God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 448: To live, you must live

Eight months ago!

The crimson fire, almost one after another!

The panicked Jiang Fan's ears were all screaming from the family servants, and the beasts were crying in excitement and craziness!

"Master! Wake up! Wake up!"

A cold female voice suddenly rang in his ears!

Jiang Fan looked back, and saw that a beautiful girl with long hair and waist-length jeans was staring at him!

It's just that the girl's body is hurt everywhere at this moment, and her breath is even weaker, only not much stronger than ordinary people!

No one can think of it, this will be a horror master who was once the tenth level!

"Master! The Jiang family can't keep it! Run!"

"Xiao Lin, where can we go?"

Jiang Fan looked bitter!

The opponent is too strong!

It's so strong and desperate!

Two of the Jiang family's fourteenth-level offerings, they didn't even get a punch from their opponents!

"Master! The road is under your feet, as long as you are willing to walk, you will be able to escape!"

"It's useless, you go!"

Jiang Fan gave a wry smile, staring blankly at the fire!

The Jiang family is ruined!

Just because, more than a year ago, my own impulse!

At that time, if I killed both Wang Wenjie and Zhou Ning, it would not happen at all, the situation today!

The old man was right, cutting the grass without removing the roots, sure enough, there are endless disasters!

"Hehehe! Isn't this Young Master Jiang? Where are you going?"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

I don't know when, Wang Wenjie actually brought a large group of subordinates together!

And beside Wang Wenjie, a middle-aged man in a straight suit was looking at himself with a mocking expression!

"This monster again!"

Xiao Lin trembled all over, and suddenly stood in front of Jiang Fan!

It was this person who exploded the two super worships of the Jiang family with one punch!

"Little girl, I thought you had good aptitude before, and this has allowed you to make a living, don't look for death by yourself!"

The middle-aged man frowned!

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to harm the young master, step over on my corpse!"


The middle-aged man's face sank, his right hand was slightly raised, and he snapped his fingers!


With a crisp sound, Xiao Lin suddenly let out a scream!

"Xiao Lin!"

Jiang Fan suddenly reacted and hugged Xiao Lin!

But at the beginning, he only felt that almost all the bones in Xiao Lin's body had been broken!

This middle-aged man was just snapping his fingers, and he actually shattered Xiao Lin's bones!

"Master...I'm afraid I can't protect you..."

Xiao Lin looked at Jiang Fan with a smile, and there was no fear of death in her eyes, only a trace of inexplicable reluctance!

"This is the last master of the Jiang family, the next thing is left to you!"

The middle-aged man smiled proudly, turned around and left!

"Yes, go slowly!"

"Do things simply, otherwise Ning Shao's methods, you know!"

"Yes! Please don't worry, Shao Ning, our Wang family will definitely do it, beautiful!"

Wang Wenjie sent away the middle-aged man with a respectful face, and then suddenly turned around, looking at Jiang Fan with a grim face!

"Hehehe! Jiang Fan, didn't you expect it? Your retribution will come so soon!"

Wang Wenjie kicked Jiang Fan suddenly!

One foot stepped **** Jiang Fan's head!

"Boy, weren't you crazy at the time? You actually made me kneel and kowtow!"

"Now, you are going to give me another madness!"

Jiang Fan saw that Wang Wenjie was not looking at him, but he looked guilty and looked at Xiao Lin who fell on the ground!

"Right! And this little bitch!"

Wang Wenjie suddenly remembered something, and suddenly smiled, looking at Xiaolin!

"Little bitch, when you fucking, you almost abolished Lao Tzu!"

"Today, I will calculate the old and new accounts with you!"

Wang Wenjie laughed loudly, and suddenly rushed to Xiao Lin!

"Beast! Stop it!"

"Stop? Hey! I don't stop, what can you do?"

"I heard that this little girl is just like your sister! I will be in front of you today, so cool!"

Wang Wenjie laughed wildly!

"Fuck Nima!"

Jiang Fan saw that his eyes were splitting!

Suddenly pounced on Wang Wenjie!



One of Wang Wenjie's men suddenly kicked him and kicked him out!


Jiang Fan was kicked and spouted a mouthful of blood!

"Master, don't be afraid, it's okay!"

Xiao Lin's voice suddenly sounded!

"The master has already left, run! As long as you are alive, there is hope for the Jiang family!"

"No! I won't go!"

"Please, master! Go! I don't want to let you see me for a while!"


Jiang Fan didn't know how he came out!

I only know that behind me, the ridicule of the crowd is constantly ringing!

And Xiao Lin's constantly ringing, "Live"!

Until, a big foot kicked heavily on his back!


Jiang Fan flew up suddenly, hitting one end in a piece of mud!

Next to the mud, there is a pile of dung!

This is the flower garden of the Jiang family!

"Damn, it's quite fast!"

Wang Wenjie's voice sounded again!

"This kid is useless, beat him to death!"


A group of subordinates immediately grinned and gathered around!

At this moment!

"Asshole! Stop it!"

The voice of a middle-aged man suddenly sounded!

The loyal uncle with messy hair rushed out from nowhere, and desperately pushed away a group of thugs!

"Huh? Old fellow, you are not dead! I thought you have to bury that old man from the Jiang family!"

Wang Wenjie laughed loudly!

"Wang Wenjie! Your royal family, who can be ranked among the seven great masters in Los Angeles, all rely on the support of our Jiang family!"

"If you do this, will you not be afraid of retribution?"

Uncle Zhong's eyes are full of angry flames!

"Retribution? Hey! If it weren't for Jiang Fan, this little brat to insult me, your Jiang family would not fall into this field!"

"Fart! Who doesn't know, you climbed to the Zhou family at that time, and were ready to attack our Jiang family!"

"If it weren't for the young master to warn you, the Jiang family would have been calculated by you!"

Uncle Zhong shouted!

"Oh? So you know! Hey, what about that? Jiang Jiashu is so popular that he has been targeted by the Zhou family a long time ago!"

"Even if I don't do it, the Qiu family will do it, and the Wu family will do it, it's the same!"

"What's more, it's better to make others cheaper than our Wang family! After all, three generations up, we have two families, but we still have relatives!"

Wang Wenjie smiled more and more proudly!

"Wang Wenjie! You beast!"

"Beast? I will let you know what a beast is today!"

"Hit me! Kill the No. 1 young man in the Jiang family!"

A group of subordinates laughed and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

For a moment, it fell like raindrops!

Jiang Fan was beaten with bleeding in his mouth and nose, but he bit his teeth!

Didn't even make a sound!

"Stop! Stop!"

Uncle Zhong stopped as if going crazy, and even leaned on Jiang Fan!

"Damn! Looking for death! Destroy this old guy for me!"

Wang Wenjie shouted!

His fists and feet are suddenly heavier!

Jiang Fan only felt that Uncle Zhong's breathing became weaker and weaker, and his shoulders were full of warm blood from Uncle Zhong!

Uncle Zhong, are you going to die too?

Next, it's yourself, right?

Jiang Fan is not afraid of death, but somehow, Xiao Lin's smile suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Master, as long as you are alive, there is hope for the Jiang family!"

"Live! Be sure to live!"

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