengyu Building!

At this moment, what activities seem to be preparing downstairs in the building, people come and go!

Upon seeing Jiang Fan, the security guards downstairs immediately stood at attention collectively!

"Hello, Brother Fan!"

The sound is so deafening!

The crowd was stunned!

Dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Fan!

"Who is this person?"

"Takeaway! Obviously!"

"Fart! Have you seen a large group of security deliverymen say hello?"

"Perhaps, yes, it was for them?"

The crowd looked blank!

"But this little guy is so handsome!"

"Yeah! If I meet such a handsome little brother when I order supper! Hehe!"

"What good things are you thinking of! With your tonnage, you are not afraid to break this little brother's waist!"

"Fart! This little brother is so strong at a glance! Maybe he likes this old mother! Pi Shinai—"

The crowd clamored for a while!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, with an embarrassment on his face! He gave the security chief Lei Yang a fierce look!

After that, he went to Qiu Mingyue's office in embarrassment!

At this moment, Qiu Mingyue had just signed a document, and when he saw Jiang Fan, he was immediately happy!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Don't talk yet!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand at Qiu Mingyue, and looked directly at her office, observing!

Soon, Jiang Fan suddenly jumped, and directly took down something about the size of a cigarette **** from the chandelier!

"what is this?"

Qiu Mingyue looked curious!


Jiang Fan smiled softly!

Since the other party can use Qiu Mingyue's computer to contact the killer, it is obvious that he has a good understanding of Qiu Mingyue's movements!

And to do this, the easiest thing is to install the camera!

"Camera? How come there is this thing in my office?"

Qiu Mingyue was startled, then her face sank!

"Someone is watching me!"


Jiang Fan nodded!

Then, a handful of smashed the camera!

"But how did you know?"

Qiu Mingyue looked curious!

"I asked someone to check the killer's phone. There are two hidden call records on it. Through tracking, I found that these two calls were made from your office!"


Qiu Mingyue's eyes widened suddenly!

"Jiang Fan! I—"

"Relax, I know it's not you! And I also know that the reason why the person who hires the killer wants to kill you is just a temporary intention!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"You, how do you know?"

"Simple! Because this killer, the original target, is me!"

Qiu Mingyue gasped!

"There is almost no dust on this camera, it should have been put on recently!"

"Who is coming in and out of your office these days?"

Jiang Fan asked with piercing eyes!

"Well, besides my assistant, there are also several company executives!"

Qiu Mingyue's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly!

"By the way! Qiuyuan Mountain has been here before!"


"The day after the Yang family destroyed the door! He also asked me to accompany him around the company!"


Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

At this moment, Qiu Family Manor!

The female secretary is preparing a cup of coffee for Qiu Yuanshan!

Opposite the two of them, a TV is playing the picture!

And the content of the screen is exactly Qiu Mingyue's office!

There are more than one camera in Qiu Mingyue's office!

"Patriarch, it seems that we may be exposed!"

The female secretary smiled!

"Huh! This kid is really hard to deal with!"

"It seems that the hire of the killer is probably self-defeating!"

Qiu Yuanshan's face is gloomy!

This killer was indeed hired by him!

Originally, the order he gave to the killer was just to kill Jiang Fan on the day of dinner!

This is also the reason why Xie Xing found the email on the dark web!

However, as he changed his mind, he contacted the killer again, and let the killer perform this assassination scene!

And through Qiu Mingyue's office computer, it was the female secretary who contacted the killer!

As for the purpose of Qiuyuan Mountain, it is to test Jiang Fan's thoughts on Qiu Mingyue!

Only by determining how much Jiang Fan dares to do for Qiu Mingyue, can his follow-up plan be implemented!

As for whether this would kill Qiu Mingyue or Jiang Fan, Qiu Yuanshan is not worried at all!

Because, in fact, the female secretary has always been hiding near Jiang Fan!

With her ability, it is easy to intercept bullets!

This is what happened before, the whole thing!

"Patriarch, what do you do next? It seems that you can't take advantage of him! Why don't you let me do it!"

"No! Now I just suspect that something from the Yang family belongs to him, but I'm not sure!"

"This kid may be the only clue to that thing!"

"Moreover, even if they knew it was the camera I installed, they might not doubt it!"

"After all, I am Qiu Mingyue's father! What reason do I have to hire a killer to kill her?"

Qiuyuan Mountain smiled gloomily!

And Qiu Mingyue's office!

Seeing Jiang Fan's expression change, Qiu Mingyue immediately reacted!

"You mean, this camera was installed by Qiu Yuanshan?"

Qiu Mingyue looked incredible!

And Qiu Family Manor, seeing this scene, Qiu Yuanshan's hand has been firmly pressed on the handle of the chair!


In the picture, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

As Jiang Fan said, Qiu Yuanshan's complexion suddenly sank!

"Cold feelings, ready to shoot—"

Qiu Yuanshan didn't finish speaking, but he was taken aback!

Just because, after Jiang Fan said this sentence, he actually spoke again!

"The camera may have been installed by him, but the murderer must have nothing to do with him!"

"I guess so!"

Qiu Mingyue seemed to be relieved, but in his eyes, something very complicated appeared!

After that, he looked at Jiang Fan with curiosity!

"But why are you so sure?"

"Fool! Tiger poison can't eat children! Besides, father-in-law and his old man are ready to betroth you to me, so why kill us? To put it bluntly, he is not afraid that no one will give him the end?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile suddenly, but his eyes were full of indifference!

"Hate! What father-in-law! Take advantage of others again!"

Qiu Mingyue gave Jiang Fan a white look, with a face of anger!

"Hey! Anyway, it's a matter of time!"

Next, there was flirting and flirting!

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yuanshan firmly grasped the handle of the chair, and finally slowly released it!

The corners of the lips showed a sneer!

"Huh! Naive!"

"Patriarch, you are really good at it! It's an exhaustive plan!"

The female secretary looked coldly admired!

"If you want to make a big thing, you have to be calm!"

Qiu Yuanshan smiled proudly!

"Okay! Get ready! Jiang Fan should be coming to me soon!"


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