God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 450: The story behind is more exciting

The moment the player was turned on, Wang Wenlong with tears on his face appeared in the screen immediately!

Accompanied by his miserable howl!

"Wang Wenjie! He did it! He did it!"


Jiang Fan directly pressed pause, and looked at Wang Wenjie with a gentle expression!

"Sao Jie, are you interested, take a look?"

"This, what is this?"

Wang Wenjie's heart beats suddenly!

A very bad premonition hit my heart instantly!

"It's nothing, what Shao Long told me, some interesting things about the Wang family!"

"Give me the phone!"

"That won't work. Either watch it together, or... I'll just give it to Wang Tianhai!"

Jiang Fan's smile was full of a sensation of revenge, which made Wang Wenjie's heart cold for no reason!

"Huh! Funny thing about the Wang family? I want to see, what kind of interesting thing is it!"

Wang Wenjie looked sarcastically!

"Okay! Then I'll show you a good look!"

Jiang Fan smiled and clicked to play again!

"Wang Wenjie! Wang Wenjie fell in love with my little mom, and while Wang Tianhai was away, he gave her to—"


For a moment, Wang Wenjie only felt the blood pouring up!

A cold air rushed directly to the Tianling Gai following the soles of the feet!

Others are even more ashamed!

The cold sweat soaks through the clothes in an instant!

The unfaithful love between the Wang family and the young mother?

That's it!

I heard such a breaking news!

If it's normal, they're afraid they would have slapped the table with excitement long ago!

But now, in front of the person involved, he heard such news!

At this time, I'm afraid how I died, I don't know!

At this moment, Cao Zhixu's tears were almost dry!

When my calf cramps, the soles of my feet must touch my buttocks!

Do evil!

"Young Master Jie won't continue listening? The following story is even more exciting!"

Jiang Fan turned the phone lightly with a sneer on his face!

"Damn! Jiang Fan, do you want to blackmail me? But you are too innocent!"

"This is obviously what Aaron was threatened to say! Who would take it seriously?"

Wang Wenjie stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"so what?"

"That old guy Wang Tianhai is very suspicious. Regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as I put this video in his hands, guess what will happen to you?"

Jiang Fan poured a glass of red wine on his own, and sniffed it lightly!


Wang Wenjie's eyes twitched!

After a long time, he suddenly smiled gloomily!

"Jiang Fan, you are indeed smart! However, you have forgotten the most important thing!"

"That is, strength!"

Wang Wenjie suddenly smiled grimly, and pointed directly at Jiang Fan!

"Go! Grab his phone and grab it for me!"

As soon as Wang Wenjie's voice fell, two of the four thugs behind him suddenly turned back and blocked the security guard at the door!

The other two suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!


Huang Ling's face changed drastically!

damn it!

Own, too careless!

But now, nothing is too late!


The two thugs had already rushed in front of Jiang Fan!

Wang Wenjie has already shown a smile that he is holding the winning ticket!

Jiang Fan!

You idiot!

If you put the video directly into Wang Tianhai's hands, it would be really troublesome!

However, you should never, use it to threaten me in front of me!

Grab your phone back in a while, I will make you regret living in this world!

When Wang Wenjie thought of the scene of torturing Jiang Fan, he was suddenly excited, and his whole body trembled!


Seeing that the two thugs are about to hold Jiang Fan, at this moment!


A crisp sound!

One of the thugs was directly slapped by Jiang Fan and flew out!

When the person is still in the air, his neck has been twisted strangely to one hundred and eighty degrees!

And the other one was caught by Jiang Fan's throat!

"Sao Jie, violence is useless to me now! You still think about other ways!"

Jiang Fan smiled, but squeezed hard!


That thug's neck was directly crushed by Jiang Fan!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

Killer as soon as you come up!

Too ruthless!

Too simple!

Especially, when I started, I didn't change my face!

And Wang Wenjie was even more palpitating!

This tone! This look! After this shot, the style of not procrastinating!

That Jiang family monster is back!

For a moment, he could hardly restrain himself, shaking!

My thoughts are even more, going back to that horrible summer two years ago!

Two years ago!

Los Angeles!


In the entire Wang family mansion, at this moment, there are three steps one person, five steps one sentry!

The reason why the Wang family is so guarded is to welcome a great man!

Zhou Ning, the elder of the Zhou family in Beijing!

In the lobby of the villa, Wang Tianhai, the lord of the Wang family, was sitting on a chair with a gloomy expression!

Opposite him, Wang Wenjie was cautiously, helping him with a pot of tea!

"Dad! It's been over an hour, Shao Ning, why haven't you come yet?"

"No hurry! Luocheng belongs to the Jiang family, even Shao Ning must be careful!"


Wang Wenjie agreed and immediately frowned and looked at Wang Wenlong who was lazily lying on the sofa!

"Aron! Sit down!"

"What are you sitting on? I just got a high school student yesterday, and I didn't get enough medicine, so I got a beating to be honest!"

"But that little girl is really not covered, I don't have the strength now, you let me sleep for a while!"

"Bastard! Let Ning Shao see, how decent it is!"


Wang Wenlong was helpless, but he just sat up!

"It's okay, people are not in vain!"

As a gentle voice sounded, a handsome and tall young man appeared in the middle of the hall silently!

This man has a broken hair and a mole above his left eyebrow!

He is only more than 20 years old, but his whole body is filled with a majesty like thunder!

"Shao Ning!"

As soon as the man appeared, Wang Tianhai's expression was immediately happy, respectfully, and bowed to the man!

This person is the eldest young master of the Zhou family, Zhou Ning!

"Wang Patriarch is polite!"

Zhou Ning smiled gently!

"Shao Ning!"

Wang Wenjie and Wang Wenlong also screamed respectfully at Zhou Ning!

The Zhou family, that is one of China's top giants!

But it is not their third-rate family that can neglect!


Zhou Ning nodded, and then looked directly at Wang Tianhai!

"Patriarch Wang, how did you think about the matter that I told you last time?"

"Haha, Shao Ning, our Wang family is nothing but a third-rate family! If you want to deal with a wealthy family like the Jiang family, I'm afraid it is weak!"

Wang Tianhai looked embarrassed!

"Wang Patriarch thinks that the benefits are not enough? So, why don't you make an offer?"

Zhou Ning smiled slightly!


Wang Tianhai's eyes narrowed slightly!

at this time!

"Dad! What's the advantage of doing less work for Ning!"

Wang Wenjie suddenly spoke and looked at Zhou Ning with a pleasing expression!

"Shao Ning! It is an honor for the Wang family to help you with our Wang family!"

"Don't say it's a mere Jiang family, even if it's a few giants in the capital, as long as you speak up, our Wang family will definitely go all out!"

When Wang Wenjie spoke, Wang Tianhai's expression suddenly moved!

"Yes! Ajie is right! Ning Shao, since you are so worthy of our Wang family, we naturally want to go all out!"

so close!

Since the Zhou family wants to cooperate with the Wang family, if they fail to negotiate, I am afraid that the first thing they will do is to destroy the Wang family!

Fortunately, Ajie is smart!

"Jie Shao is really smart!"

The corners of Zhou Ning's mouth curled up, admiring it!

"Relax, our Zhou family will never treat friends badly!"

"As long as you can—"


Before Zhou Ning finished speaking, the door of the Wang family suddenly exploded into a cloud of dust!

The bodyguards guarding the door let out a miserable cry, vomiting blood and died!

Everyone's complexion changed drastically!

Staring at the door firmly!

And until the smoke dissipated, a lazy voice sounded slowly!

"Zhou's family? Which green onion is it?"

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