God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 440: Little **** and old tortoise

In the office!

"But Jiang Fan, why does he want to install a camera in my office?"

"I don't know this too well! However, he is your father after all, and he will never harm you. The most likely thing is to look at your work!"

"Humph! Is he afraid that I will rob his clique? I am not uncommon Qiu Mingyue!"

Qiu Mingyue sneered!

"Don't guess! But this is also a good thing. Maybe he has clues to the murderer!"

"Well, I'll go to him and ask!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Qiu Mingyue grabbed his hand and suddenly tightened!

Nails, even into Jiang Fan's flesh!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, you..."

"Aren't you going to give it to me?!"


Next, the two went straight out of the office!

And seeing the cold feeling of this scene, I admire it even more!

"Patriarch, really amazing!"

"Every step of Jiang Fan is actually in his calculations!"

However, they didn't see it, Jiang Fan's complexion suddenly sank when he walked out of the office!

And on Qiu Mingyue's face, the smile and scolding expression on Qiu Mingyue's face disappeared completely!

Instead, he put on a pair, anxious!

"Jiang Fan, is it true that Qiu Yuanshan did this thing?"

Just now, when Qiu Mingyue just said that there was Qiu Yuanshan who had been to her office!

Jiang Fan's gaze drooped down, and at the same time, his little finger swayed slightly!

These subtle movements, if you change to a normal person, although you may find it, your complexion will definitely reveal flaws!

However, Qiu Mingyue was ice and smart, not only understood Jiang Fan's meaning in an instant, but even cooperated with him all the way to perform!

Until he walked out of the office, Qiu Mingyue finally couldn't control it anymore!

After all, the biological father actually wanted to harm himself, this kind of thing is really chilling!

"Calm down first! I just wonder if Qiu Yuanshan did this. I have to meet him before I know it!"


Qiu Mingyue was stunned!

"Are you really going? If he did this thing, the Qiu Family Manor must be all in ambush now! Although you are tough, just in case—"

"Relax! Whether you place a camera or find someone to assassinate you, it's all hypothetical now!"

"Because I really can't find the reason why he wants to kill you! Maybe someone else did this thing!"

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Qiu Mingyue's hair lightly!

"Then, that's okay! You must be careful!"

Qiu Mingyue blushed pretty!

"Send me out now, and then pretend that nothing happened, just do what I have to do!"

"Also, those hidden cameras will definitely not be on all the time! Relax!"

"how do you know?"

Qiu Mingyue looked puzzled!

"Have you forgotten about Long Yan last time? If the other party saw the picture at that time, I am afraid that he would have run away long ago!"


Soon, Jiang Fan came to the Qiujia dealer!

At this moment, Qiu Yuanshan is sitting in a pavilion drinking coffee!

In front of him, there is also a financial daily newspaper!

It looks very leisurely!

"Xiaofan? Why are you here?"

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, Qiu Yuanshan immediately smiled kindly!

"Hello Uncle Qiu!"

Jiang Fan said hello with a smile!

"sit down!"

After Jiang Fan took his seat, he suddenly spoke!

"Uncle Qiu, you installed the camera in Mingyue's office, right?"

Qiuyuanshan's complexion was slightly startled!

This kid is too simple!

There was no foreplay, so I went straight to the subject!

However, it's good!

"Haha, Xiaofan, do you know?"

"Why are you doing this?"


Qiu Yuanshan sighed with a sad look on his face!

"Xiaofan, you know, Mingyue has always been dissatisfied with me because of her mother!"

"She always felt that her mother committed suicide because of me!"

"I have explained to her many times, but she just doesn't listen!"

"I'm just such a daughter, and I can't worry about it after all, so that's why I used that method!"

Qiu Yuanshan looked sad!

Really like a good father who was misunderstood by his daughter!

"It turns out that you are monitoring it because you can't worry about it!"

Jiang Fan showed a look of surprise!

"Don't worry, I will try to persuade her when I go back!"

"Thank you then!"

Qiu Yuanshan looked happy!

"By the way! Uncle Qiu, Mingyue was assassinated before. I found the employer's phone number. It was from Mingyue's office. I don't know if you found anything on your camera?

Jiang Fan looked curious!


Qiu Yuanshan was shocked, and there was no flaw in his expression!

But Jiang Fan's hand under the tea table trembled suddenly!

old man!

It really is you!

You are so **** cruel!

Facing Qiuyuan Mountain with a blank expression on his face, even Jiang Fan, who was fierce and determined, only felt a chill in his heart!

The question just now was Jiang Fanxia's suit!

In fact, as early as Qiu Mingyue was assassinated, Jiang Fan had already suspected that he had reached the top of Qiuyuan Mountain!

For nothing else, if Qiu Yuanshan really cares about Qiu Mingyue and his daughter is assassinated, how can he be like a okay person?

And afterwards, neither arranged bodyguards nor contacted myself to ask about the situation at the time?

Isn't he afraid that the assassination will continue?

There is only one possibility!

This matter, Qiu Yuanshan, knows the story better than them!

Even more so, there is only one killer!

This can only show one problem!

Or, he knows who did it!

Or, he is the employer!

However, Qiu Yuanshan is Qiu Mingyue's father after all, and the tiger poison does not eat children!

Therefore, even if he knew that the camera was installed by Qiu Yuanshan, Jiang Fan still had a glimmer of hope!

He acted in Qiu Mingyue's office to test Qiu Yuanshan!

If Qiu Yuanshan did not do this thing, then when he heard of himself at that time, Qiu Yuanshan's first reaction would definitely be to check the surveillance before the camera!

And his expression would never be as perfect as this!

His reaction like this can only explain one thing!

My previous inference is correct!

The one who hired the killer was him!

Although Jiang Fan is not omniscient and omnipotent, his calculation is far beyond Qiu Yuanshan's imagination!

The biggest question now is, what is Qiu Yuanshan's motive?

"You don't even know?"

Jiang Fan also looked shocked!

"Damn it! I knew it, I left that camera!"

"Now, the clue is completely broken!"

Jiang Fan looked annoyed!

Then, suddenly slapped the table!


The hard marble table top was broken by Jiang Fan with a palm!

Countless dust rose, and Qiuyuanshan's face was poured over!

In an instant, Qiu Yuanshan's whole person was like a terracotta warrior that had just been unearthed!


Qiuyuanshan's eyes were fierce!


"Ahhh! Uncle Qiu, this, I'm really sorry! I'm sorry!"

Jiang Fan looked embarrassed and hurriedly started to help Qiu Yuanshan go down to slap ashes!

However, his hand strength seemed to be a little bit stronger, and he almost didn't shoot Qiu Yuanshan, so he was angry!

"Haha, Xiaofan! No, it's okay! It's okay! It's okay!"

Qiu Yuanshan was angry in his heart, but could only forcefully smile!


You wait for me!

And Jiang Fan also sneered in his heart!

Old tortoise!

Since you did it, don't blame me for slowly cleaning you up!

Play hard, right?

Lao Tzu is ten thousand times you!

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