
How to live?

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes a wry smile!

But in his eyes, two groups gradually ignited, raging flames!

"Wang Wenjie! Stop it!"

Jiang Fan roared suddenly!

"As long as you let us go, you can let me do anything!"

"Oh? You can do anything? Good!"

Wang Wenjie rolled his eyes and pointed directly at the dung pile!

"Young Master Jiang, as long as you go and roll in the dunghill, I will let you go! How about?"

"Okay! I promise you!"

Jiang Fan looked ruthless!

", can't..."

Uncle Zhong stubbornly grabbed Jiang Fan by the corner of his clothes!

However, Jiang Fan directly broke free of Uncle Zhong, and he was actually lying on the dung pile!


"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! Young Master Jiang!"

"This is the dignified No. 1 young man in Los Angeles!"

"In order to survive, even the dunghill rolled!"

"Bah! The number one shit, he is a coward who is greedy for life and fear of death!"

"Trash! It seems that even if we don't do it, the Jiang family will be over soon!"

The crowd laughed!

Wang Wenjie laughed wildly!

"Jie Shao, I did it, let us go!"

Jiang Fan said softly!

"Spare you?"

Wang Wenjie's laughter gradually disappeared, and then suddenly he stepped on Jiang Fan's head with a kick!

At this moment, he only felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life!

The one at his feet, but the young and old of the Jiang family!

No one has ever been able to step on such a big man!

He is the only one who can do it!

Wang Wenjie was so excited that he trembled all over!

It's just that this feeling is destined to last too long!

After all, what the Zhou family wants is the life of everyone in the Jiang family!

"Let you go? Hey! I want to be beautiful, I want you to die!"

Wang Wenjie's eyes were suddenly ruthless!

At this moment!


There was a thunder in the sky that was originally moonless and sparsely starred!

And at this moment, Wang Wenjie suddenly saw Jiang Fan's eyes that were almost burning!

very scary!

This look is almost like a flame spewing from hell!

For an instant, he just felt that his soul would be burned out!

Wang Wenjie was shocked, and then took a step back!

"Sao Jie, what's going on?"

A subordinate asked tremblingly!

"Damn! What can you do?"

Just after Wang Wenjie finished speaking, the sky suddenly darkened, and then, the heavy rain fell like a broken bead curtain, desperately!

"Damn! What a good weather, why is it raining?"

"Sao Jie, what should I do? Just give him a go!"

"Huh! How easy is it!"

Wang Wenjie sneered! Suddenly changed my mind!

This kid, even now, he still doesn't admit defeat!

Or, I will let you die!

"Anyway, the Jiang family is also destroyed. With this kid, he can't survive at all!"

"Let him have a good experience of what it's like to be ruined!"

"Order to go down, no one is allowed to help him! Also, say hello to those from the Wu family!"

"They follow us and get the benefits of the Jiang family. This is not for nothing!"

Wang Wenjie finally glanced at Jiang Fan contemptuously!

"Young Master Jiang, take a good look, feel like you have nothing!"



At this moment, the Eight Immortals Tower!

Wang Wenjie looked at Jiang Fan, his thoughts went back to eight months ago for an instant!

Eight months later, this kid didn't die. Instead, he became friends with the Xue family!

But what about that?


Wang Wenjie sneered suddenly!

"You are still alive!"

"The blessing of Young Tojie, not only is alive, but also alive!"

Jiang Fan grinned, his white teeth shimmering slightly!

But in Wang Wenjie's eyes, it was as if a wild beast was showing its life-killing sharp teeth!

With a heart pump, Wang Wenjie almost involuntarily took a step back!

However, the next moment, he immediately took a step forward!

Oh shit!

This kid has broken his family and died!

Why are you afraid of him?

Moreover, he injured Aaron, he was going to kill him!

Now, I don't even need to find him!

"It turned out to be you! Very good! Jiang Fan, I am looking for you!"

"Oh? Is there anything wrong with Young Master Jie?"

"What's the matter? You hurt Aaron, right?"


Jiang Fan nodded unexpectedly, very simply!

At this moment, not only Wang Wenjie, but even the others were stunned!

Actually, this admits it?

"You, you, did you admit it?"

Wang Wenjie's face is dumbfounded!

"Yes! It was me who did it, why didn't you admit it?"

"you you!"

Wang Wenjie is a bit at a loss!

This routine is wrong!

It stands to reason that Jiang Fan should deny it in every possible way! Then I begged myself and let him go!

And I can replay the scene at that time, and let him continue to live like a wild dog after disposing of him!

When he thinks of that picture, he can't help himself with excitement!

But now, why did he admit it?

He is not afraid of his own revenge?

"Really, you did it?"

Wang Wenjie asked in disbelief!

"Of course! But I remember, he just broke a few ribs, he wouldn't be, is he dead?"

Jiang Fan looked expectant, looking at Wang Wenjie!

Wang Wenjie was stunned!

Suddenly reacted!

"You **** **** me? You're going to die!"

Wang Wenjie shouted angrily and waved his hand directly!

In an instant, four or five brawny men immediately broke into the box!

That's it!

Completely finished!

The two of them have a scalp numb every day!

Cao Zhixu burst into tears!


Well, I have to choose what to do with this meal!

Do not!

It's all because Lang is so stinky!

If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have booked Baxianlou!

Not even that, I have encountered so many bad things!


"Master Jie! What do you mean?"

Before Wang Wenjie gave orders, Huang Ling spoke coldly!

"What do you mean? Of course—"

Wang Wenjie didn't finish his words, and suddenly saw that there were two tall men with stern expressions outside the box!

These two people are responsible for the safety of Baxianlou, the security guard of the Xue family!

The security guards of all hotels in the Xue family are all elites out of a hundred!

And the security guards of Baxianlou are even more elite!

After all, those who dare to make trouble here are all high-class figures in Los Angeles, and there is absolutely no shortage of bodyguards around!

The general security is not an opponent at all!

And my own subordinates are just ordinary thugs, not their opponents at all!

"Manager Huang, it seems that today, you are going to keep Jiang Fan?"

Wang Wenjie's face was extremely gloomy!

"Jie Shao calmed down his anger, this is not my idea, but what we mean!"

"Xue Chengyue?"

Wang Wenjie's eyes twitched!

When did Jiang Fan, a kid, contact the Xue family?

The key is, Xue Jia is willing to stand up for him?


Taking a deep breath, Wang Wenjie gave Jiang Fan a fierce look!

"Jiang Fan, you are lucky today!"

"Let's wait and see!"

After Wang Wenjie finished speaking, he must leave!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly said with a smile on his face!

"Since Shao Jie is here, why sit down and talk a few more words?"

"Huh! Talk to you? What kind of thing are you!"

Wang Wenjie looked proud!

"Wang Wenjie! Look for—"

Qiu Mingyue's complexion suddenly became cold!

Dare to insult Jiang Fan in front of her, she will never allow it!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly and waved his hand directly!

"It's okay, Master Jie will stay!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out his mobile phone and turned on the player in front of Wang Wenjie!

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